
Food Preservation Quotes

There are 374 quotes

"This food preservation thing can be a lot of work, but then when we go to cook with it, it makes winter cooking a lot easier."
"Smoking and salting are both very, very important techniques."
"We've got rows and rows of canned whatever. These things are already preserved for us."
"Fermentation is definitely my all-time most used preservation technique."
"Baked brownies freeze wonderfully and they stay fresh for a long time."
"What if you had a better way of preserving that food so you can actually eat it later?"
"Many, many vegetables end up fresher, inverted commas, by being frozen the moment they're picked."
"Adobo could be described generally as something with an acid that will allow it to tenderize and have a longer shelf life."
"Understanding some traditional food preserving techniques can save us now."
"Freeze-dried food: Technology preserves food for up to 30 years."
"Preservation is probably one of the subjects that I have really become obsessed with in culinary school."
"I thought today would be a great opportunity to share a preservation method."
"You might want to consider getting a freeze dryer, and I'm talking like commercial grade freeze dryer, but these things are massively expensive."
"I have a dehydrator too, that's another thing you can get, those are relatively inexpensive."
"Great tip for using leftover herbs: simply chop finely, mix into butter, roll up in clingfilm, and freeze."
"Invest in a Food Saver, it'll be your biggest investment tool with your food storage, hands down."
"For all the challenges in the garden, we actually preserved more food this year than we have ever preserved."
"I should have done it years ago because I could have had my own canned broth, my own canned beans, and so many possibilities."
"Smoke preserves food both physically and chemically. It also tastes real good."
"Hard tack has never been known for its flavor or texture but its ability to keep for long periods of time means that it has remained a staple of military rations."
"The French government offered a 12,000 Franc prize for anyone who could come up with a new method of food preservation."
"So, I thought that was a very clever idea for putting individual portions into your bucket and then extending the life of everything that's in here."
"Misting fruit and vegetables helps them retain more water."
"There's no refrigeration... so hence lots of salt."
"Canning frozen food feels like one of my cheat codes."
"Honey is probably the only food that can literally never go bad."
"Utilize your freezer... to reduce food waste."
"Whole kernel popcorn, actually a forever food."
"Whole spices don't lose their flavor as fast as pre ground spices do."
"The Anglo-Saxon diet was quite different... tied to seasons, climate, and realistically whatever could be effectively preserved."
"We were freezing to death and the food that we did have actually froze on us."
"Our freezer allows us to keep fish, meat, and vegetables frozen for as long as we need."
"But once you break that fat cap, you've broken that 'airtight seal'."
"In the freezer, it can last at least three months."
"This easy to use automatic vacuum sealing food system... will extend the freshness of meat from three days to nine days, fruits and veggies when you store them in the fridge."
"You gotta think like the American pioneers that you gotta start canning salting drying all these things that you do to preserve food because you've got to survive the winter and make it to the next spring harvest."
"Preserve food to reduce waste - it's a game-changer."
"Freeze bread and other items that you will use in order to extend its shelf life."
"Thank you for hanging out with me all afternoon while we froze all of these emergency pantry staples."
"Freeze your bread. That's it. Simple as that."
"There's not one way to preserve food that is the ultimate only way that it should be done."
"It's probably going to be worth it for you if you're growing a lot of stuff to go ahead and invest in a freeze dryer."
"Vacuum sealing keeps food fresh for much longer."
"I found a story of a man who supposedly ate a 15 year old salisbury steak dinner and according to him it was pretty okay."
"Pre-war donuts... are still fresh with quotation marks around the word fresh and a trademark symbol next to it so yeah take that for what you will."
"Dandy boy apples... their slogan is apples so good they never go bad so if they are real whole apples then I wonder what process they could have undergone to be anything but some decomposed organic material."
"It will actually help the grapes stay better for longer so that's just a quick tip that I wanted to share with you guys."
"Your vinaigrettes can last a good two weeks in the refrigerator and your creamy dressings your dairy based dressings can stay fresh about one week in your refrigerator."
"Dry aging is a process of basically controlled rot."
"I freeze all my soups and stuff in the canning jars. See, I learn something every day."
"Salt helps with some clumping, it also stops the bacteria from continuing to develop."
"Harvest the parsnips and then we're gonna save any that are gold."
"Flax seeds come in nature's finest packaging—this hard natural whole keeps them fresh for a year."
"Preserving food should save you time and money somewhere in the big picture."
