
Plot Twists Quotes

There are 212 quotes

"Plot twists... if they're done right, they can be quite shocking."
"Very rarely do you run into trouble when you're doing a plot twist, when you give the reader more than they expected."
"In all the best detective stories, the neatest of solutions can be upset by a single clue."
"It's revealed the game master was his brother or something."
"But how they nine degrees perfectly set up a moment that I didn't think I was capable of anymore, I was genuinely shocked and surprised and thought they might actually kill a main character."
"Final fantasy VII it's not my favorite at all but I do respect the willingness to pull something like the aerith twist."
"Xenoblade is really good at end game twists... reveals that Klaus's world after he created the one from the first Xenoblade."
"I know this is a big statement, but I think this mid-season finale is a better finale than the actual series finale. It's just so Pretty Little Liars."
"The most important characteristic of a plot twist is right there in the name: It has to twist the plot."
"Those twists just completely warp what you think is going to happen or even what is capable of happening."
"Ernesto de la Cruz has often been praised for having one of the best plot twists."
"It's now regarded as perhaps the greatest twist in TV history, and Jack's line 'We have to go back' has been ingrained in popular culture."
"It comes out of absolutely nowhere and tweaks the 'It was all a dream' concept just enough to be original."
"It's one thing to have this giant crossover of all these different gaming related characters but then suddenly they're all dead and that's the plot."
"The best plot twists come out of nowhere and are mostly there for a writer to feel as though they’ve pulled one over on their audience."
"Something filled with plot twists and a plot I'll fall in love with but would also shatter my soul."
"The best reveals in a story are either incredibly surprising while also making complete sense."
"A good twist doesn't live or die on whether or not it's guessable."
"After three seasons of building up our investment in Emily's motivation, the show then revealed that rumors of her father's death had been greatly exaggerated."
"The twists are insane but also they're good."
"Joker slides in at the end and reveals he's been manipulating Batman the whole game."
"The early death of a major character can be a movie's defining iconic twist; done badly and it just seems a waste of talent and leaves the audience feeling cheated."
"Just when you think the story is over, there is a twist."
"It's actually good like interesting plot twists that nobody expected."
"What a shame if only Stephanie had a scheme to make this story even [ __ ] weirder."
"The twists and turns that the film takes is very unexpected."
"Peter Pettigrew killed your parents. And he's right there." - Sirius Black
"At several points throughout the game, I thought I was coming up on the end, but then they turn everything on its head."
"The pacing of this movie was really, really good... it was interesting start to finish, there were some clever twists and turns, they kept the jokes coming at a very consistent rate."
"I'm sure as hell did not expect Gideon last year to pull out the Darksaber."
"They tried to set you up with a murder plot, but you didn't fall for it."
"This film is a pretty good whodunit, if not excellent, with plenty of twists and turns that keep you guessing."
"It's cool to be three seasons in and still feel like the unexpected turns are truly unexpected."
"Bioshock has one of if not the most well executed plot twists in the entire medium of video games."
"Just when you think you know who's done it, you'll be thrown right back to square one."
"The true ending of The Witch's House is shocking, genuinely one of the most disturbing and unexpected twists I've seen in a horror game."
"One of my favorite shows, the good place, is a great example of how to do the twist thing properly."
"The Redemption Arc was beautiful and that was definitely a top 10 anime plot twist."
"Honestly, I hadn't been able to guess any of the reveals so far."
"The mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson has one of the most twisty and tourney plots."
"Nothing is as it seems, and there are some real surprises in store for the audience."
"It's so nice to genuinely be surprised by a twist that throws off pre-existing theories."
"Triangle is one of those films where it's best to go in relatively blind at first; just when you think you've got a handle on things, another bombshell is dropped."
"This could have been a really interesting twist."
"Holly Jackson does not disappoint when it comes to a plot twist."
