
Shipwrecks Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"What if I told you you could get your hands on some gold from one of the most iconic shipwrecks in United States history?"
"In 1629, a Dutch merchant vessel called the Batavia ran aground on a small coral island roughly 37 miles off the Australian coast."
"Considered the world's most valuable shipwreck, the Nuestra Señora de Atocha was loaded with tons of gold and silver taken from South America destined for Spain in 1622."
"The Baltic Sea is filled with well-preserved wrecks. It's a treasure trove for any diver or archaeologist."
"Shipwrecks such as this one provided a crucial look into past events and a fascinating glimpse into history."
"A sinking ship occupies a certain volume, displacing water - it obeys the laws of physics."
"The perfect shipwreck: Sterling Castle, discovered in perfect condition."
"An estimated three million shipwrecks litter the ocean bottom."
"Every shipwreck is a mystery until you know its story."
"Sometimes, after taking out the harmful parts, these ships are sunk into the ocean for them to become part of the coral reef."
"Ghost fleet of truck Lagoon: Japanese World War II wrecks in the Caroline Islands."
"It's impressive how many shipwrecks there are."
"The Ghost Fleet at Mallows Bay now had another role to play..."
"Fire likely accounts for around half of all vessels in history that have been listed as missing."
"According to the United Nations, there are around 3 million shipwrecks in the world."
"The largest graveyard of ships and vehicles in the underwater world."
"Over one thousand ships have gone missing and then were shipwrecked on this coast."
"Sometimes great men find shipwrecks, but other times, great shipwrecks find men."
"Rogue waves were once dismissed as sailors' myths, now they're blamed as a major cause of shipwrecks around the world."
"...here are four of history's most valuable shipwrecks."
"There are of course some instances of pre-dreadnought battleships particularly in the Royal Navy where collisions lead to the loss of the ship."
"Shipwrecks are becoming the object of geopolitical battles."
"More than 3,000 shipwrecks are lying around the island."
"South China Sea two shipwrecks from the Ming Dynasty have been discovered one of the wrecks known simply as ship one is filled with thousands of perfectly preserved porcelain artifacts intended for export trade."
"The waters there are some of the roughest where the Gulf Stream hits the Labrador Current. And depending on which historical records you believe, there could be anything from four to six hundred shipwrecks down there."
"The shipwreck of Shackleton's Endurance."
"there are an estimated 6,000 shipwrecks in the Great Lakes according to the Wisconsin Historical Society"
"These shipwrecks are thousands of years old and might potentially rewrite the maritime history of Southeast Asia."
"There are more than three million shipwrecks that are still out there."
"It's really a compendium of more than two thousand shipwrecks and accidents on Lake Superior."
"There is still 50,000 wrecks in the Baltic Sea."
"It's not only wars that create shipwrecks."
"This stretch of shore has claimed hundreds of lives through a number of brutal shipwrecks."
"The water around the islands are known to be dangerous because of shoals or underwater sand dunes that have caused over 2,000 known shipwrecks in this area."
"I'm about to conduct a study to see what kind of bacteria tend to inhabit shipwrecks."
"The wreck of the Swedish royal ship Cronan was first discovered in 1980, but it's such a large and complex site that objects from within the wreckage are still being pulled up to the surface to this day."
"Australia's treacherous coast and coral reefs have claimed over 8,000 ships."
"Some carried fabulous treasures, remnants of early Dutch and English exploitation, now dashed upon jagged reefs they've become sunken treasures and foiled dreams."
"An era began where thousands of ships went down to a watery grave, ravaged by storms and inaccurate charts."
"That's why, you know, every time I see a wreck like this, I think, uh, never know, could be the Madagascar."
"Finding shipwrecks like that is breathtaking."
"Quite a few ships were sunk at sea at various points and for various reasons after the tests were complete."
"A Beachcomber was exploring sea caves on Oregon's North Coast when they discovered Timbers from the hull of a Spanish Galleon that sank over 300 years ago."
"Shipwrecks were providing oases for sea life."
"You think that a shipwreck is just a hunk of metal, but for whatever reason, they've formed reefs that are just much more verdant and successful even than the natural reefs in the area."
"The discovery of the ancient port's remains and the 37 shipwrecks could help scientists piece together an important part of the city's history."
"When not writing, this author and maritime archaeologist has discovered more than 60 shipwreck sites."
"The story behind these sunken ships are as diverse as they are fascinating."
"With an estimated 3 million shipwrecks unaccounted for still at the bottom of the ocean, it's no wonder there's a lot of intrigue surrounding shipwrecks."
"We are fascinated by shipwrecks not just because of the disaster that surrounds them, but the people, the human story that surrounds it as well."