
Bigfoot Quotes

There are 318 quotes

"On the surface, Bigfoot's existence does seem a bit unlikely."
"The odds of Bigfoot being real are significantly higher than three billion ten million nine hundred thirty-six thousand three hundred and eighty-four to one."
"The whole business of the Yeti and the Sasquatch or Bigfoot is very interesting."
"The rise of Bigfoot began long ago when the creature made its first appearance in Native American art and lore and has since escalated into a cultural phenomenon."
"Bigfoot has moved from tabloid scoffing to something that the majority of the people think, 'Well, there may be something out there.'"
"One thing remains clear: the Bigfoot phenomenon is only growing."
"Have you ever witnessed a Bigfoot moving so confidently in any of our trail cam captures?"
"This has got to be one of the best bits of footage I've ever seen of a Bigfoot."
"A team of scientists can verify that their five year long DNA study currently under peer review confirms the existence of a novel hybrid species commonly called Bigfoot or Sasquatch living in North America."
"And they say Bigfoot isn't real. The volume of this bellow is striking, it's not just loud but has an almost otherworldly quality to it."
"In 1958, a bulldozer operator in Bluff Creek, California discovered 16 16-inch human-like footprints near his equipment... And the legend of Bigfoot was born."
"I'm in Washington State's Olympic Peninsula about to set out into the forest with the Olympic Project. I'm here to find out if Bigfoot actually exists and if so, could there be an extraterrestrial connection."
"Survivorman Bigfoot Edition was me producing a 10 part... documentary series exploring the phenomenon called Sasquatch."
"The stories of Bigfoot or Sasquatch as he has been called have been around for centuries."
"The Bigfoot is described as an ape like in stature seven to eight feet tall."
"The species is found in both male and female and all reported to have piercing orange or red eyes."
"Bigfoot is not a hurting animal. Bigfoot is a primate."
"One of the strangest Bigfoot encounters." - Albert Ostman
"Bigfoot went from being a silly little local Legend to essentially America's greatest Monster Hunt." - Aiden Mattis
"Bigfoot is the girl in the costume, honestly, probably."
"That's the Holy Grail in the world of researching Bigfoot: the Patterson-Gimlin footage."
"Bigfoot is much stranger than I had ever imagined."
"I'm Dwayne Pintoff and I have been investigating actively Bigfoot and other phenomena since 1983."
"Of all the famous Bigfoot sightings, the most famous was the one recorded on film: the Patterson-Gimlin recording shot in Bluff Creek, California, in 1967."
"What we have come across time and time again, regardless of which part of the country we are in, is stories of Bigfoot encounters from eyewitnesses and researchers alike."
"California get all the press when it comes to Bigfoot but in Clem 2 no one even questions the possibility they're just here and everyone knows it."
"What if Bigfoot is real? I mean, we proved that with DNA."
"I haven't seen bigfoot I i would love to see bigfoot I'm an investigator and I'm very curious and I think this is one of the enduring mysteries of humankind particularly modern humankind."
"If you go out to find Bigfoot, you'll never find them, you know, but if Bigfoot wants to, it'll find you."
"Many believe that Bigfoot is a cryptid, a creature whose existence has not been scientifically substantiated."
"Legends of Bigfoot go back beyond recorded history..."
"Bigfoot if you're out there it's only a matter of time before drone technology tracks you down."
"For years since the game's release, rumors have circulated that Bigfoot can be found lurking in and around the forested areas of San Andreas."
"Minnesota is known for an abundance of Bigfoot sighting reports."
"Bigfoot is most often described as a large heavily muscled bipedal ape."
"Hey everyone, welcome to Mountain Beast Mysteries! In today's video, we're going to be talking about Mount St. Helens, the eruption, and the rumored Bigfoot bodies that were apparently recovered from the area back in 1980."
"Encounters with Bigfoot: sightings and encounters in Yosemite."
"The footage hails from New England in North America. Now if you're familiar with the Paranormal Community, you'll know that this region is renowned for its numerous Bigfoot sightings."
