
False Accusations Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"Pigeon was cleared of being a Chinese spy, but served eight months anyway."
"It's unfortunate that many are falsely accused of being creeps when the real ones are often lying in plain sight."
"Rape is a heinous crime, but if somebody is falsely accused of rape, it's an equal pain, if not anything less."
"The most disturbing accusation from last night was that our late friend and colleague Brian Sicknick's death had nothing to do with his heroic actions on January 6th."
"If you make provably false allegations of sexual abuse you should have to serve the time the person you accused would have served if convicted."
"Some cops could be bad people, leading to false accusations."
"The idea that someone can make an allegation against you on social media without any evidence and the next day you can be fired from your job because of it that's scary to most of us."
"We have a legal system that incentivizes false accusations for money."
"This woman accused him of drugging and raping her repeatedly. She even fabricated social media posts to prove it. Turned out she'd actually attacked herself. She's since been unmasked as a fantasist and a serial liar."
"I've not only gone through false accusations, I've been failed by the police and the justice system when there was solid evidence there that I was innocent."
"Discussion and debate are not bad intentions; slandering someone as a sexist cat caller without reason or evidence does demonstrate both cowardice and bad intent."
"The charges of racism are almost always false."
"We've all been trained to see misogyny so well that we frequently see it when it isn't even there."
"An allegation alone should not be enough to support the destruction of a man's life and a man's career."
"When you're accused of horrific acts and things that you have not done, you have a tendency as humans to get very, very irate and angry."
"I believe if you are proven to falsely accuse someone of rape you should automatically be charged with a mirror image punishment."
"You're constantly feeling misunderstood and spending all your time defending yourself against false accusations."
"I do not like false accusations of criminal activity."
"There were people offering ex-girlfriends and associates... to make false accusations against them."
"False accusations are extremely rare, much rarer than they're represented."
"If it isn't true, and you buried this guy... that still is terrible for him because forever a huge percentage of this country is gonna think that he did it." - Cenk Uygur
"I know that if I were dealing with false accusations I would 100% want someone to investigate it to ensure that my name gets cleared."
"Katie Joy accuses 7M of engaging in human trafficking."
"Accusing a nation of terrorism without concrete evidence damages diplomatic relations."
"What would you do if you were Johnny Depp and someone fabricated terrible lies about you?"
"To falsely accuse somebody of any kind of racism is a major dishonest and dishonorable thing to do."
"It's an injustice to people who have been accused falsely and have gone to prison... it's an injustice to women who have actually suffered through legitimate sexual assault."
"I think we're beyond the idea of fringe or civil disagreement. Falsely accusing someone of rape with no evidence whatsoever is flat out evil."
"Men are not disposable, and if you take gender out of this... you do not accuse somebody of false things and then double down several times and then not take it back."
"Everything should be being done to take it back and make things 100% right for this person who has been falsely accused and frankly will never be the same."
"It's sick to think that a 14 year old girl, her friends, and her mother would all just go out there and say all these things just for the purpose of destroying someone's credibility."
"There is no excuse for leveling accusations that can ruin lives or trying to utilize your following to de-platform others who have done nothing to deserve it."
"False DMCA's are seen, in the eyes of the law, as essentially perjury."
"The CNN accusations are totally and unequivocally false, and CNN would have known them to be untrue had it undertaken any reasonable efforts to verify their accuracy before publication."
"All the charges against him are absolutely bogus, spurious, fabricated, and trumped up."
"Currently got a strike on YouTube for promoting gambling when I've never gambled in my life."
"It's somehow worse to not have the evidence and just get convicted by the internet."
"This chick has been faking hate crimes across campus for potentially a few months now."
"It's disgusting because when they've done that they were watching the channel and they've also done it knowing that that's gonna get people sending threats to me calling me a rapist apologizer and all sorts of stuff."
"In the unlikely event that you are falsely accused remember that will be much easier for you to overcome false allegations than it will be for actual victims to overcome the trauma of harassment or assault."