"This movie is kind of like the magic trick that Nolan attempted in the prestige he is very good at misdirecting the audience to pull out genuinely shocking twists."
"Every single time I thought I knew what was gonna happen, there was a different twist."
"The ending went in an interesting direction and I liked where it went."
"I'm really amazed by the twists and turns of the story."
"Unexpected twists and turns keep readers hooked."
"They turned the whole search for Aegon into something really interesting, with twists and turns."
"Do you want a Red Wedding, Sir Gerald? Because this is how you get a Red Wedding."
"Emotionally effective as well as the twists in the end."
"Memorable twists and turns in the narrative."
"The plot twists and the general direction of the story was much more interesting this time around."
"Twists in the name of the game, and it plays the game exceptionally."
"The key to a good twist is making it make sense."
"That's what I believe to be the big twist that awaits us in Security Breach."
"Proving his death pointless, Xavier comes back to life."
"Nothing gets people more excited and captivated than watching plots twisting beyond expectation."
"This was a brutal chapter, and yet something else might be going on here, something that could change everything."
"Lots of twists and turns, so we're going to talk about a little bit."
"One of my favorite things about this series has been how often it throws me a new twist."
"Just as soon as you think you know what's going on in 'WandaVision,' the show expands and throws you a few more curve balls."
"It is largely considered to be one of the biggest twist endings, like the ultimate pinnacle."
"Heist is a funny one, just when you think you got it figured out, it heists you."
"But it is still very satisfying. Also, is he dead? She killed him? Cool, cool."
"I loved how many twists and turns were in this game."
"Like genuinely unnerving at parts, like the twists and turns."
"It kept my interest the whole time. I didn't guess the main plot twist."
"It would have been more interesting to not have a reveal, to have the big twist be the fact that there is no twist."
"It's crazy how you can change the ending of a movie and it influences your entire view of the film as a whole."
"I guess it's normal for Saw movies to end with these like whoa crazy moments."
"The mysteries themselves are the real hook of these games, full of twists so sharp they give Shyamalan a hernia."
"One of the common tropes within Final Fantasy narratives is for the perceived antagonist to be replaced by an even greater power, often at the last minute."
"I love when the killer, kind of going back to the Agatha Christie murder mystery aspect of everything, when it's the person you least suspect."
"The mystery deepens, unexplained events occur, and mental twists take place that really leave you wondering what's going on here."
"I think all the twists and the turns in the game were actually well done."
"That's the plot twist I didn't know I needed."
"What makes these twists work isn't their secrecy but the execution of them."
"I love mysteries, I love movies, I love twists."
"What if they actually do a major left turn and introduce something shocking?"
"It is so bizarre, it is so frustrating and it is a plot twist like you have never seen before."
"I liked how stylized it was and I liked what they did in taking these crazy twists and turns."
"Clue literally had different movie endings where the murderer was a different character each time, depending on where the theater was."
"Season 4 was so memorable with some of the show’s best scenes and biggest plot twists."
"The ending was crazy, but there's so many other fantasies that have crazy plot twists."
"I really enjoyed how there were a few twists like the revelation of the whole cult thing and then the revelation of the whole town being in on it."
"I'll be honest I didn't really see some of the twists that it takes coming."
"It really plays with you thinking it's just going to be a retread and it really pulls the rug from underneath you a couple times."
"Oh okay, just something of a reveal, but no, they're just like 'nah, she went through all the public travel looking like her, it's fine, don't worry about it.'"
"Thor's like, 'Wait a second, instead of stopping Ragnarok, let's cause Ragnarok!'"
"This is the kind of story where unexpected things happen all the time."
"What a bunch of twists, man. First, he's delivering packages, then there's human trafficking. Human trafficking comes into play again, and then afterwards, we have her father being a main [ __ ]."
"This video really is taking a turn."
"To subvert expectations effectively, I think you need three things: consistent character motivations, established rules, and foreshadowing."
