
Treason Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Treason never prospers, for if it prospers, none dare call it treason."
"This case is equally as serious if not just as serious as his other cases... it's just absolutely treasonous."
"To question those in power... is now treated as an act of treason."
"This whole treasonous affair is terrible for our country."
"I charged Queen Elsa of Arendelle with treason."
"The Republicans and the Democrats have both committed treason against the American people."
"We're witnessing sedition... it's treason against the founding principles of our nation." - Kirk Wiebe
"Sometimes they're the same...technically a traitor but in a larger context, a hero."
"Treason has been committed at the very highest level by financial elites."
"These acts of warfare against a population by its own supposedly ders, how is that anything but treason?"
"Nothing short of treasonous means it's treasonous."
"If it's wrong for human beings to murder each other for any reason, then what the government's doing with our tax dollars every day is treason."
"Australia is controlled by people engaged in high treason against the country."
"If you refuse protection, if you refuse to do your job, if you refuse to do your number one priority, then that is in fact treason, 100%."
"Make no mistake, we are at war. The Democratic Party hijacked our 2020 presidential election and have committed treason."
"Marina and I are best friends, Johnny and I, we love to get together and talk treason."
"This made-up immunity would protect and therefore encourage murder, treason, sedition."
"If it is actually true, which is hard to believe, that's treason."
"Maegor, First of His Name, defined counsel as confirmation and disagreement as treason."
"Which of these two great Nations can turn the sausage into the most effective portable non-cutlery dependent nutritious snack?"
"If this conversation between Henry Norris and Anne Boleyn did take place, and I think it is likely that it did, then technically, according to the very letter of the law, Anne Boleyn was guilty of high treason."
"Treason is punishable by death in the common imagination and as a result it was blood and war that would rectify."
"On the 31st of January 1606 Guy Fawkes and his fellow conspirators were found guilty of treason... Their punishment would have been to be hanged, drawn, and quartered."
"The minute a man joins a society with the avowed purpose of killing you and cutting your throat, he becomes a traitor to that society."
"Treason is no less vile because the traitor proves a craven."
"Someone had tried to frame Naruto for high treason."
"This was sedition, skip. This is what they're trying to do: overthrow a government by using force. That's treasonous."
"Jefferson publicly framed burrs treasonous acts as self-evident."
"Believing that any human being is God or is equating with God is an act of treason against God."
"We will proclaim a full power pardon for all offenses, even that of high treason, to those who submit themselves."
"That's treason, it's a dangerous game with clear consequences."
"Liam Maito, you are hereby summoned by the elders for committing high treason."
"Chancellor Palpatine, you're in violation of Order 65. I accuse you of treason against the Grand Army of the Republic and the Jedi Order for murder and conspiracy."
"It was the night of treason, Lancelot."
"The effect of the treason first it was the thwarting of God's plan, second it was the separation of God and man."
"On the charge of treason, you are all found guilty. The punishment for this crime is death."
"They're using the exact same phrasing and language as is the given for the legal definition of what constitutes treason."
"A person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the overt act or a confession in open court."
"Danzo Shimura, you are accused of multiple counts of high treason to the land of fire."
"Someone who risked his life and made countless contributions to the country, how can he be a traitor?"
"You are about to commit treason. Good."
"Her escape was fueled by the fear of persecution; her family was accused of treason for reasons she could not explain."
"When a Prime Minister conspires to set the troops of another nation against his own people, it is called treason and is punishable by death."
"Dreyfus was a Jewish officer in the French army who was convicted of treason in 1894."
"What is treason, Kit? A man is loyal to the place he loves."
"Whoever gives such a command is a traitor, and it is the duty of any officer or man who is loyal to his country and who hears such an order given to shoot the offender upon the spot."
"It was an outrage, an absolute outrage; the man has always been a traitor."
"The hero was put on trial for treason and terrorism."
"If an alien live here and enjoy the benefit of the King's protection and committed treason, he shall be judged as a traitor."
"Treason against the United States is declared by the organic Constitution, Article 3, Section 3, to consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort."
"The charge against Aaron Burr, former Vice-President of the United States, was treason."
"How was the crime of treason to be defined and how was it to be proven?"
"The crime had to be proven by two witnesses to the same act."
"We so easily could have been caught if anyone had any idea what I had done; it was treason."