
Firepower Quotes

There are 212 quotes

"Ranged power is their biggest asset; they have a ton of missile and artillery firepower, making them very difficult to get close to without taking an absolute hammering."
"With its 10 shots per magazine, it will melt seas of enemies in seconds."
"This thing looks like a massive pain to remove now and also packs a very nice amount of firepower."
"From a lot of the previews, I think a fair few people are concerned about the massive firepower."
"The solidarity makes the Death Star look like a joke as it has plasma cannons, moon cracking slugs, and two singularities."
"Pros: great firepower...you'll rarely struggle with any enemy really."
"Delivering up to 3,900 rounds a minute, its 30 millimeter caliber bullets show no mercy."
"The Marines literally have a bullet for every man in the Roman Legion."
"Hitting harder with more penetration and equal or higher firepower."
"Do you have a lot of ammo that you want to get rid of quickly? Do you have a bunch of enemies that you want to throw lead at as fast as humanly possible?"
"The Panther 88 has near best-in-class DPM and also impressive penetration at 203 millimeters."
"One machine gunner has the firepower of 40 riflemen."
"Super powerful build for firepower with increased firing accuracy."
"One soldier had the firepower of a thousand riflemen."
"Impressive fire support for the infantry is provided by the chieftain, AVRE, or Armored Vehicle Royal Engineers, armed with a huge 165 millimeter Petard mortar designed to blast bunkers and destroy earthworks."
"It's designed to use that massive heavy cannon to just annihilate anything in front of it."
"The cool feature about this again is just that massive amount of firepower they can produce."
"The T-14 is armed with a 125 mm. smoothbore cannon with an estimated range of 5 km."
"The big guns sitting on your IFV, whether that be a 30mm or otherwise, that extra firepower is going to help you achieve a breakthrough through whatever position you're targeting."
"The MG 15 Storm... will let you take on more enemies at once."
"There is a huge amount of firepower being put down over here."
"There's certainly something pretty imposing about having a tank or three absolutely bristling with loads of anti-tank firepower."
"Redemptor dreadnoughts: the go-to thing for gunning down the enemy."
"You have more firepower with a pistol and a satchel full of grenades." - Mason H.
"The drum gun has a crazy fast fire rate, it can melt through walls and builds."
"The minigun is absolutely insane with a crazy fire rate that blasts through builds and shields easily."
"This is going to double the firepower that the Ukrainians can deliver to the Russians in terms of these specific MLRS's."
"It's kind of fun to have the world's smallest 17 and the world's most powerful rimfire in the same arsenal."
"The firepower though... it's pretty much outstanding."
"Armed with a 125mm auto-loading main gun, the tank is highly lethal."
"This thing definitely has punch for punch, one of the better guns."
"He's just got all the firepower in the world."
"Battleships are all about big guns and lots of armor, there's absolutely nothing subtle about them."
"The fx05 can help bring about peace through Superior Firepower."
"The MG 81Z is a twin mount, so two guns fused together, same caliber but with a blistering firepower of over 1,400 rounds per minute."
"The Sand Hawk SMG: easily recognizable and firing projectiles like a bird flapping against wings... a fairly powerful SMG to begin with that much more powerful."
"The U.S. frigates would make a good selection because they have unusually high firepower for their size."
"The marine corps strategy was to compensate for reduced manpower with increased firepower."
"It's more like we have a lot of firepower we're gonna blow up a lot of zombies and that's fun."
"It really is pretty crazy to be able to spit out that amount of fire all in one go."
"They're pretty much the best source of firepower with core in the Death Guard army."
"The Hauer shotgun... its damage output is unreal."
"Armed with four .303 machine guns and four 20 millimeter cannons, Mosquito packs a powerful punch."
"Certainly, the maelstrom of fire such a beast could unleash was formidable."
"A 22 full auto is like a garden hose of lead; it doesn't move around, you just kind of point it at what you want to hit and squeeze the trigger and go."