"It's been a series with as many plot twists and colorful characters as a Lou Lamour Western and it All Began over a song."
"They did a really good job of a bunch of plot twists which was really cool."
"It's one of the only movies that has multiple twists in the third act and every twist reinforces the twist that came before it."
"Attack on Titan has been nothing but consistent. My man Eren since day one. Every plot twist has been leading to under the tree because of the consistency."
"The twists are quite unbelievable. Every character you've had an opinion about in this season is going to change in the next season. You're really gonna want to see it."
"Coherence isn't what makes the movie entertaining. What makes a movie entertaining is great ideas and plot twists."
"There's twists on twists on twists this is insane man I'm loving it."
"The twists and the turns... I didn't see that coming."
"...the plot twists absolutely nobody saw coming..."
"Eventually Vader was killed for good and Anakin was alive."
"Overall, I still think Attack on Titan is one of the best stories I've seen with its plot twists and revealing of certain characters as well as the big basement reveal."
"Unexpected plot twists keep the story fresh, grab our attention, and engage us."
"Now Roy knows a few things, the loop was created by the Osiris spindle, Gemma must have put him in it and Venter has no idea."
"It's a movie that shocked and surprised me at every single turn which is an experience that I rarely if ever have."
"I feel like every single issue ends with a plot twist or a big reveal."
"It has multiple twists and turns throughout the movie and every single one worked for me."
"It is a masterful play that I think like the series up until now has had enough shocking and thrilling moments of fighting."
"The surprises and turns and plot reveals are so much better because you're not expecting anything."
"Each of these plot twists contributed to a compelling story that left us full of intrigue and suspense."
"This was a great show, probably one of the best shows that I've seen. So many twists right there at the end."
"The time jump caught me completely off guard."
"So many twists here and there, it was fantastic."
"...for many it was really off-putting to see that she would still save him when in that very same route he tried to take advantage of her against her will."
"...it's got some interesting reveals toward the end."
"This book more than any other Throne of Glass book just reaffirms all of the plot twists, all of the little twists later on."
"...the narrative was really well done...I did not see some of the twists and turns coming and that was so satisfying..."
"Well-written plot twists can be known in advance and still be satisfying."
"At first this anime feels like the plot was written by an AI, but trust me, suspend your disbelief and just take your d*ck out, because this anime gets unironically good at the end of the season."
"Dive into this gripping narrative and prepare for unpredictable plot twists and profound human emotions."
"One thing you might have noticed is that the Critical Role games are full of incredible plot twists, these moments where the player's jaws hit the floor and everyone's amazed by the secrets that have been kept."
"And personally I don’t think there’s a better way to get people to connect to a new main character than to have them brutally murder the last one that people that they really like,"
"It's still funny to me that Jack went to Christmas Town and his first time there, he robbed them."
"The twists were unpredictable to me, it had that good small suburban atmospheric kind of feel."
"The film's 2021 sequel had some god-awful plot twists, but its predecessor is a cleverly constructed mystery."
"Every film, it's like we start off hating Gale, then she comes in clutch, then she does the same [ __ ] again."
"The plot of this takes a few turns which are very unexpected."
"The best part about this plot is Taravangian becoming Odium and raising the stakes."
"Start thinking about how you're going to approach the TV pilot structure in the script. Start with the big act breaks: what happens at each? What big events throw the story in a completely unexpected direction, pouring more misery on the protagonist?"
"This book, guys, just unpredictable plot twists. You'll have the smartest guy in the room being like, 'Oh, I saw that coming,' and I don't see how, because several of these completely left me with my jaw on the floor and I did not see it coming at all."
"I hate it when stories do this. It's like, up until this point you all have no idea what's going on and then out of nowhere, oh yeah by the way sorry you actually had twins and your sister we never heard from again. Yeah, and that's convenient."
"The good guys and the villains and the guys who you think are villains but they wind up being the good guys and the guys you think are good guys wind up being the bad guys, and there's lots of twists and turns and action in the book."
