
Record-keeping Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"Hopefully by now you understand what Blockchain technology is - an open, censorship resistant method for managing records by everybody, hence making them practically impossible to falsify."
"Joe Biden for his entire position... was a copious recordkeeper, notetaker, diarist."
"For the first time, people were able to organize and record the world around them, to write their own names and thoughts."
"We are writing a record we will have to explain to the next generation."
"I decided to keep a record of every single day."
"Bitcoin is this giant spreadsheet that keeps track of absolutely every single transaction."
"14 to 5 guys is a really good record that's nearly a three win-loss ratio."
"Having these digital copies of important fossils at least we have some kind of record."
"Barry kept thorough records of all his prior business dealings."
"We have 795 children who died, we have their deaths, we have not burying records for them."
"You keep your own personal record so you can monitor your development."
"I honestly came to realize during the course of researching this video that Guinness World Records and most records agencies don't exist because they want to catalog the best in human behavior."
"The Vatican keeps more receipts of its exes than Taylor Swift."
"The device was tested and confirmed safe before being implanted into Greaves to serve as an indisputable, impartial record of what was discovered for council records, in compliance with the o5 edict."
"It's better to put those in a place where they can be calculated and they can be counted and they can be part of a record."
"Twitter is an accurate record of everything that's happened to this world well you can see the interactions anyway nothing that doesn't delete it off Twitter every gets deleted."
"The Germans claim that 71st infantry division only lost 16 men killed and 50 wounded on this day."
"One thing that we have to note at this point is... Gavin still has not taken a bogey in the tournament."
"A good system of record-keeping and controls is necessary but not sufficient for the success of your business."
"I appreciate the context and I think it helps to establish a clear record."
"Apparently Melania Trump brought in a friend who wasn't impressed by misconduct, had enough, kept records..."
"Constantly testing, backtesting, taking journal notes – the key to success in trading."
"The blockchain acts as a ledger, telling who has what and what transactions happened over the course of history."
"Quality record-keeping is key. You have to know where your successes lie."
"Documentation every day will save your life."
"One common misconception on record"
"You're going to be happy that you kept this sort of document or record of whatever it is you're working on."
"Documenting the incident helps to create a record of what happened, which can be used for future reference."
"The Daeva were many things, but perhaps more than anything they were chroniclers."
"Can we prove if the great flood actually happened this is history happens people typically the victors record what happens future Generations read those records and accept them as fact."
"Uniform tablets were used to record economic transactions, track taxes and inventories, and even document the sale of land and livestock."
"Press priming is fine for the record."
"When an update happens on this record-keeping system, it is updated globally and simultaneously."
"A record has been preserved for posterity."
"Well, according to my note that I made back at the end of May, May 28th is when this came in."
"Documentation can be our best friend."
"It provides us with an extremely detailed record of what happened."
"That's kind of a nice thing to keep track of."
"The church keeps counting this way because they're also including anyone that's and they'll count these people until they're 110, that's when they take them off the records."
"Not a single word do does he or she utter, whisper except that there are two angels two Watchers and Witnesses writing every single word every single letter."
"Record's been around three years and it's now in the books."
"My original goal before Beth came on board was to dramatize all this was to it was to create a clear record of what Purdue Pharma did."
"Record keepers often focused more on the sound of a last name than making sure the spelling was correct."
"You are conjured away by queen At Batu, the scribe of the gods whose stylist is of lapis and carnelian and she had the records about who was in or out."
"Audit trails are very, very useful. It's not just that we know whose head is on the chopping block."
"Keep your records throughout the year because that will help you build your confidence and get to know your animal."
"I have a record of everything I've ever done. That's kind of convenient."
"My philosophy is that if there's no record of it, you didn't do it."
"Word to the wise: you have to document this very well with an email, with something where there's a clear date stamp."
"And I'm glad that nowadays we're having the proper record of his mental health."
