
Learning Styles Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"Each child is unique in their own right. Each has a different personality and preferred way of learning."
"Vatas learn things very easily but also get distracted very easily, whereas Kaphas learn things very slowly but also forget very slowly."
"If you show me how to do something as opposed to tell me how to do something I'm gonna learn faster."
"You definitely don't have to go to art school to become a successful artist, but depending on the type of learner you are, it may be very beneficial."
"Not everyone thinks and learns the exact same way that you do."
"Visual learners learn best from images, demonstrations, and pictures."
"It's the opposite of handholding and I think it's really really cool."
"A lot of people learn with their hands more easily than studying a book."
"Seeing something is far more powerful than reading something."
"Do a fair shake of different prep styles to find what suits you best."
"I prefer step by step over jumping in and figuring it out as I go."
"It's not because people are not smart enough to take the NCLEX or that they don't know the knowledge. It's because people struggle with answering NCLEX style questions."
"I kind of want to learn the likes and dislikes organically by chatting with people and giving them stuff because it's fun."
"It's one thing to read something, but for me, a picture tells a thousand words."
"Every single child is able to learn and grow. All kids learn differently and at their own pace."
"Barbara Oakley's two main modes of functioning... diffuse mode and focus mode..."
"Breaking it down like this helps students who weren't the best at memorization."
"Choose the learning medium that's right for you. Understand what kind of learner you are and what kind of resources work best for you."
"Most people learn by doing, most people learn through practical means."
"Incorporate all three learning styles: visual, auditory, and tactile."
"I don't favor paper and pencil tests for assessing the intelligences."
"It works well for really all learning styles."
"I've got confidence. I just learn very differently to everyone else."
"Some of us learn from watching videos like this, some of us learn from reading, or some of us are just very visual and want to have something easily digestible with some creative touch to it."
"Sometimes, the traditional classroom isn't the best place for learning math."
"Things like learning styles where people prefer like auditory versus visual, whatever, that's mostly a myth."
"We're all different, aren't we? How we learn, what we yearn for."
"Most people, including me, learn better when they combine seeing, reading, and doing."
"The first thing that you need to do in order to maximize your chances of improving your grade and getting a Grade 9 is find out what kind of learner you are."
"No matter how your brain works, having a system is very important. Some people are book learners, some are visual learners, some are hands-on. Work with what you got."
"So find out what your learning style is and implement that into your study habits."
"I am a special person and that I do learn things differently and that it's okay."
"Mixing different learning styles over a long period of time is key to effective learning."
"There are different ways to learn and different ways to be smart. There's kinesthetic and bodily, and there's an understanding of nature. It's not just being able to function in a lecture hall."
"I studied in a British school all my life. The way they approach questions, the way of studying is completely different from an American curriculum."
"We all learn in different ways so it's absolutely fine for her to give more emphasis to memorizing."
"That's Enlightenment style learning, not No Child Left Behind."
"You're not dumb, okay? The problem with schools is that it expects everyone to learn the same way."
"Everyone learns differently, right? And as instructors, we need to make sure that we try to provide as much types of learning as we can."
"...you know, people have different learning styles basically, don't they?"
"Every individual has different ways of studying, and it's in the way that you learn how to, is going to help it click for you."
"It doesn't help to teach to someone's learning style, mostly because it appears that people don't actually have learning styles."
"If you've noticed that this student does really well with audio recordings, then that could be something to put in place for future readings or test taking accommodations."
"Students have different learning styles, and these are gifts."
"There is no perfect answer, you know. You will have your own learning style."
"Jack is more of a physical learner rather than a sit down and read a book learner."
"People are either visual learners, kinesthetic learners, auditory learners, or they like to write things down."
"Auditory sequential people are great in analysis. Visual spatial people are good with synthesis."
"I don't think of visual spatial learners as being disorganized, I think of them as being differently organized."
"So, it's getting to know them, and spending the time, and knowing that we're all different in how we learn."
"Everybody has learning domains: cognitive, psychomotor, and affective."
"Some people are better visual learners than actual in-person learners; some people just need to read it."
"Everyone learns differently, and in fact, there are four main types of learners: audio, kinesthetic, visual, and reading/writing learners."
"Everyone has different learning patterns; some people learn better reading books, some people learn better taking online classes or watching videos or taking live classes."
"I mostly read from audiobooks because that's just how my brain works."
"They're all different and they all learn different ways."
"I'm not lazy, and I'm not slow; I just learn differently."
"Not everyone learned through listening, some people are very visual learners."
"People learn by auditory, visual, and kinesthetic."
"Be kind to yourself, allow yourself to explore different techniques, and know that not everything will work for everyone."
"Everybody learns differently, the way that I learn is not the way that you learn."
"Know the type of learner you are. This is important because we all learn differently."
"A good teacher will help you to become more aware of how you learn best."
"We all learn differently and we all absorb information differently."
"Students learn in different ways and acclimate to a style they like best."
"Some learn by watching, some by doing, some by listening, but some learn best from reading."
"The big problem in a lot of our schools is that we don't teach kids the way they learn; we expect them to learn the way we teach."
"All of us are different and we learn in different ways."
"There's no one size fits all for that."
"Visual, auditory, and kinesthetic are three distinct learning styles."
"Most people don't really know which way they learn best, so it's probably best as a nurse to use all three modes of learning to get the best outcome."
"We all know there's three different learning styles: the visual, the auditory, and the kinesthetic."
"Kinesthetic learners absorb new information by doing, moving, and participating."
"If you can tap into different ways of learning, more kids will go with you."
"Learn your learning style and go from there."
"Everybody learns differently, no two people are the same."
"Every student can learn, just not on the same day or in the same way."
"I'm going to show you several different ways to do it and then you can decide which way you like the best, which way works the best for you."
"There are four main types of learners: visual, auditory, reading and writing, and kinesthetic."