"The A-10 rose to fame during the Gulf War with various reports stating that it was responsible for destroying more than 900 enemy tanks."
"The 30-millimeter seven-barrel Gatling gun known as the GAU-8 Avenger is one of the most powerful guns to ever be strapped onto an aircraft."
"Formidable rounds like these provide a soldier with a dramatic upgrade in firepower and flexibility."
"A shotgun round has a considerable amount of payload."
"This is the M230, E1 30 millimeter chain gun. So this thing is capable of firing rounds up to 625 rounds per minute at targets in excess of 3000 meters."
"This is hands down one gigantic and highly impressive gun."
"This is a beast vehicle mating the 203 millimeter howitzer atop the beautiful T-80 tank chassis."
"A small fast bullet traveling thirty-six hundred to four thousand feet per second is getting from point A to point B with a ton of speed and it's flat as a laser."
"The sheer firepower unleashed from the Devastator obliterated a Nebulon B frigate in a matter of seconds."
"The Paladin fires a 155 mm round and can Elevate its Barrel more than 70° for accurate indirect fire."
"With so many rounds spitting out of the Minigun it makes it easy to hit the cars even on the move."
"The Vulcan Cannon, it's a 20 mm Gatling gun that's capable of firing over 6,000 rounds a minute."
"The g2 minigun is capable of shooting a lot of rounds at a high rate of fire."
"Famous for its quick pace, heavy-hitting firepower, and all-around adaptability, this Tarantul class Corvette can zip through the waters at an impressive 42 knots."
"Shotguns are awesome they're extremely devastating they work really well."
"The sheer wealth of defensive gun positions with the aim of keeping enemy fighters at bay due to shared defensive firepower of close formations of this aircraft."
"This translates to an eight tube battery of these houses being able to place nearly 3 tons of steel on target in one minute at maximum range."
"one vehicle can put 14 rounds on target within several seconds making it sound and feel like a massive barrage coming from only one vehicle"
"The Warriors had more firepower than any team in NBA history."
"In less than 10 seconds a spectre gun ship could put 12 mm Hy round in every square yard of a football field-sized area."
"You never know when you're going to find yourself in a situation where you need some real firepower."
"There is no hooved animal that's too big for the 9.3 by 62."
"They've really shown that they have the firepower."
"An usm2 machine gun mounted on a U.S World War II fighter could fire a 20 second burst."
"The overwhelming Firepower of a Titan can be compared to almost nothing else within the Imperium."
"The M3 Grant had exactly what The Desert Rats needed - greater firepower to match the German panzers."
"M1 tanks move very, very fast. They can take a huge hit, they can put out a huge amount of firepower, and they can go fast."
"Firepower in the infantryman's hands, isn't it?"
"Even if everyone forgets, a giant fire spell cast by some of the dogs shocks the attackers since they don't expect them to have such firepower."
"Equipped with Advanced Clan ferrofibrous armor, the Timberwolf could Mount more protection than most Inner sphere assault mechs 30 tons heavier than it... essentially more well-armed and armored by raw tonnage than most mechs significantly heavier than it."
"I mean Tuco is usually with someone else, right? Maybe even a couple of guys, his dealers, his posy. Well then, we need to get more guns."
"The 20 millimeter cannon on the front of the gunship was basically turning anything in front of it into mincemeat."
"The 8 in holitzer M115 toad adds a devastating extra punch to division artillery."
"270 is really a pretty impressive cartridge when you look at it"
"The F-15 EX is set to become one of the world's most heavily armed Fighters, boasting 12 points of attachment for air-to-air missiles and 15 points for air-to-ground missiles."
"We had all of our men and massive firepower had been deployed."
"The 300 Win Mag with more mass and velocity has got more power, there's just no debating that at all."
"Pursuing goals that ignite psychological firepower."
"The might of the Astra militarum is Unleashed with numbers, armor, and Firepower"
"The Battle Sisters excel in short-ranged firefights, mowing down the foe with endless volleys of firepower while their soaring hymns echo over the screams of the dying."