"Your crisper drawers are actually one of the best ways to help preserve vegetables and reduce food wastage."
"Food storage is a thing that most people practice here in the United States."
"The canning of food has been a revolutionary invention that forever changed the world."
"Being able to preserve it shelf stable room temperature long term is priceless."
"There's enough to talk about for food preservation for 18th century North America, much less what's happening around the world."
"Any one of these crafts, specific food things, a preservation technique."
"Ghee lasts forever. I mean, I can't say that indefinitely because I'm not going to live forever, but I'm working off of some ghee that I made... in 2013. And what is this now, 2021? That ghee is eight years old, ladies and gentlemen."
"I'm going to dehydrate them. I think it's going to be super exciting to have some homegrown home-dried onions."
"It is the only food that virtually never goes bad."
"The Templars were among the most skilled fighting units of the Crusades."
"Make sure if it's pretty eat, but it doesn't make your food rot quicker because mind you, pesticide is meant to make your food last forever."
"Hopefully this video encouraged you to use up some of those cuts of beef that are sitting in your fridge."
"As a preservative, the salt was added, but most importantly, it was full of protein."
"This is the easy way to pickle any vegetable."
"The difference it can make: better storability, vibrant colors, and enhanced flavor."
"Dehydrating is probably I would say it's the least expensive way to preserve food."
"Adding a five-gallon bucket of water is much easier than battling too much moisture the mold the dampness the veggies the losing all your produce."
"I really want cookbooks to get back to this. Curating a small collection of cookbooks that are more instructional and focus on seasonal eating and preservation methods of foods. Those are the true gems."
"Refrigerators are large dehydrators, I mean they won't tell you that but that's what they are."
"Food can last considerably longer than stipulated."
"Freeze drying is going to do a way better job than any other method of food preservation."
"Canning is a lost art and so it's one of those things that we do a lot of every year."
"It's really nice to have it on our pantry shelves because it's fruit that is, you know, shelf stable."
"If I'm going to continue to grow in my food preservation skills... I've got to use the food in order to do that."
"I have canned more in the last six months than all the other times I had canned."
"Canned food is considered non-perishable and so this will give you something that if you stock up on it, you can have it for a long time."
"After doing some research, freeze drying seemed like a great way to be able to preserve food for our family."
"I cannot tell you how many freeze-dried meals we have consumed over the years on raft trips, on hunting trips, anytime we fly and need our food to be lightweight."
"You should definitely consider getting a freeze dryer if you don't have one; they're an amazing way to save all sorts of food."
"It's made a huge difference in my ability to preserve food for the longer term."
"The food in the cans typically with the processes they use to can, with the sterile processes and the heat, they will last to a hundred years and beyond."
"Pickling is a full-time job, holy. I now know why they charge like 10 bucks at a craft fair for a thing of beets. They're incredibly beautiful, like, love how they turned out."
"A great tip for stopping potatoes, apples, and avocados from going brown: When cut, simply cover with water and add a squeeze of lemon. The acidity stops the flesh from oxidizing, which is what causes the color to change."
"If you're tired of your fruits and vegetables going bad super quickly in the fridge, then grab these fresh keeper containers."
"We have gallons and gallons of strawberries... I just freeze them in gallon bags and you can see here very easy to dump into a blender."
"Fermentation is just an essential part of how people everywhere have been able to make effective use of whatever kinds of food resources are available to them."
"If you keep avocados in a jar of water they will keep for five weeks."
"You never wanna have air in those bags because that's what causes your freezer burn."
"Mozzarella freezes really well you can flash freeze them on a cookie sheet and then put them in bags to store in the freezer and then pull them out for eating later."
"Like food in metal cans, MREs can be kept for a long time, but not indefinitely."
"A freeze dryer is something that, after you've been kind of gardening for a long time, getting into the homestead thing, and you really want to preserve a lot of food for a really long time, freeze dryer is what you want."
"It really never goes bad. I've never lost a belly to spoil it."
"Learn how to preserve your food for the long haul."
"Preserving food is a really fantastic way to eat through the winter, but also to capture something at its peak."
"No more expiration dates, people. No more spoiled food. It's going to be amazing."
"Bring your cast iron to the table... keeps your food warm longer."
"I just try to squeeze all the air out and then I always label the bag with the date and what it is."
"If I can make food last longer without it going bad, then I'm going to be saving money, right?"
"You guys are not going to believe how easy it is to can chicken."
"Canning season is not just a summer and fall thing; it is a year-round thing."