"If there's ever a time to have a Bigfoot encounter, it's right now. This is creepy."
"What the scientists are wanting is a body. People that are studying Bigfoots and research Bigfoot, they are totally against killing one and I don't see why you would want to."
"Its presence in myth and legend doesn't mean that it's not actually real."
"Was this a Bigfoot? If it's not, it's quite the elaborate hoax."
"Did these kids really see Bigfoot or was it something else?"
"Now many people believe that these noises could be coming from Bigfoot, in other words, Sasquatch."
"Could there be a Bigfoot in the Amazon? A creature that for the longest time has been said to roam the rainforest of Brazil?"
"This new image aligns with those earlier captures, adding further weight to the argument for Bigfoot's existence."
"He described the scream as if a woman was being murdered... I think it was a bigfoot screaming in those woods."
"Then and only then shall Big Foot be rewritten into the history books as a living, breathing representation of an ancient nomadic lineage of Homo Sapien who has always been walking silently side by side with modern man in the forest."
"What could this thing be... Is this a Bigfoot?"
"This was not the only time the family had seen and experienced their Bigfoot. It was incredible."
"I think this trail cam photo shows a genuine photograph of a Bigfoot."
"There is no good evidence for Bigfoot's existence, so there's absolutely no reason to believe it exists at all."
"If Bigfoot proves to exist, it would be one of the greatest scientific finds of the century."
"If Bigfoots are in fact a real animal, there should be stories of them in the native oral traditions, and sure enough, there are."
"He's about as elusive as Bigfoot up here."
"The Bigfoot thing and the Sasquatch thing, it's a lot of fun, but it's also first and foremost to me at least, it is a conservation movement and an environmental movement."
"Salt Fork has been a mecca for Bigfooting, but I think it's a symbiotic relationship where researchers are welcome down here."
"The appeal to me of the Bigfoot topic is the consistency of accounts of it throughout legends and folklore and literature."
"The story of Jerry Crew is in almost every way the story of the birth of Bigfoot as we know it."
"Northern America is full of folk tales, lore, and legends; few of these resonate with us still today in the way that Bigfoot does."
"...I don't care if Bigfoot exists or not because it's just the culture of it's fascinating and the confusion and the speculations a lot more interesting."
"Bigfoot and monsters in general have a very persuasive power about them."
"I am part of the Bigfoot gang, I'm a size 11."
"The Patterson-Gimlin film, which is really the only really convincing film footage we have."
"Native American legends all over the continent that talk about a big hairy Wild Man."
"He definitely saw and he described them as four white creatures. He didn't say 'I saw Bigfoot.' He said, 'I saw four white creatures.'"
"As a bigfooter, all the remnants of the prehistoric world beg one of the most hotly debated questions of Sasquatch research: Where are the bones?"
"There are creatures science refuses to recognize, refuses to recognize like Bigfoot walks into a lab and the scientist just goes nah you're not really what we're looking for these days just get out of here."
"Every year more Bigfoot sightings are reported across the world. There is no final conclusion as to whether he is a benevolent soul or a monster of the woods."
"I've never seen anything like what I saw that day. The more I replay it in my mind, what happened, I'm convinced I saw a Bigfoot."
"A typical Bigfoot sighting reports a large bipedal, vaguely human-shaped animal."
"The reflective eyes of Bigfoot have been reported in many sightings."
"Physical evidence includes footprints, photographic evidence, audio recordings, hair, scat, habitat, and environmental evidence."
"The running theory is that it's most likely a relic hominid."
"The people that seem to see Bigfoot the most are the people who are not looking for Bigfoot."
"If you happen to come across a Bigfoot, what should you do? Definitely investigate the area, look for footprints, take a lot of pictures."
"People like to make Bigfoot into a quote unquote monster."
"We love Bigfoot in movies, commercials, it's become an important cultural icon in our society."
"Genetic variation, guys, this is actually good evidence for the existence of Bigfoot in my opinion because it shows that there is potentially a viable species out there that displays a natural range of genetic variation."
