
Interoperability Quotes

There are 170 quotes

"The Cardano ERC20 token converter... is major because it's going to allow projects on the Ethereum blockchain to easily convert over to the Cardano blockchain."
"A decentralized studio that's built the first interoperable blockchain universe."
"Interoperability is important, and I think NFTs and the blockchain will hopefully unlock that."
"Our ships, our submarines, our missiles, our planes, they can't talk to each other seamlessly."
"Chainlink: the inter-operable platform for all smart contracts out there."
"The cdp is at the center, creating flow and interoperability among applications."
"We need systems that connect countries; in other words, we need interoperability."
"Windows is getting a new Linux kernel to better run Linux programs under windows."
"Tokens need to move across blockchains, be purchasable in different currencies, and remain updated with key data."
"I think Flare is going to be able to add a level of interoperability not only with XRP but all other assets."
"The next big thing is going to be interoperable decentralized applications."
"Matter support coming later this year so Matter is a new smart home connectivity standard that's going to enable compatible accessories to work together seamlessly across all platforms."
"IBC is big. Cosmos kind of kicks that off, but Polkadot also has it too."
"Interoperability only makes sense. It basically takes closed ecosystems and makes them open."
"Being able to be talking to each other in terms of interoperability i.e silica ethereum it's a big thing."
"Interoperability is the key to building a CBDC future." - Marcus Treacher
"Blockchain interoperability is essential, and Quant is targeting Enterprise clients with the help of Oracle."
"Metaverse projects that don't think about interoperability now as they're building are the ones that are not going to succeed."
"Adding products, services, and becoming interoperable with other chains can accrue an incredible amount of value for everyone."
"The Internet of value needs open protocols and standards to enable the many value networks in the world to connect with one another and become interoperable."
"Interoperability is the future. Avalanche users can now buy Polygon or BSC assets in a single transaction, enhancing cross-chain transactions."
"Near Protocol: a crypto project with proven security, interoperability, and a deflationary Max Supply."
"XRP is known to be perfectly suited for cross-border payments because it enables the exchange of two currencies acting as a neutral bridge without any risk."
"Future vision: Bitcoin as store of value, other protocols for smart contracts, transactions. Interoperability key."
"Would it be possible for Ethereum to be a Solana L2? Probably more likely than you might think at first glance." - Solana Labs co-founder
"Native interoperability plus bridges is going to be the future."
"The big problem is how do you make Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana interoperate?"
"Establish an interoperable cross-chain decentralized identity standard."
"I want my company, my application to be as widely spread and as easily connected to as many people and remove as many frictions as I can, and interoperability achieves that."
"Cosmos is an amazing interoperability technology."
"When programs start not just interoperating by reading their data but using their logic across themselves, you might get an explosion of value."
"In reality, if we're going to use Polkadot's potential, apps need to span across chains."
"Project Cappy is designed to be a means of ensuring that Polkadot-based applications that span multiple chains are able to have a fluid and seamless interface."
"Creating a global open source standard that will allow blockchains to interoperate with each other."
"Interoperability is the ability of one cloud service to interact with other cloud services."
"Adaptive cards are typically authored in JSON, which is a lightweight method for storing and transferring data between apps and services."
"Consumers will demand interoperability across experiences in the metaverse."
"There are some community members looking into Matter support, such that we can have Zigbee to Matter similar as the bridge does. So, it would be really cool to have."
"Interoperability between multiple web3 platforms makes assets more valuable."
"If you can do that in terms of multiplying what the allies and partnerships can produce and kind of align it a bit better then I think you really start to get to interesting interoperability and real scale."
"This ecosystem is also interoperable with other ecosystems out there."
"Avalanche is a blockchain that can easily link up with Ethereum so that you can use Ethereum dapps for a much lower cost."
"We actually think that there is no other broader automation solution that has this level of interoperability between different environments."
"Interoperability and universal tools are essential for building a compelling ecosystem."