"The best storage is still going to be in the freezer. It's a protein which can degrade over time if it has fat, it's going to turn rancid over time, so the best way to protect it is to store it in the freezer."
"Look into a food sealer to save on bulk purchases."
"I love using the vacuum bags for marinating meat. When you vacuum seal meat in marinade, it helps the meat absorb the marinade a lot better."
"It keeps that lettuce fresh longer."
"I'm really just happy that it is food preservation season because this is one of my favorite Seasons."
"Yes, I can meat after it's frozen."
"Food that's been freeze-dried also retains 97% of its nutrients."
"Without getting too technical, that covers the basics of what you need to look for in mylar. It's a very, very important step in the food storage in the freeze-drying process, arguably the most important."
"One of the things about freeze drying blueberries that I've learned through my research is that you do actually have to poke a hole in every single one."
"Whole milk powder can absolutely last a year even more as long as it's packaged correctly."
"Learning to preserve your food is the most empowering and cost-effective saving skill there is."
"You can freeze potatoes after they've been cooked. You absolutely can. They might get just a little soft, a little mushy, but all that's going to do is thicken your soup. It's just going to make your soup creamier and thicker."
"Canning salsa in pint jars: making sure everything is perfectly sanitized."
"Filling jars, leaving just the right amount of headspace."
"De-bubbling jars: breaking up any air bubbles for optimal preservation."
"The majority of which will be preserved but some of it will be eaten fresh during the month of January."
"I just realized that it was a good idea to have an intentional time of year where I purposed to use up all of the food that we have preserved."
"Applying an artificial coating of wax helps to seal in the moisture of apples, extending their life."
"Blanching is better for storage because it will hold the color longer and it works with stopping the enzymatic process that changes that color and makes food degrade over time."
"The range of carrots that you can dry to make sure that you have carrots on the shelf year-round."
"One of the main reasons to choose canning meat over just freezing meat is because of potential power loss."
"Food preservation is officially here. I mean, it's been here for a while, but being gone for a week and seeing all the abundance that can come in in a short amount of time—it's what makes my heart happy."
"...I'm trying to use up. And then Luke and I are getting more of those Peppers into the freeze dryer."
"There's a lot of negative stigma with pressure canning. People think, 'Oh well, I don't want to risk getting botulism.'"
"You can pressure can their meat and their veggies and then have enough food to sustain them through the winter and into the next year."
"In the fall, in the winter, I'm still eating pickles from last year guys and these things are just as crisp as if I took them right off the vine and ate them."
"Anything that's left of this broth, I'm gonna put that broth in a freezer bag and when I need to flavor something up with chicken broth, hey I'll throw me some of my frozen chicken broth cubes in my dish, I love to do that."
"Preserve your food here" - kitchen hacks for the frugal
"This kale salad lasts for days in the fridge."
"It's pickles! See how easy canning is and pickling can be?"
"It's summertime and canning season has just begun, woohoo!"
"Things start to spoil because of the bacteria hanging in the air, but those bacteria need some moisture. So what if we try and reduce the amount of moisture in the air?"
"If you're just getting started out canning and say you don't have a lot of room for a lot of equipment, I would go ahead and just buy a pressure caner."
"So all I have to do is put these strawberries in a jar or something I guess if I wanted to store them super long term I could do my lar bags but I'm just going to put them in a jar seal them and store them in the pantry."
"So, I just ordered another one of those massive freezers. I'm not going to eat my Butcher Box. I'm just going to freeze it, deep freeze it."
"It's really good that you have multiple ways to preserve food at home."
"It's a really great way to keep whatever produce is fresh and in the market or the farmer's market."
"I have shelves of canned food produce that I store from my garden and farmers markets when everything's in season, so I can eat it later."
"If you had your meat and it was nice and chilled, having it in your pack with some things around it can actually help keep it cool, kind of insulated." - Ryan Lampers
"Canning, when it's done safely, is a really great way to get food on your shelf."
"It's not that hard, it's not dangerous as long as you follow basic instructions."
"And if you want the step-by-step directions, we have that free four-part video series where you actually get a meal on your shelf."
"Portable bag sealer machine: revolutionizing food preservation."
"Grains were traditionally used the leftover grains... and that's actually also the way to make them because they hold up much better."
"So just make sure you are on top of that."
"Make sure you preserve as much of the food that you have left over from the holidays as you possibly can."
"We're so excited to try these for the first time, try drying our own beans and actually you know get to enjoy them this winter."