"I've tracked them in the Rockies and been close to one four times. They can be dangerous." - Greg Eagle
"We've got Bigfoot insurgents to worry about. Sasquatch Taliban." - Staff Sergeant Jacob 'Mumbles' McKinney
"He believed that Bigfoot and similar cryptids may be interdimensional beings that can occasionally take physical form for brief periods of time but have the ability to fade out and pass through wormholes possibly to other dimensions or parallel universes."
"Whether it's a relic hominid, an unknown species of ape, or simply a figment of our imaginations, Bigfoot has become a part of our cultural fabric."
"There's just regular people, and they have an interest, and they have a fun time learning about Bigfoot and all that. It's such a mystery to them, and it's a great topic."
"I don't know what that is, but it might be a Bigfoot because we have them around here."
"The hunt for Bigfoot became a global phenomenon and inadvertently turned Willow Creek into arguably the number one destination for squatchers and Bigfoot enthusiasts worldwide."
"Since it was shot in 1967, the famous footage known as the Patterson-Gimlin film has been by far the most compelling and controversial alleged documentation of the legendary creature known as Bigfoot."
"Bigfoot confirmed Bigfoot Bigfoot and I cannot emphasize this enough confir confirmed confirmed yep."
"No one has killed a Bigfoot and actually brought it to, say, the Smithsonian."
"Peter Byrne had a camp set up near Willow Creek which is another hot spot for sasquatch activity in the Pacific Northwest, and that was kind of his base of operations."
"I'm totally open-minded as to the question of Bigfoot existing in the Northwest. There has to be something to these reports."
"If this doesn't convince you that Bigfoot is real, then what would?"
"Join us on our journey as we venture into the heart of one of the squatchiest places in the US."
"For decades Salt Fork has been whispered about in hush tones as a Haven for The elusive Bigfoot."
"A lot of people, like me, hope that there is a Bigfoot because it would be extremely exciting if there were a primate, a large primate, like this that we didn't know about living in our midst."
"I think some Bigfoot's, Bigfoots, whatever you want to call them, are just curious and they don't mean you any harm."
"There it was, a Bigfoot was standing about 15 yards in front of our truck."
"I've come across Bigfoot stories where Bigfoot used some type of telepathy or something, and I've heard similar accounts on Lee Stroud's YouTube channel, so I suspect a Bigfoot was present that day."
"I love it. I love a Bigfoot. I just love it. It makes me feel powerful and tall and strong."
"If you have had a Bigfoot encounter and would like to talk about it one day here on the Channel please contact me at Sasquatch Theory at outlook.com."
"I think the reason Washington has more Bigfoot reports is because there's so many people around Seattle and there's a lot of sasquatches there as well because the habitat is perfect."
"...Bigfoot...captured the imaginations of crypted hunters for many many decades."
"Native American folklore is full of warnings that women and children should be careful out in the woods alone, as they attract Bigfoot attention."
"What I am saying however is that a phenomenon exists in Central Oregon that just so happens to recreate phenomenon reported for hundreds of years and attributed to Bigfoot."
"There was a Bigfoot looking through the window thing, watching."
"Interviewing monsters and Bigfoot, coming to a streaming service near you!"
"This film has since been known as the greatest evidence we have of the existence of Bigfoot."
"Do people really still believe that Bigfoot is out there? Well, the answer is yes."
"It just made me completely sold on the idea that the PG film was a hundred percent real, and if the PG film is real then Bigfoot is out there."
"Bigfoot was just some mythical creature until a group of explorers found this Sasquatch frozen in Lake."
"Alright everyone with all of that being said let's get into this next Bigfoot interview from the state of North Carolina."
"My conclusion is that they are real recordings of Bigfoot."
"I've hated so many times saying if you believe if these Bigfoot shows are just dumb. But like yesterday, like, I kind of understood like the magic behind Bigfoot."
"It's always good to have proof of Bigfoot, right? Like, see, I told you."
"Maybe Bigfoot is as good an explanation as any."
