
Google Ads Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"Never underestimate the power of a well-structured Google Ad campaign; it's not just about spending money, it's about spending it wisely to maximize returns."
"Google Ads is more search intense. So rather than interrupting people on their news feed, we're actually getting them when they're ready to shop."
"Bidding is a complicated aspect of Google Ads."
"This is gonna be part one of my Google Ads tutorial."
"Create your Google Ads account, create your YouTube channel, and that's really where you want to get started."
"I give that to you as like just a word of caution and wisdom if you do go on those sites and you hire somebody to do Google ads for you."
"Google ads are extremely profitable... pure money coming in the door."
"And there you go guys, that was a full tutorial on how you guys can use these simple Google ads to make daily affiliate commission."
"Maximize conversions means Google will try and achieve the most amount of conversions for your budget."
"So you're looking to start advertising your business on Google Ads in 2024? Look no further."
"The best Google ads that basically work everywhere are three parts: problem, solution, and a call to action."
"Google Ads is more than just keyword targeting."
"YouTube ads are part of Google ads."
"Now, let's start by going through the different types of Google Ads bidding strategies that you can use on your campaigns..."
"...the best way to test it for Google Ads is to use their Google Ads variation tool."
"Google Ads are a powerful tool that can help you reach your target audience."
"Display your ads on various partner websites of Google, including YouTube, Amazon, and other search partners."
"It's always better to create a secondary ad specifically for display. I never run Google ads and display together because the conversion tracking gets mixed up and it's hard to tell which one converted from what."
"The core benefit of Google Ads over Facebook Ads is that you are catching people right at the time when they are ready to book your service or buy your product."
"For all Google Ads campaigns, especially shopping campaigns, you need to remember that we're not only using keywords in order to target different ads."
"But before we get into today's Google Ads tutorial, just in case we haven't met yet, my name is Aaron Young from Defined Digital Academy, and I'm your 15,000-hour Google Ads master."
"It guarantees that the data you're seeing in your Google Ads campaign actually matches the data that you see in your Google Analytics profile."
"It's been my absolute pleasure to take you through the simple step-by-step process of how you can complete Google Ads tracking using Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager."
"Before you start going through the step-by-step process of actually setting up your Google ads campaign there's three core things that you need to complete first."
"You actually can't optimize your Google Ads Shopping campaign if you don't have the correct campaign setup."
"They're going to be replaced by Google's new Performance Max campaigns."
"Hands down Google ads is the best marketing channel that you can use to grow your business in a profitable way."
"Unfortunately, many people have not seen success with their Google Ads Shopping campaigns."
"For success with Google Ads Shopping campaigns, you need to make sure that you have the correct campaign settings."
"Understanding these intricacies of Google ads can become your competitive difference in launching your ad campaign."
"Unlock the power of Google ads together so you can position your brand in this dynamic landscape of online advertising."
"Now that we've covered how to track website conversions, we're going to look at the other ways you can track conversions in Google Ads."
"Success with Google ads is all about understanding how the Google ads platform works and then using the correct strategies and structures in order to get the best results."
"For success with Google ads, it's not just about targeting Search terms, it's also about targeting the right types of audiences."
"If you want to keep up to date with the very latest Google ad strategies, I strongly recommend you check out this video."
"Everyone running Google ads dreams of being able to scale a really successful campaign."
"Hopefully, this gave you an idea of exactly how to build out your affiliate website for Google ads."
"I'm going to teach you everything that you need to know about Google ads without any special IQ, without having a ton of money or decades of experience."
"I've been running Google ads now for over a decade, and I've generated millions of dollars through this platform."
"Now the other thing you can do is within your Google Ads account, go to tools and settings, and we're going to scroll down here to setup, and what you want to do is click on linked accounts."
"What are dynamic search ads? They are advertisements through Google Ads on the search network that will run based on the content of your website."
"You want to create as many ad groups as possible, you really want to give Google Ads more targeting options because it's only going to help your overall results."
"If you're running any type of campaign on Google Ads, you should be using conversion tracking."
"You want to make sure anything that's relevant for your business, you have it linked to your Google Ads account."
"Google Ads recently rolled out what they're calling enhanced conversion tracking, which allows us to track performance back to our Google Ads campaigns in a privacy-compliant way."
"The most important one when it comes to Google search ad is CPC, so we pay on the cost per click basis."
"Using customer match and remarketing are going to be the best ways to drive revenue and conversions from your Google Ads account."
"Google will never spend more than your monthly allocated budget."
"Google Ads has gotten so good at understanding what people are actively searching."
"One of the most important aspects of Google Ads that is often overlooked is properly tracking conversions."
"It's completely free to create a Google Ads account; you're only going to be charged when you actually start running advertisements."
"The Google Keyword Planner is the best tool because it is built for Google Ads customers to find keywords for their campaigns."
"My advertisements are going to be closely matching the different search terms that people are typing in and ultimately that's my goal when it comes to Google Ads."
"Google Ads is the largest search engine marketing channel."
"Getting your Google ads bidding strategy right is the single most important setting in a Google ads campaign."
"Google Ads editor is my favorite PPC tool and in my opinion it's the best tool to master if you want to work smarter, faster, and be more productive."
"I did a consultation call with some people at Google ads and they gave me some tips on how to actually promote music on the Google ads platform."
"Struggling with Google ads? Stop wasting your budget."
"So let's dive in. We have the Google Ads platform right here, totally blank canvas."
"With Google ads, unlike other platforms, we can specifically target who are ready to buy right now."
"Make sure that you have automatically maximized conversions here."
"Google will then automatically suggest a cost per action that you put in place here based on your current campaign performance."
"Google Ads combined custom intent audiences and custom affinity audiences into one type of audience called a custom audience."
"By deselecting Google Search Partners, your ads will only be shown on Google search results."
"It's pretty easy to create a Google Ads report on Looker Studio."
"You can also upload ads directly into Google Ads."
"Google Ads is gonna automatically create a lot of different ad variations for you and then they're gonna serve those ad variations and continue to serve the top-performing advertisements."