"It's flexible, easy to read, and interoperable with other graph and array libraries."
"It essentially connects multiple chains and allows you to do things like create blockchain agnostic tokens."
"We should be able to store, transmit, and exchange value with the same ease as content and data."
"There needs to be a protocol anyone can connect to that provides simple interoperability for money."
"You don't really need to connect to Injective; it works on top of other blockchains."
"Zig is very strong in the interoperability with C A C++ the cross compilation and build this system is very interesting and pro much more promised and also during the compile time you can do a lot of things."
"If you want your solution to work in a multi-vendor environment, you usually have to write your own abstraction layer."
"Interoperability will definitely impede the development of good algorithms in healthcare."
"The arrival of FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) in 2013 marked a significant milestone in healthcare standards."
"Interoperability, cooperation, and flexibility are the cornerstones of NIMS."
"This super chain is not a closed ecosystem but rather interoperable with everything in the Ethereum ecosystem."
"Our choices seem to be between an interoperable future with a few jurisdiction settlement assets or more balkanization."
"The overhead is small and it has the ability to be easily used across different domains."
"The ability to operate crypto across networks has become increasingly critical."
"Interoperability by the armed forces is critical to winning wars."
"Web 3.0 is blockchains talking to each other, and Cosmos seems to be leading the pack on this interoperability."
"One of the first things is just going to be making it really easy for users to bridge and transact across chains."
"It's got to be interoperable, right? Every wallet, every password manager needs to interoperate."
"Interoperability plays a very vital role in ensuring that your data lakes are not isolated."
"The interoperability goal is awesome."
"Julia is really easy to integrate with other programming languages."
"The shift will be more pronounced as instant payment schemes globally become interoperable."
"The protocol is very useful not only for people who build infrastructure like we do but as an interoperable protocol that can be used even for inter-application traffic."
"The interoperability between Rust and Python specifically is really good."
"HL7 was able to fit all of the information needed for healthcare interoperability on a single page."
"Many other players across the industry are working on their own Quick implementations, and they interoperate well."
"You can nest Swing within JavaFX and vice versa, and then you can interoperate between the two of them to create a first-class desktop application."
"You sort of need these three core interoperability technologies working all together: data, goods, and money."
"We need that kind of interoperability and that's really what creates the competition that drives down the cost."
"Most of India’s aircraft, like the French Dassault Rafale, are characterized by versatility and interoperability."
"Reliability and interoperability are hugely important."
"Just imagine you have this interconnected ecosystem where every game asset, every token, every point system, every achievement is interoperable."
"True interoperability means Polka Dot enables cross-blockchain transfer of any type of data or asset, not just tokens."
"Interoperability is what it's all about."
"Rather than interoperability being an afterthought, people think about it from the get-go and choose a technology like Arrow to improve the interface between the system they're building and the outside world."
"Closure allows wrapper-free interaction with Java."
"Imagine if Twitter and Facebook users could talk to each other, that they were built on an open protocol."
"These components can be written in different languages but still interoperate really easily and efficiently."
"Chainlink is kind of coming out with a product that's going to be a game-changer for cryptocurrency, right? Interoperability."
"Interoperability refers to the ability of agencies in different types or from different jurisdictions to communicate together."
"HL7 Version 2 has achieved widespread global adoption as a general healthcare interoperability standard."
"It's how we should be thinking when we think about cooperation and interoperability."
"There are many other bridges you can build, especially between Ethereum and Layer 2 chains like Matic."
"The challenge is that between all of these different agencies across different governmental boundaries, there's historically been a lack of interoperability between them."
"C-DISC's mission is to develop and support global platform-independent data standards that enable information system interoperability to improve medical research and related areas of healthcare."
"The most unique feature of Matrix is bridging."
"Django’s job is to be somewhat opinionated because having opinions and having a stand base to build off is what breeds community and breeds interoperability."
"It's an interoperability Powerhouse, Powerhouse."
"Interoperability between blockchains supports the past, present, and future."
