
Youth Challenges Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Every job is tough, however, having the pressure and eyes these younger individuals have on them and zero support behind them must be emotionally harrowing."
"Underneath all the jokes, I am one of these young men in need of guidance."
"There are a lot of kids that are struggling with certain issues and don't know what it is that they can do, they have nobody to look up to, they feel like it's wrong because people have told them that."
"Understanding the nature of the problem and some of the unique difficulties this generation of kids faces because of the online world and online bullying, I think, is really critically important."
"You can get bullied for being rich in high school. That's a genuine thing."
"I think we're in this really dangerous position where girls they kind of Overexposed to all this adult content online."
"I do think the biggest problem that's plaguing the youth today is the fact that kids feel forced to choose sides so early in life."
"Please don't give up on your life because you feel cheated out of these inconsequential years."
"If you're just a kid in the middle of England or the middle of the US who doesn't have family who understands this..."
"If you're a 16 year old YouTube star, your life could be over for just a simple mistake."
"She's so young and stuck in the position of topping a monstrous breakout year."
"She might have been a 15, 16-year-old little scared girl that had a baby and ran away from home."
"I just feel like there is something that can be done that can help you and I just want to help because it's like I can't imagine being 17 when you're supposed to be worrying about figuring out colleges..."
"It's one thing to be an angry kid, it's another thing to just totally give up on yourself."
"Teen depression as brought on by this dangerous cocktail of overparenting and unfettered social media platforms."
"All of a sudden, when the veil of pomp and circumstance is lifted and you just see this is a kid who had to make some tough decisions, who ultimately is gonna have to live with this for the rest of his life."
"It feels like it sometimes holds youth in ignorance and have them carry out a sweet perception of self-worth and can also lead people to destructive behaviors like drugs and alcohol because it's so cool."
"Young people have had a raw deal out of lockdown, there's no doubt about that."
"It's hard to build a future when our young people are addicted to drugs."
"It bothers me as an older person is the sad reality that this young man was not given a chance to apologize."
"Louisiana doesn't have a property crime problem, it has a kid problem."
"I feel really bad for young women growing up with the standards of beauty that we have today, it's really, really hard."
"Now not having half the population participating that is going to lead to some real weird outcomes but here's the thing college numbers it turns out is just a bat signal for a much deeper problem."
"This isn't right, this isn't fair, we are still young and we are not going to spend our lives and our money into this place."
"People do mess up, especially a child forced into an adult situation who's an orphan who never had really anyone raise her."
"If you convince a whole generation of children that they can choose their sex, they're not going to know where they come from."
"That's what we are doing to our young men because I was abused. I was chased home every day, bullied. And Jordan's next play is about suicide."
"I was 14 when I first arrived so I understand how hard it was being so young."
"School bring on that Society like you're a Savage side."
"Young people are still like that... they're growing up in a world that isn't healthy that isn't right."
"If someone was addicted to masturbation since a young age like pre-puberty... But how, bro? What happens? What do you mean how?"
"Under 35s are supposed to be planting seeds, making human interactions, not burning away their lives just to survive."
"I just didn't want to be like the nerdy kid anymore."
"Lost One's Weeping talks about the stressful experiences one has within the education system."
"Kids with criminal records can have a much harder time getting jobs, scholarships, and a host of other benefits and opportunities."
"I'm done being pushed around, kids. Do what you do best, ruin everything."
"We have an issue right now. We have a fundamental issue with our youth."
"They're destroying the lives of young people by the thousands."
"Because trust me, on those days when I was a youngster trying to push, trying to achieve, there was days when I didn't want to do it."
"Parents are the worst thing that's ever happened to kids' sports."
"I was pretty much forced out of the closet in like seventh or eighth grade."
"I know you're just now entering high school, but you've got to realize like, I read your letter. If they're blaming you for what their issues are, just know that it's not you."
"You're 18 years old, you had your own place, two jobs, and were graduating from high school. I want to know why you had to grow up so quickly."
"Millions of people, particularly young people not being able to afford a home, is one of the biggest problems in America right now."
"The film captured that and I love the balance of showing us both the good... but also some of the unique struggles as well."
"It's tough out there for a 22-23 year old, you're away from your family."
"I commend the kid because that's a tough burden for a guy at 18 years old."
"Listen to that, that is what's going on, that's what the life is like for a young person in certain parts of our country right now, that is the reality of it."
"Please let Carrie grow, please God, she's so young and it hurts her so much, and she's been through so much."
"I had to learn how can I actually provide for myself as a 17-year-old."
"You know what, you got to give the boy credit. He's been thrown into something where he's dealing with a lot of things that most people don't."
"I think if you're 13 years old and you don't know yourself and suddenly you become extremely famous, I don't know how healthy that is for a human being at 13."