"It just does not matter what is said; it matters what is recorded."
"Document, document, document. You will appreciate that in the long run."
"You just need a file that is called my games and you put every single game of yours into that file."
"Mapping doesn't take long but it requires you asking these two questions: what records exist and where can I find them?"
"Keep a written record... dial in your maintenance schedule."
"Baseball is fundamentally connected to its statistics and record keeping, much more so than other sports."
"With our 8 million specimens, we are the largest herbarium in the Western Hemisphere."
"Your past season's fishing logs are helpful, but this is clearly not a typical season so far."
"To have a continuous record of whatever you're scanning is an incredibly powerful tool."
"Catalog your records... it's very important to know what you have."
"Yes, Lauren Wilson has a birth date on the 26th of December."
"Maintenance of school records is indispensable for systematic and successful working of a school."
"You have to hold on to all the records indefinitely until your store is shut down, until your business is no longer operating."
"God is keeping a record of everything that should have been yours."
"Document everything, that's what I say. Just document everything, even when you're not sure, just document it."
"For financial month ends, I want to keep exactly what the financial amount was for that table."
"Take a screenshot of this for yourself, please, to have that so you can see the date and time on the top over there."
"Each and every detail is recorded and any alterations can be detected by verifying it against everyone's personal version of the blockchain."
"It is fundamental to any accounting system that it provides a complete and accurate record of all transactions."
"That is what you're saving for your own records, really nice."
"I kept a record of all the plants I grew last year, which did well, which didn't, which ones were my favorites."
"The aim with the IPS is to come up with a bare minimum health record that could constitute a complete snapshot of someone's health."
"Make a record... so that you can keep track of what you did."
"Keeping records is the only way that you are going to be able to know if you're progressing or if you're regressing with any behavior."
"Always record the date on the hot water tank when it was installed."
"We record continuously, permanently, all births and deaths that occur within the boundaries of Ghana."
"The blockchain is a record of literally every transaction that has ever happened in that currency."
"Take notes and have a notebook, log your miles and log what service you did with the date."
"Document everything and take intraoral photos of everything."
"I really want a record of the collectible stuff I have because having a photographic record of things is super useful for insurance purposes."
"I am so happy that I journal everything."
"If there's an index, there's a record likely somewhere."
"For any reading this, you should keep a record of things you're told to do at work, especially if you have multiple bosses or receive conflicting information."
"The people in charge of recording and maintaining these kipus were known as kipukamayuks."
"I keep a log book in which I provide the reps and the weight that I use and then I try to beat that record from last time."
"With the Rocketbook technology, you can always scan the pages and bring it up to the cloud, so you've got a record of it forever."
"I keep things like auto records, beauty records, health records — all that kind of stuff."
"Pennsylvania was late in recording births, marriages, and deaths compared to other states, making it challenging to trace people back in colonial records."
"It gives you a single record, a source for everything."
"The history of that file clearly shows everything that we've done."
"This is where I keep all of the planning and record-keeping for our homeschool for the year."
"You must keep records of your audit process."
"It's very, very important that organized and accurate records be kept of all QA activities."
"The notes that you take are for you."
"Sketching pretty much anything while you're visually observing is awesome; first of all, you have a record of what you observed."
"Everything is recorded in Moodle."
"Just keeping good records is just a good way of life."
"So if there is any discrepancy or we have a question, we can always go back to our record and see what came in and what left."
"Make sure that the ID is auto-increment so that as we add records, it adds a number on its own."
"Save evidence of large purchases."
"Whatever password you create, whatever security questions you choose, and the answers you provide, write all this down and save it."
"We have a complete history of everything that has happened in the system... since the beginning of time."
"Keep records and see what actually works best... record both profit outcomes."
"If there are deaths, my advice is you should keep a record of it because one day there could be an investigation."
"And if you like sports history, then let this serve as the official tally."
"Keep records, pay attention to what you do, and you'll improve every single year."