"Everything is interoperable, it's like an open API."
"The interoperability of avatars and items and levels and stuff like that is a big deal."
"The main idea behind ontology is that we create common vocabularies which are logically well-defined, which can be used to tag data coming from different sources so that the data becomes integrated, the sources become interoperable."
"Interoperability is one of the key levers of why everybody wants to push forward this concept of ISO 20022."
"We can mix and match languages with seamless interop."
"Mastodon is part of what we call the fediverse, which is a giant social network regrouping many different services that can talk to each other."
"That allows that interoperability between C++ and Godot and Rust."
"The increasing demands for interoperability with other groups, services like video back haul and mobile data, and the efficient use of frequencies and bandwidth push the development of Technologies to the next levels."
"Good cybersecurity depends on good cryptography, but good cryptography is good security and good interoperability."
"Launching the stable coin on both XRPL and Ethereum opens doors to cross-chain interoperability."
"The principle benefit to IEC and programming standards in general, is that it allows code to be reused and programming techniques to be shared between different hardware platforms."
"Interoperability is a very big issue within cryptocurrency."
"Cosmos has not only come into solve these issues but is also working on another huge issue which is interoperability."
"The more that there's interoperability between different services, and the more content can flow, the better all the services can be."
"Ethereum Name Service and what it means for interoperability of the next generation of the internet."
"The goal is interoperable devices at the 61850 communications level."
"Features ship interoperatively across modern browsers."
"The great UNIX philosophy was the output of my program should be the input to your program."
"We can build a game engine in one language, we can build the UI in a different language, and yet we still have what looks like a native client library interface between the two."
"So you can write your code, the client code and the server code, in the same language, and have that interoperate in a nice way."
"The web becomes interoperable with custom elements."
"We'll dive into different types of properties, interactive schedules, documentation methods, and interoperability."
"Using an international standard, we go from interoperability in the community to actually global interoperability."
"With web components, HTML becomes your interoperability layer."
"Interoperability is a big key thing, the ability to function with this blockchain and that one and that one and that one, right, becoming a hub."
"All the different services like Mastodon, Pixel Fed, or PeerTube can talk to each other thanks to the ActivityPub standard."
"The OPC foundation was formed as an independent organization to ensure interoperability between automation systems based on an open standard for communications."
"Faster development in an open setting for the modern and mobile web with fewer surprises, more compatibility with Java, and easier interoperability with the rest of the non-GWT world."
"The interesting thing about TCP is... once things settled down, people really did achieve interoperability and could actually build new applications."
"Because we're using this generic container, it means that psycho image is interoperable with most of the other Python packages in the Python scientific ecosystem."
"I like languages that are good citizens, meaning they interoperate well with other languages."
"Chain link's data connectivity Solutions across chains and once everybody is on a single standard, transactions can happen seamlessly."
"SOAP exists because a desirable attribute for communication between different applications is interoperability."
"With DSO, you can own your identity, content, and social graph and take it with you across hundreds of applications."
"We support the C ABI natively and our structure layout can be made completely compatible with C structures."
"Interoperability will drive the innovation of the grid of the future."
"Interoperability is the ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged."
"Once every chain is interoperable and transactions come down to being almost free, what is the unique value add to a crypto asset? For me, it is about a crypto asset having monetary premium."
"It's really interoperable with JavaScript... you can think of WebAssembly modules as being equivalent to ES6 modules."
"It unlocks synchronous composability just like we have today, which is the best class of the best type of composability."
"Interoperability is an absolute necessity into the future."
"This makes it a truly interoperable token that can be used in any way in any metaverse that adopts this technology."
"Interoperability is its own reward."
"With a commitment to interoperability and building bridges, both literal and metaphorical."
"Cardano users will be able to utilize their ADA in applications in Nervos and vice versa."
"I think it's important, so we're gonna have a quick section on comms interoperability."
"It's all interoperable and really, really cool."
"Boost Python makes language interoperation between C++ and Python a lot more seamless."