
Monastic Life Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"There's something attractive or kind of alluring about the peaceful life of a monk."
"The Knights Hospitallers combined the life of a monk with that of a knight."
"Monks who separate themselves from society and commit to spiritual life devote their entire lives to certain crafts and Shaolin Kung Fu."
"Being a monk meant secluding oneself from the materialistic world."
"Augustine monks were actually the leading practitioners of herbal medicine, they were completely self-sufficient, growing their own herbs for both the dining table and the infirmary."
"The hanging Monastery of Mount Hang is a testimony to the ingenuity of the monks who lived here for centuries."
"The hardest decision I've ever made in my life was to leave the monastery."
"It's not poor, it's not war. Mystic Monks monastery is rich, top-notch."
"Time and space to grow in learning and practice was exactly what I was looking for and I feel I have found it in monasticism."
"It's becoming ever clearer that this was a sizeable Priory home to 12 months."
"Monastic beekeeping: honey is okay, wax, that sounds pretty darn helpful."
"I'm very close to being a monk bro, chastity and obedience definitely."
"Suffering and struggle is an ornament for monastic life. So there's nothing to be disappointed in that."
"What brings me the most joy as a monk is living the life that we have here, interacting with all the brothers that we have here in the monastery."
"Favorite part though of this monk cell was the garden."
"Each cell was in effect a private Monastery with all the elements within it empowering the monastic life for one occupant."
"People who hadn't seen the life of meditation monks had no idea what it was like."
"Holy Island is so cool because it was home to... some monks that were here on the island, and they were in a priory here and the remains of the priory are still on the island."
"The six weeks at the monastery was completely life-changing. I have become something very, very different than something much better."
"Trappism isn't the style, it's obviously a way of life, it's a religion."
"Chimay's Scourmont Abbey is an exceptionally peaceful place just outside the Ardennes forest."
"I was extremely happy to have the opportunity to talk with Father Jacques and to taste some incredible Chimay beer right at the source."
"I love being a monk. This lifestyle for me just fits perfectly."
"Many Orthodox monks and nuns are essentially vegan ninety percent of the time."
"The form of the bhikkhu... contains within itself everything that I have ever wanted in my life and it lacks nothing."
"We are inheritors of this wonderful tradition... what an honor it is to be able to live this life."
"As long as bhikkhus take delight in forest life, the Buddha Sasana will not disappear from the world."
"We have come to practice as monks in order to penetrate true wisdom, to rid ourselves of attachment."
"The monks have willingly left that life in the outside world behind them for something they believe is greater."
"The goal of the monks is to build a monastery that will last a thousand years."
"A monastery is not really a community of friends, but a community based on a deep commitment to an ideal that is deeper and stronger than friendship."
"Prayer has sustained monks for seventeen hundred years, but how does prayer fit into modern life?"
"The only different thing is when you arrive in a Bon monastery, the first thing you find is that the Bon people go around here holding objects of temples, go around like that. Which is what we call the anti-clockwise."
"In 793, Vikings attacked the wealthy and undefended Monastery of Lindisfarne."
"You can go to monasteries today that actually specialize in varieties of wine, cheese, and even baking."
"With their hard work, education, and artistic flare, these monks were keeping literacy alive for Western Civilization."
"...an abbey is more than just a place where monks go and isolate themselves and to pray; it's actually a site of power and of industry and of artistic output."
"Monastic life became the apex of Christian living in the Early Middle Ages."
"Our God gives us love for these ordinary things in the monastic life."
"The vinea, that is the rules of monastic life and their history."
"The lifestyle that I'm living here in the monastery actually honors me and how I'm designed and I just feel the most peaceful that I've ever been."
"A monk should always act as if he were going to die tomorrow, yet treat his body as if he were going to live for many years."
"It's an acting Monastery with 120 monks living there."
"The silent sisters are always glad to welcome widows. Theirs is a serene life, a life of prayer and contemplation and good works."
"If you don't pay attention to your use of these requisites, you won't make it as a monk."
"The living place of a true practice monk is different from that of an ordinary person."
"Everything you use in this life as supports for the practice."
"The most important rule in the monastery which we can all agree on is kindness and compassion."
"Legend has it that the manuscript was written by a monk who was facing execution for breaking his monastic vows."
"They aim to live the simple and disciplined life which the Buddha laid down for the earliest forest monks."
"One of the hidden benefits of being a monastic is that a lot of the time you meet really nice people."
"The library at Lambach incorporated a scriptorium where the monks copied books for religious purposes to add to the community store of knowledge and also as a form of prayer or study."
"Now you know what happiness is, now you know why people become monks and nuns."
"Monks had kind of safeguarded culture and Christian scholarship during this early period of time."
"He's the grandson of an emperor, he's been raised as a monk his whole life after being Moses by his mother, and he's the reincarnation of Golden Cicada, an original disciple of the Buddha."
"Born in China in the 1220s, Bar Salma spent most of his life as an ascetic monk in a mountain; however, his destiny was to become one of the greatest adventurers of history."
"So no matter how many times they wash the clothes, they will have six, seven, eight of the orange robes, orange saris, because that color keeps them focused on one purpose: soul searching."
"The disappearance of the monastic way of life left an absolute chasm in the spiritual and geographical and cultural heart of the country that they once served."
"It's very difficult to lead an ideal monastic life unless the mind is prepared."
"Mount Athos, the holy mountain, is a peninsula in northern Greece, known as a monastic republic and the last living remnant of the Byzantine."
"A thousand years ago, in an Ireland without cities, monastic communities like this one here at Glendalough were mainstays of civilization."
"They're often coming back, and visiting the monasteries, offering food, and they feel it was one of the most important things they ever did in their lives."
"And sometimes parents are actually transformed by the experience of their son becoming a monk."
"You see that monastic communities have survived 2,500 years, while whole countries and civilizations have collapsed around them."
"Truly seeking God is the number one infallible sign of a monastic vocation."
"I was so convinced that the life I was getting to build as a monk was so much more meaningful and so much more fulfilling."
"Monks spent a huge amount of time creating texts as books were rare."
"The contemplative hermits are the pillars of the church who by their ceaseless prayers support its piety."
"It was a very important center of learning."
"This was a very monastic interior world for about 400 years."
"Michael abdicated and became a monk."
"The monks and the nuns over history had protected Western civilization and Western knowledge."
"The whole book was written by one Benedictine monk working alone during the 13th century."
"I am so grateful by the grace of God I am a monk today."
"The wat unalom monastery is the center of Cambodian Buddhism, the home of the patriarch and around 200 monks."
"I loved the monastery, I loved everybody there, they were so kind and compassionate."
"The appearance of a monastic in the world is soothing."
"These beers made within the walls of a Trappist monastery by or under the supervision of monks and purely for the upkeep of the monk's way of life or good causes."
"The luxury and laxity that obtained in monastic life were not confined to the 15th century."
"Francis spoke about a life of modesty and this is reflected in the rooms of the monks."
"What sustained me all these years is just incredible amounts of fun in monastic life."
"I lived at Buddhist monasteries studying Buddhism under rinpoches and llamas."
"The monastic tradition is often about being alone."
"We've had an amazing time here at the monastery, they've been so generous with their time."
"Byland, a much smaller house, came to be known in Roger's lifetime as one of the three jewels of monastic life in northern England."
"Monks are often vegans, by the way."
"Sort of explains why monks are never smiling, because they work forever and then just something bad happens."
"The Buddha emphasized the importance of practicing moral discipline in the monastic life."