"With firepower like ours back in 1941, they could alter the entire course of history."
"Atomic Kitten songs… ’Cos if you’re going to fire at something, it’ll make a hole again."
"What's great is that these can do your mission cards as well. Do a mission card, but they can still observe. That's brilliant."
"These guys could be like a backfield objective holder. They've got the range, they've got the firepower."
"Firepower no it's not a semi-auto."
"This gun is entirely too much fun."
"People want bigger caliber, you know. Bigger calibers make bigger holes."
"The thought is, why have three round burst when you could just fire three goddamn rifles at the same time?"
"They just cannot stand up to his firepower, to his durability, to his mental makeup."
"Having that kind of firepower on your shoulders is something that really helps you sleep better at night."
"You can shoot a 75 grain load goes at 3,400 feet a second that's pretty impressive yeah and you can shoot up to 117 grain at 2800 feet a second that's that's just underneath the 25.6."
"The Marines opened up with every arm at their disposal."
"Airwolf was more than a futuristic aircraft, it was a dragon, a mythical beast that spit bullets instead of fire."
"He showcased his new skill, the flame spitter, igniting his hand as a tank fired at him."
"Kim Soo swiftly issued the command to open fire, 10 soldiers promptly launched RPGs at the formidable snake, engulfing it in flames."
"You're a Ranger company commander it's like dude and you got enough firepower to take over a country you know you really do."
"It looked like she was on fire with all 12 of her six-inch guns blazing at once in Rapid Fire."
"Quantity of firepower is just as important as quality."
"The Grand Army of the Republic heavily relies on combined armed tactics, and so fire support weapons become increasingly important in this type of military force."
"I thought, 'Well, I started to scream. I got on that .50 and I just started firing.'"
"...the 270 Winchester is definitely an outgun a ton of people."
"Liverpool can score four goals without their front three even getting on the scoresheet, this is the firepower that they have."
"The 458 SOCOM packs a heck of a punch into a relatively small package."
"Tracer carries dual rapid fire pulse pistols as her primary pain dispensers each can empty 20 rounds in a single second."
"Watching this in extreme slow motion, it's almost like watching a ballet of firepower, a bullet ballet."
"The firepower of the g6 is tremendous."
"The Humvee all-terrain vehicle armed with a Gatling gun that fires hundreds of rounds per second provides a formidable punch."
"If you're carrying a firearm for self-defense, you wouldn't like to have as much firepower as possible."
"Even a 458 Win Mag shooting a 480 grain bullet at 2200 feet per second is a whole lot more powerful than the 9.3 by 62 millimeter Mauser I shot my first buffalo with."
"Just massive penetration from both of those rounds."
"...a service rifle that favored volume of fire over long-range accuracy..."
"Each one of those was 45 calibers of enemy discouragement."
"The F4F Wildcats' hitting power went up to a whopping 36 to 4800 rounds per minute."
"Second only to the warthog in firepower."
"If you're just blazing away at each other a pistol shot range, well the side that's putting three times as much metal into you as you are into them is probably going to kill a lot more of your crew and therefore force your surrender a lot faster than vice versa."
"Optimus possessed a firepower potential that none but Megatron could match."
"America's new and deadly versions of the rocket firing plane are about to give a Sherman tank the works."
"You can slap an 8X on your minigun and suppress all six barrels."
"So that is basically the gist of why it's, what's being done. It increases the firepower of the platoon again for the engagement requirement."
"Each round required six bags of powder to fire that one round."
"The ship had nine guns, so we could fire a broadside of nine rounds at one time."
"Buck and ball loads could create a screen of lead against enemy troops."
"Infiltrating tactical support squads with melted guns seem really spicy to me and I'd be chucking them in this list."
"Then there are the turbo penetrator rounds, designed to break through even the most robust physical protections."
"We poured such a deadly fire into them that they left their last piece and ran for their life."
"The most formidable sea warrior on earth with more firepower than any other ship afloat."
