
Work Stress Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Junior residents working a 30-hour shift are 460% more likely to make diagnostic errors in the intensive care unit."
"So, here's some of my final thoughts. I think burnout is the canary in the coal mine."
"I'm just trying to get all this work done in the middle of the end of the world."
"It's simply not worth the soul sucking that it will do."
"The stench of overtime is just... it's full on my nostrils right now."
"If you just suppress everything and just keep working, you don't realize how much it's like [ __ ] up up there."
"Constant context switching is like the number one mental health Affliction of knowledge work."
"Honestly, I was just quite overworked in my day job at the synth company."
"I got another question, how many cases am I trying in April? Is it the Civil rape case plus defamation one and two or is it something else?"
"Healthcare frontline workers are frustrated and angry."
"I think they saw that I was literally, I felt like I was drowning in the workload."
"When everything is going wrong at work and you're apologizing and a customer says, 'Oh honey, it's not your fault.'"
"Burnout isn't just the result of working long hours."
"That's the kind of one that leaves you sweating the backlog and you're like, oh man."
"The night before, 3:00 p.m., the day before, they need it for an upload. My computer blue screens and wipes out 12 of those 18 polish minutes."
"As soon as I gave my notice at my job I haven't had a migraine since it's a wonderful feeling to know that your body is on board with your decisions."
"YouTube is obviously a grind. Everyone thinks that the stuff that we do for let's say the social media world is just sort of a walk in the park. It's really stressful, it's intense."
"I just finished [ __ ] 10 hours working at McDonald's, there's no break. I keep [ __ ] hurting and I [ __ ] want to die."
"The absurdity of the current situation is creating as much of the burnout as it is just we also have to add these extra hours."
"This overload issue... I think it would be much more sustainable."
"And it can be an interesting hobby if you're getting yourself worked up over this and stressing out and thinking about quitting and burning out, maybe just don't take it so seriously, chill."
"Oh my god did I underestimate this frigging job."
"When you're stressed out by your work, you do it worse than when you want to do something."
"My depression comes from anxiety of work, right, or like lack of work, or I'm worried about what we're making or what I'm putting out."
"Crunch is the act of pushing yourself... It's a feeling of running on five hours of sleep... desperately chipping away at an assignment."
"If your job is driving you into a hole and it's harming your mental health, it is an emergency."
"Experts say you could be harming your mental health by not taking leaves and inevitably ruining your performance at work."
"I'm honestly kind of impressed that they found writers to do that because like I swear working on this show must have cut like 15 years off everyone's life"
"High work-related effort coupled with low control over rewards triggers adverse effects on mental and physical health."
"The effort reward imbalance generates negative emotions, frustration, stress, anxiety, and aggression."
"Somebody's gonna be stressed because of work okay so you might be going over to their place after work they might be coming over to your place after work."
"The moment it becomes a business and becomes work, I mean it's truly stressful, um to really handle, yeah and I don't have anybody paying me any money right now from the industry so I can say and do whatever I want to and it's pretty refreshing."
"Talk about a terrible night at work. The only thing I could do was turn around, go back inside of that building, and sit at my desk."
"I'm tired of working for idiots who are gonna get me killed."
"Every day at my office, I sprain my brain."
"Waiting tables gives you a newfound respect for how hard it is, how stressful it can be."
"There's a whole person being buried alive underneath the work that you're doing."
"Stress is a killer. Strokes, heart failure, and suicide aren't uncommon for office workers."
"These ghosts were born from the hearts of those pushed to the point of utter exhaustion by their work."
"Every time we start a new project all hell breaks loose."
"Your positive energy is so refreshing and exactly what you need after a terrible work week."
"I'm getting anxiety about my job and immediately thought back to the hand and said to myself, 'You can disconnect.'"
"Don't kill yourself over animation."
"Burnout refers to emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion related to work that persists over time."
"If stress is a normal part of every single workday, then I think we have to pay attention to that."
"I'm so happy this week at work has been super stressful."
"I believe that people are increasingly concerned about the risk of stress-related ill health frequently experienced by people in highly paid positions."
"The effects of crunch on family life and relationship stress, decrease in job satisfaction, those can lead to increased absenteeism and employee turnover."
"There is scientific evidence that long working hours is related to stress."
"No one should ever be that stressed, that depressed, that anxious over a job."