"Wow people i think and i think women and men for that matter will women twice before they start spreading before you ruin somebody's life with an accusation and when somebody can't defend themselves you know yes it's like."
"The only time somebody ever accused me of stealing their content was when a Nazi lied."
"Words like these we're hearing now with false accusations, those words matter."
"We found out who did it. It wasn't JStation."
"She's turning him into this rapist, violent, creepy psycho, like serial abuser. That's what she's turning him into here with the burden she's creating."
"Someone must have been telling lies about Josef K."
"It is enough for the survivor to agree to false accusation of another person."
"I've been accused of manipulating things and doing things that I didn't even know happened until the accusation came up."
"You were spiritually protected from this ex-lover of his, and you were protected from what his people were saying about you."
"Just by printing the accusation you have forever tarnished a man's reputation whether it's true or not."
"I think that being careless with accusations of pedophilia when talking about pride, when talking about queer people, talking about trans people, like, I think that's what really does make the left look more full of pedophiles, right?"
"The only issue with this accusation is that it never happened."
"It's such like a hard case to go through because on one hand I don't want to put out too much stuff that could make people try to discredit legit DV victims but then on the other hand Amber's [] lying like this is so [] this is so messed up dude."
"If you're called a terrorist misogynist traitor nazi criminal and you're not, can you sue the person that believed you?" - Questioning the consequences of false accusations.
"It's slander because I never even came close to saying something like that."
"Brian Fox did not do that terrible thing... It's wrong for our side to do the same to Brian Fox too."
"In all of the cases that we've just gone over it's the same exact thing, this is not even really about the accusations anymore, it's about how do we react and treat people when we find out those accusations are false."
"How horrible would that be for the whole world to believe you're a cold-blooded killer when that wasn't the case?"
"It's fair to say that Captain Jack is not a faultless perfect person, but it is incredibly sad and disappointing that not only his life but his entire career has been upended by false domestic violence allegations."
"They identified African-American women who were doing the work of democracy as basically being a threat to his presidency... they lied." - Carol Anderson
"They just accused her of heresy with no evidence because it was a lie."
"One false allegation can destroy you for life, truly for life."
"You're not responsible for someone else's behavior."
"Adam Schiff went to the floor of congress to hold our friend Mark Meadows in contempt based on a fake text message."
"Can you imagine a celebrity being accused of something they really didn't do and an AI just created."
"When they turn out to be false, they tend to do unfathomable damage to our perception of rape victims."
"Dudes will literally be locked up for things they didn't even do based on what women have accused them of."
"The police here don't mess around. My ex with a sociopathic grin on her face tried to frame me as a wife beater. That's plenty grounds for arrest."
"I hope that everyone involved in this, not only this scandal but for anyone who falsely accuses someone of assault, I hope that they get what's coming to them."
"If you're a man being accused of some [ __ ] that you didn't do damn extortion money it will never end."
"It was traumatic for the lads, these false allegations."
"My point here is that the act of spit loading... never actually happened."
"Some of you are in what you're in because other people got involved and spoke to the powers that be to make you pay for something you actually did not do."
"Men are quite literally more likely to be hit by a comet than be falsely accused of rape."
"False accusations are incredibly bad for rape victims."
"My ex girlfriend was very abusive and she made several false rape allegations against me."
"Allowing false allegations to run amok harms victims, it harms real victims."
"Witchcraft is women being scapegoated under false accusations."
"Sexual allegations, even when disproved, often leave the falsely accused person living under a general and misplaced suspicion."
"This story is scary in another way. Any one of us could be charged at any moment and our lives turned upside down and our reputations ruined forever, all based on lies."
"The matusitz family embarked on a campaign by spreading false accusations."
"Daniel Alex roacha became motivated to carry out the crime when Blackthorne falsely claimed that Sheila was mistreating their children."
"It's a horrible thing to commit sexual crimes, however, it's extremely horrible to falsely accuse an innocent person of that."
"Students were falsely accused based on flawed evidences and have been given no opportunity to clear their name."