"Preserving food is a lot of work but there's something that's just so special about it."
"When I say shelf stable, I mean that these can actually go into your main pantry or your extended pantry. They do not need to be refrigerated or frozen."
"The way I choose them is of course for them to be nice and firm and green and to store them before I store them I should say I remove the green leaves that are not so hot looking and then I roll it in aluminum foil and it will store beautifully up to three weeks in the fridge."
"You need to bring stuff that either won't go bad or stuff that you're going to eat within a few hours."
"I find so much enjoyment in canning food, I do."
"However, like with the berries, like with the veg, when you freeze food, you change the structural element."
"These last a very long time because of the beautiful probiotics that are in them."
"This Pantry challenge really does represent the culmination of an entire Year's worth of work in growing and preserving food."
"Canned food lasts a whole lot longer than you think it might."
"With these berries, I finally have enough food to last all winter!"
"There's no reason to. That can vegetables last for years on the shelf..."
"Food preserving, yeah, in a sense you kind of got to think of it that way, is you get a strike while the iron's hot so to speak."
"...especially for preserving you want to get it at the perfect time so if it's too early or it's not mature yet and it's not fully ripe, then you're not getting the best flavor."
"Canned food can get stored a long time without spoiling. If you can get rid of the bad bacteria or stop them from getting into the food, the food will last a long time."
"So I hope y'all like this video putting up freezer corn and canning potatoes."
"Ferment all of the available sugar, stabilize, and then safely back sweeten."
"Dehydrated, they're going to stay good for a long, long time."
"Freeze drying, I’m going to hopefully have videos on it one of these days, best way to preserve your avocado for long term use."
"Leaving it in the ground or storing in a dark cool dry place for months makes this a great survival food."
"Just make sure you really give this a good seal."
"Air is your enemy in food preservation."
"This will be set up with shelves and all sorts of storage for longer-term storages of things like flour, peas, beans, dry goods."
"I'll show you what I do and a lot of people probably do it, some people don't know about it. I didn't know about it and I was like, 'Why the hell is my cryovac bags going all funny when I cryovac my prawns?'"
"Honey is the only edible food that we eat that will never go bad."
"If you add a slice of bread to the container, the cookies will keep their soft texture for much longer."
"There's a lot more involved, a lot more that you can learn about freeze drying."
"If all the signs look good, you have no bulging, you have a proper seal, and then obviously you are just looking at your preserves."
"I'm going to pull all that stuff out, go through it, see what I can preserve, see what I can put in the freezer, that way there's no food waste, and we get the most out of all of these leftovers."
"Get ready to hear all about jars and how it's going to help your produce last a whole lot longer."
"Freeze dry food is great because it maintains all of its nutritional quality. You don't lose any of the nutritional quality of the food once it's freeze-dried."
"Both the vinegar and the sugar act as preservatives with these peppers."
"One big area that gets overlooked when talking about summer power outages is how to prevent as much food as you can from spoiling."
"Keeps food fresh five times longer."
"Home canning is so rewarding and it is taking control of what your family consumes."
"By covering your veggies with salt water and then just letting them sit out at room temperature for a couple of days you get something really nutritious probably even more nutritious than the original vegetables."
"25 half pints of jalapeno peppers done two ways, right, two ways, y'all."
"Preserving cabbage with salt gives a different way of preserving it and a different taste."
"Canners these days are extraordinarily safe, much more safe than they were when I first started canning back in the 60s and 70s."
"Adding tannins... helps to keep pickles crunchy."
"Brine is simply sea salt added with water, creating an environment perfect for lacto-fermenting bacteria to flourish."
"Put them in the fridge... they very slowly dehydrate and the flavors then increase."
"I'm really happy with them; this was my very first pressure canning and it turned out really well."
"You squeeze a little lemon juice on that apple and it doesn't brown."
"Explain like I'm five why does one thousand day aged Gouda have a use by date of 30 days? Cheese, or like people, it can live a long time but as soon as you remove the skin, it starts to go bad."
"I hope that the traditional food of Guangzhou, chick pie, can be passed down from generation to generation."
"That's what makes freeze drying different than anything else, and that's what makes it way different than dehydrating."
"Freeze drying maintains basically almost all of the nutrition of the food."
"Before refrigeration, they used to slaughter pigs in the winter because it was cool and the meat wouldn't spoil."
"Both of these systems are good for home canning, that is jam making, jelly making, marmalades, but also for anything you make in a water bath canner or in a pressure canner."