
Atomic Theory Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"The atomic picture provided a deeper, more profound understanding of where these thermal laws came from."
"We stabilize the atom by making electrons be two places at the same time."
"That's not so profound... Do you know what an atom like just one atom is show minut let alone like you know the robustness of the universe?"
"Everything is energy and things moving, everything. It's made of tiny little atoms that are just buzzing."
"The word 'atom' is actually Greek for uncuttable."
"Remarkably, our growing understanding of this kingdom of the ultra-tiny, inside the nuclei of atoms, is now enabling us to glimpse the answer to the ancient question: How large is the universe?"
"Election is more like this: I choose Christ and whoever is in Christ."
"Most atoms are just happy the way they are. Some atoms think they're a bit too heavy and they want to lose weight."
"One orbital can't hold more than two electrons."
"How atoms are able to build our universe, that is incredibly fascinating."
"The fact that matter is made of atoms and atoms are made of particles."
"Ultimately, stability depends on the balance between protons and neutrons in the nucleus."
"The concept of almost unlimited empty spaces within matter is comparatively new, but it is the very cornerstone of our knowledge in this atomic age."
"Trillions of these very ordinary atoms conspire miraculously to organize themselves into thinking, breathing, living human beings."
"Everything in the whole universe is made up of atoms, particles so extremely small that you can't even see them through a microscope."
"When it comes to atoms, language can only be used as poetry."
"We still cannot understand a single atom in its entirety."
"Dalton's genius was to combine the laws of conservation of mass and multiple proportions to make an argument for the existence of atoms."
"Atoms sort of going around bouncing into each other like billiard balls... if you knew the state and motion of all the atoms at one time you could at least potentially theoretically predict the entire past and future of the universe."
"When you've got one of these atoms in the third row or lower, it's allowed to go over the octet rule."
"Intimacy equals shared identity in the context of otherness. Protons, neutrons, and electrons come together to form an atom, and yet there's a context of otherness. They recognize each other."
"It's kind of crazy that everything is consisting of these charged things but we don't notice it because there's always equal and opposite amounts of protons and electrons right."
"Niels Bohr explained that electrons in atoms can only occupy certain orbits, each with specific energies."
"All atoms want is a full outer shell of electrons."
"According to Dalton, matter is composed of small particles which cannot be split up any smaller. These particles he called atoms."
"He was the very first person to suggest that everything in the universe was made up of tiny atoms that are invisible to the human eye."
"So unless you tamper with the atom in some fashion, it will remain in a stationary state."
"The idea that atoms are composed of smaller protons, neutrons, and electrons comes much later, centuries later, in the 19th and 20th centuries."
"The periodic table actually acted as sort of a testing ground for atomic theories for about 50 years."
"Millions and millions of years ago, there were some atoms randomly floating through the universe."
"Atoms are the smallest piece of an element that maintains all of the properties of that element."
"You can't believe how intellectually satisfying the atom is."
"The mass of protons, neutrons, and electrons has been worked out based on carbon-12 as a reference standard."
"The structure of the atom has changed over time as new evidence has presented itself."
"The behavior of atoms can explain how materials behave at the human scale."
"Everything you see here is made of atoms."
"Now he proposed that the electrons move around the nucleus in circular orbits."
"The electrons fill in the lowest energy orbitals first and then work their way up in energy."
"The atomic hypothesis: that all things are made of atoms, little particles that move around in perpetual motion."
"The model of the atom has changed a lot over time because we have new developments and new discoveries."
"If everything in the known universe is composed of atoms, then we should all have a basic understanding of the atom."
"An orbital is a three-dimensional region around the nucleus that indicates the probable location of an electron 90% of the time."
"If you feed an electron in the front, it'll actually jump from atom to atom."
"Everything on this planet is made out of atoms."
"Electrons live in those overlapping orbitals, life is good."
"The defining lines in our spectrum prove that electrons can only exist in these shells."
"Most of an atom is just empty space."
"Slater's rules are used to get a better approximation of the screening or shielding constant when calculating effective nuclear charge."
"Electrons are negatively charged, and whether we have bonding or non-bonding electrons around some sort of central atom in a compound, they want to spread out as far as possible to minimize the repulsion between them."
"The further they are, the less repulsion they're going to experience, and that's going to keep their energy low, which we associate with stability."
"When you put lone pairs on the central atom, it's going to lower the bond angles usually by just a little bit."
"All of the positive charge and most of the mass of the gold atom are concentrated in a small volume that is known as the nucleus."
"Most particles went straight through... and this showed them that actually most of the atom was empty space."
"Electrons in an atom do not orbit the nucleus; they are not like planets around the sun; they exist as standing waves."
"That unbreakable building blocks so tiny they can't be seen fit together to make up all things."
"Evolution is up there with atomic theory as being among the best supported theories in all of science."
"An electron domain is most simply defined as a concerted group of electrons that occupies the same general space around a central atom."
"We have here a proof that there is in the atom a fundamental quantity."
"These spectral lines become a valuable tool that we can use to learn about the electronic structure of the atom."
"Electrons are ejected from discrete atomic orbitals, the energies of which are governed by the number of protons in the nucleus."
"At the moment I'm struggling with a new atomic theory. I'm very optimistic about this thing and if I can only solve it, it will be very beautiful."
"A mole is an amount of a substance which contains as many elementary particles as there are carbon atoms in 12 g of carbon-12 isotope."
"Atoms can only absorb and emit energy in discrete amounts."
"The goal of what we're trying to do in this chapter is to understand how this diagram... relates to the atomic orbitals and the bonding."
"Atomic means small, like the smallest thing we could possibly have."
"The nucleus must have a positive charge repelling the alpha particles."
"Atomos is an indivisible particle, so atoms got their birth, at least their name, from the idea that there are small little things that make up all pieces of matter."
"The total negative charge of the electrons is equal to the positive charge of the nucleus."
"Imagine if you reduced everything down to the atom, every single thing would be the same, absolutely the same, random and awesome in my opinion."
"JJ Thompson was the first person really to get the idea that an atom actually isn't indivisible."
"Sometimes it's going to be closer to proton A, sometimes it's going to be closer to proton B, and hopefully through a simple molecular orbital description, we're going to have a basic concept of how that electron allows the two protons A and B to be bound together."
"You understood the concept on the atomic structure."
"Effective nuclear charge increases from left to right on the periodic table."
"The properties of an element which are in periodic function of their atomic number is simply called the periodic law."