"Do you feel as if going out looking or hunting for Bigfoot is possibly destroying Bigfoot's habitat?"
"It's surprising, Gabe is going to talk here another hour and he's found a surprising amount of habitat evidence of Bigfoot in the Metro areas."
"You couldn't find a better place for a Bigfoot."
"I believe the continuity of the forests allowed Bigfoot to travel large distances and it's been seen at both ends of the forest."
"How dumb do you have to be to hear that people are shooting Bigfoot dead on site and then be like 'You're not gonna be really funny if I get myself a Bigfoot outfit and pretend to be one?'"
"There was absolutely no doubt about it, it had to have been Bigfoot on the hill above the gate."
"I have no fear of Bigfoot but I do have a healthy respect for them."
"If you've had an encounter with a Bigfoot, or if you've just seen or heard or smelled something strange, don't be shy about sharing that."
"That is the world's largest Bigfoot, just so you know."
"Human bait needed. Volunteer position for Bigfoot research project. Safety not guaranteed. Must have strong work ethic and some camping skills. Reward: Fame."
"It's been a long road and just from that experience, all perspectives changed on the Bigfoot thing."
"A picture describing what is called Bigfoot or Sasquatch: foreign eyes, a muscular body covered in hair, two big feet."
"Thank you for joining me here in Cherrylog, Georgia, for the Expedition Bigfoot museum, a very, very, very lovingly created museum showing the bits and pieces and evidence of Bigfoot and Sasquatch and all the variants of Bigfoot and Sasquatch."
"Are you calling me a liar? That's exactly what I mean. There's no believing or not believing in Bigfoot; however, there's such a thing as believing or not believing in the honesty of the tens of thousands of eyewitnesses."
"The sighting has reignited interest in the search for Bigfoot."
"I was honestly relieved to hear a Bigfoot story so close to my area, not to mention the experience took place near the Merrimack River, close to where I live."
"Yeah, exactly, and, you know, bigfoot's mentioned on every single TV show that, you know, talks about weird stuff, UFOs, giants, you know, angels, bigfoot's brought up in every conversation, so it's something that's taken seriously."
"My Bigfoot sightings have been happening on a regular basis since 2011."
"What would happen to you if you discovered it? This would be the biggest scientific discovery in biology of all time. Right? What would happen to you? You would be on the cover of Time magazine. I'm assuming with the Bigfoot, right?"
"What took you so long? Don't tell me Bigfoot led us off course."
"She would attribute these tracks to a Bigfoot-like creature."
"There was also sightings of large hairy Bigfoot-like creatures on the property."
"It's the type of phenomenon that we have witnessed before in bigfoot expeditions."
"I think I got lied to, I don't think that Bigfoot lives or he's been seen."
"I immediately thought Bigfoot my dad and uncle freaked out and my dad got his pistol out."
"Kerry Stainer believed in Bigfoot, talked about Bigfoot to the cab driver who's driving him back after he dumped Julie's body."
"Most of the stories I hear are things about Bigfoot or ghosts or something like that. Well, I saw something driving home one night that is even scarier than Bigfoot."
"We were destined to find Bigfoot again and prove everyone wrong."
"Expedition Bigfoot is finding some things with their big-ass technology."
"For the Yurok and Karuk of Northwest California, Bigfoot is just another Denizen of the forest worthy of cautious respect just like a bear or a cougar."
"Visual Evidence of Bigfoot in Yellowstone."
"...the most famous of all the Wyoming Bigfoot stories was the account of Wyoming Game and Fish biologist John Mayansinski who spent almost two hours on a bright moonlit night in the Wind River range in 1972."
"We saw Footprints from at least seven individual Bigfoots, over 100 footprints total."
"I know it sounds crazy, but Bigfoot had everything to do with my friend who went missing."
"So she titled it 'Bigfoot sighting near Port Renfrew.'"
"At this point, I don't know if Bigfoot really does exist, but I definitely can say that those footprints are pretty unexplainable."
"Do you believe in Bigfoot? Well, you should."
"It was a Bigfoot, there was no doubt in my mind."