"Saw was one of the first things ever that actually had a plot twist that I didn't predict."
"I could see a world in which Usopp could die. I also see a world in which Robin could die before or after, which would laugh."
"The end, it's got some twists and turns in it where the story arc just does a whole 360. It was well executed, thrilling, and just blew my mind."
"The twists are one of the greatest twists that I've ever read."
"...it was so good the plot Twisted really good and it was just like the build up was so good..."
"I definitely did see some of the twists and turns coming, but it was so good that you don't even mind when you are proven right."
"This one had more twists. It had me thinking more of what was going to happen."
"The plot twists in this book will truly rock your world."
"Sometimes I lay awake at night and I still think about some of the plot twists."
"The plot went into a different direction and shifted around and moved around many times in a way that I did not expect at all."
"I absolutely love books with plot twists."
"The movie has some surprises in store for you, there are some directions you don't expect it to take."
"Super shocking twists like I could not, I was getting whiplash with the twists in this book."
"The plot twists literally just kept coming."
"Plot twists coming at you from every direction."
"There are plot twists and betrayals, and people you care about die."
"This book had my brain rolling around in my head because of all the plot twists."
"I see you on Netflix, the writing in that movie was like actually good, so many twists."
"The twists started coming in, things got darker, crazy, and fast-paced."
"Bless this ending, bless these twists."
"I was extremely happy with a couple of plot twists that we got at the end."
"I think that was one of the best movies ever made, as you know, come on everybody, hey Bruce Willis, two of my favorite twists, 12 Monkeys and uh, and Sixth Sense, big twist."
"I will say this: most of the spoilers up until the end I thought were good."
"This is serious Science Fiction with likable characters and shocking turns of events."
"There are twists in here that are so insane that there's no way you saw them coming."
"Confessions by Kanae Minato is one of the best thrillers that I've ever read because there are so many plot twists."
"Ultimately a fantastic final season for the Joestars, unreal plot twists and new heights the series had never seen were reached."
"What I love about his story is it takes all these turns; it's not just the same the whole movie."
"Allegedly... it's definitely a book that keeps you on your toes."
"It was super enjoyable, very tense, full of twists and turns."
"The twists and turns continue to deliver some surprises."
"It's unique with cool creature designs and the premise itself is different with a lot of twist and turns."
"I'm going to read books that you suggest to me that have your favorite plot twists."
"It's like watching a TV show on Netflix where every five minutes there's a plot twist."
"Every time I thought I was going to figure something out, it took a turn."
"My favorite moments in movies are like when the hero saves the villain."
"I loved the direction that this went in; I loved the reveals."
"It's got a lot of plot twists and things that you might not see in your usual shonen."
"I loved how it kept me on the edge of my seat, lots of twists and turns not just in this book but throughout the whole series."
"She's just like the queen of plot twists."
"It took me on a ride, the twists were great, I felt emotionally connected."
"That's one of my favorite things about this movie, are the twists."
"After that, it got really, really good; we've been getting so many twists and turns, which is fantastic."
"Life has more plot twists than a novel."
"It's got really dark topics it covers abuse and injustices but there's also like really fun plot twists."
"This has been like an Alfred Hitchcock movie, just so many plot twists."
"We're going to keep making these more and more epic with little plot twists."
"The show always surprises you, throws crazy twists and turns."
"It was a story that was filled with plot twists and it did have a rich culture to it."
"Legendborn by Tracy Deonn... the pacing and just the twists and turns of this story just kept me guessing from beginning to end."
"Things have started to get even more interesting in this book; there have been some kind of twists that I wasn't really expecting."
"Oda is a master of this, when it comes to plot twists."
"The stakes just get higher and higher with each book and all of the twists and turns just blow your mind."
"Eight perfect murders take everything that I love: books, murder mysteries, good writing, mess, plot twist."