"New Jersey's guns and particularly the shells are heavier, New Jersey has a greater rate of fire and has more electronics for aiming those guns."
"It's basically a mortar tank, it has huge mortar shells as you can see here that were self-propelled."
"No aircraft carrier has been destroyed in action since 1945 and they're still unrivaled in their ability to deliver massive firepower to the enemy's doorstep."
"The Bren was the section's main firepower."
"This aspect of battlefield tactics would move much more quickly to prominence as each man possessed a weapon that could double or even triple his rate of fire."
"The Leclerc has tremendous firepower and fighting capability, bolstered by a sophisticated auto-loading system allowing rapid firing even under hostile conditions."
"Fire!" he heard the old sound, the blessed sound, the splintering crash of a battalion's muskets spitting bullets.
"No troops in the world would dare advance into the horror of round shot and canister that the guns poured into the killing ground."
"Giving you seven or eight rounds of 45 ACP in a relatively lightweight compact package, I think is awesome."
"The odds have to favor the Rodney; it's got the thicker armor, it's got the heavier guns, it's got more of them."
"This gun is designed to actually shoot at a higher rate of fire with a longer sustained rate of fire than the M4."
"Lexington can put far more shells downrange far more accurately."
"Courage is a 10, firepower is an 8, and skill is a 10."
"You're getting the punch of a .308 bullet and you're getting pretty reasonably good distance out of it."
"Load on Sunday and shoot all week, it holds a 13."
"Striking the perfect balance between firepower and speed."
"Designed as cruiser killers, built to deliver a devastating blow swiftly."
"These guns behind us actually fired over 11,000 rounds of ammunition."
"The main weapon is a 125mm smoothbore gun that provides tremendous firepower."
"Iowa class battleships carried more ammunition for their main guns than any other battleship."
"The giant they created was theoretically a plane of great speed, 400 miles per hour was the target, and great height, with a massive punch from the eight heavy machine guns mounted in its wings."
"The Republic P-47 Thunderbolt... could take major damage and survive, and packed heavy and effective firepower."
"The Des Moines offered an awful lot of firepower and weren't too manpower intensive."
"If you fired first, the guns were so powerful and so devastating that if you could guarantee that you would hit your opponent, you could either take them out of the fight entirely or badly damage them right from the start."
"The Gatling gun was capable of firing not just dozens but hundreds of rounds per minute."
"These Gatling guns are gonna shred anything in the path of this vehicle."
"All those guns firing simultaneously, it was pretty good defensive firepower."
"The American advantage of firepower."
"The M60 machine gun, affectionately called the pig, its ability to devour ammo is reminiscent of a wild hog."
"'We're going to hit them with everything we've got, one massive alpha strike with enough missiles to shatter a dozen systems.'"
"Each B-52 can carry as much Firepower as a squadron of World War two bombers."
"With turrets, you can also have double or triple turrets, which give you more firepower and higher elevation."
"The eight-inch gun... was about the biggest that you could get at the time that could maintain a relatively steady and high rate of fire."
"The Sterics gives you a lot of volume firepower, and so I think out of the two, that's the one I lean towards more often."
"I think the X-wing's firepower will greatly outclass the Arwing's."
"Knowing the rate of fire is one thing, seeing the rate of fire in action against a target is something entirely different."
"They can pump out a terrifying amount of firepower with just bolt weapons."
"It's a tremendous amount of firepower."
"The police realized they were outgunned by a weapon which would fire up to 600 rounds per minute."
"Cad Bane's weapons of choice were Kimbo LL-30 blasters, dual blasters customized with a special scope and a fast rate of fire."
"The men of the 11th routed the ambushes with overwhelming firepower, making a heavy toll in enemy dead and captured."
"The large vertical stabilizers help keep the plane on target as it fires its insanely powerful gun."
"One of the Abrams' big advantages is its ability to shoot on the move."
"The French 75 mm gun will fire at the rate of 20 shots per minute."