"We both saw Bigfoot walking across the road."
"It was definitely a Bigfoot; there was no question about that."
"I truly believe that it was indeed a Bigfoot."
"My Bigfoot sighting happened in the Sam Houston National Forest."
"I decided to make a Facebook group with a post; my Facebook group is East Texas Bigfoot Research Organization."
"I'm not only am I a believer, I'm a knower because I have seen one."
"The only thing I have seen that looked like this is the descriptions of Bigfoot."
"In the world of Bigfoot or Sasquatch, Mount St. Helens is kind of the epicenter for some of the most wild and intriguing Bigfoot lore."
"I saw Bigfoot. I'd run and hug them. Yes, I would like to see a Bigfoot. I see the yellow of its teeth and just changed my life forever."
"I've been an enthusiast in cryptids and Bigfoot and things for probably about as long as I can remember."
"What I want for the Bigfoot, I want them protected."
"If you like Bigfoot stories, you're in the right place, and you have found your people."
"Bigfoot led their people to what is now Clak and showed them how to hunt and live on the island."
"Harry and the Hendersons is more of a heartfelt, thought-provoking tale."
"When you're Bigfoot, everybody's after you."
"Riding on 66 inch tires, this is the monster truck they call Bigfoot."
"He's got an obsession with Bigfoot lately."
"The Bigfoot, the 2500 series camper that Bigfoot offers, has the extra thick insulation and it also has the thermal pane windows."
"We've been looking at these Bigfoot truck campers for quite some time now, hoping to one day possibly get one, and here it is."
"Bigfoot is attested to be a big hairy upright walking ape that lives in forests in North America."
"The mystery of Bigfoot has been a long-standing quest for answers spanning hundreds of years."
"Frame 352 refers to a specific frame from the Patterson-Gimlin film, considered the clearest and most detailed image of the creature."
"Later in life, Barr is recruited for another mission of equal importance but of a different nature: being to track and eliminate a Bigfoot carrying a deadly plague."
"The GTA series by Rockstar Games has added the legend of Bigfoot to its detailed open-world environments."
"The Independence Day footage refers to a Bigfoot video captured on July 4th, 2010, that stands out for clarity and interesting content."
"The Survivor Man Bigfoot series is an exploration into the world of Bigfoot led by survival expert Les Stroud."
"This trap is believed to be the only one of its kind designed specifically to capture Bigfoot."
"The Bigfoot mapping project is an initiative aimed at tracking and visualizing reported sightings of Bigfoot across North America."
"The consistency of Bigfoot descriptions over time and across different cultures could be indicative of a real undiscovered animal."
"Sasquatch, as locals in North America know it, is also very well known as Bigfoot."
"Reports of Bigfoot range from children to law officials to seniors that really have nothing to prove or gain from it."
"The Bigfoot legend is one that has persisted for many, many years."
"Aerobatics like we've seen from Bigfoot are all part of the show and part of the action."
"Belief can be a powerful force, no one knows that better than the people who are sure they've seen Bigfoot."
"Bigfoot is real, and it is dangerous like any other wild animal out here."
"Some say lives a beast known by many different names such as Sasquatch, Wild Man, Man of the Woods, Genosqua, or simply Bigfoot."
"It's a lot of space to live and hide if you were a Bigfoot."
"It's the biggest concentration of reported Bigfoot sightings in the entire state of Indiana."
"The craze for Bigfoot developed among Californians and many more sightings were widely publicized."
"Believe it or not, one of the other things I learned is that Bigfoot likes to be entertained."
"Many people believe that the untamed forests of the Pacific Northwest harbor a mysterious creature known as Bigfoot."
"Bigfoot, they said, elusive giants wandering the depths of the forest, their existence shrouded in mystery."
"I had encountered a bipedal Brown Bigfoot, something that I'd never thought I would see in my lifetime."
"Out of all the cryptids, probably Bigfoot's the most legit."
"I told her what she had seen was a Bigfoot."
"I know what we both saw that night was a Bigfoot."