
Colorism Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"We need to have a conversation with ourselves about our colorism and the internalized white supremacy that Hollywood has indoctrinated us with."
"The world is colorist, it's not just a black community thing."
"Colorism is simply institutionalized racism that comes with an instruction manual for how we should and should not receive people based on the color of their skin."
"Colorism is a real thing... I wasn't thinking so deeply into it when I was making the song."
"Colorism is deeply woven into our society and history."
"Colorism affects darker complected people socially and systemically."
"Colorism is the child of racism, upholding white supremacy."
"Colorism conversations continue and people continue to abolish annihilate and eliminate the stereotypes and disparities that come with being a brown or dark-skinned woman."
"There's no reverse colorism. The light brown women are no more privileged over the dark brown women."
"We have to take an active role in stopping the systems that promote racism and colorism."
"This issue is called colorism and Hollywood has a long history of perpetuating it."
"Colorism, futurism, and texturism disproportionately impact darker skinned people."
"Colorism impacts literally every area of life."
"It is harder for a darker skinned black woman to have a baby and to secure a spouse with some resources to help take care of that baby."
"Colorism is very real. It is very, very [__] real."
"If we're going to have a conversation about colorism and we really want to heal from it, we have to have an honest conversation."
"People have this insane narrative that white is better."
"I think there is something to how we speak to each other at times that is rooted in colorism."
"Colorism is a global phenomenon rooted in white supremacy."
"Black women and black mothers just like colorist black men, at this point, like a lot of them know better, they're just not doing better."
"Contrary to popular belief, dark-skinned women who talk about colorism are not haters."
"Colorism is real and it's very evident when we watch certain music videos when we hear certain rap lyrics and even when we see who gets to be successful within the music industry and the beauty industry."
"While I recognize that colorism is a thing, I'm still black and I still experience racism."
"Dark-skinned women calling out the colorism."
"I'm proud because we are just not tolerating the colorism like we used to."
"Stop perpetuating colorism it can have dangerous consequences."
"I've experienced colorism, but I still have a great fulfilling life."
"It's mainly dark-skinned black women that are colorists."
"Colorism is one of those discussions that seldom can be had in an honest full manner."
"Colorism is a sensitive topic, especially when you haven't been subjected to it."
"Colorism, though evil at its core, has actually protected me from a lot of toxic men."
"Colorism is a huge issue within the Latinx community."
"Anybody can be racist, being a light-skinned person growing up in Kenya, there's definitely a colorism issue going on where darker-skinned people are usually looked at differently than lighter-skinned people."
"Overall, colorism is a disgusting issue, it expands and reaches far beyond the black community."
"When we refuse to tolerate colorism, it's too late for kumbaya unity."
"It's very important to let colorist people know that the colorist abuse they inflict on dark-skinned women is unacceptable."
"If colorism is something you're so outraged about, how about we spend time investing in our community, having an open conversation about this very real thing that is colorism."
"Colorism is not something new... we have this conversation every single year about colorism and a lot of people still kind of don't get it."
"If you are automatically doing a panel and you're talking about colorism and you're not having dark-skinned people on the panel enough, dark-skinned people on the ground, you're really just showing us what colorism is by definition."
"Society has made us feel like light skin is the standard. When I don't think there's any type of color that identifies as 'this is beautiful.'"
"It's ridiculous, so yes, you know, we get tired of my colorism, but girl, she's a thing and we need to continue to address it, period."
"...its not sad they are bleaching their skin, its sad that colorism exists first because I feel like we put too much pressure on people who bleach their skin and not enough pressure on the fact that there is a system that is pushing them to do that."
"...the quicker we address colorism for what it is the quicker we can move on to making steps to fix it."
"Giselle girl yes you should be educated enough and aware of not even educated you should be aware enough to have conversations surrounding colorism even as a lighter skin black person."
"I really don't try, I try not to let it affect me anymore. It used to hurt my feelings, like the reverse colorism comments, those hurt my feelings."
"We've seen it, we know it, we know dark-skinned women feel the brunt of colorism."
"People deny colorism exists or make it seem like an American problem."
"I wish people would stop with that narrative because it only perpetuates more invalidation of people that actually do suffer from and experience colorism in their everyday life."
"Black men usually like light women and then their mothers be dark-skinned but they don't want a dark girl."
"Candace tried to lead us into a conversation about colorism and pulls out her phone for a Webster dictionary or Merriam-Webster dictionary of colorism."
"...she's just light-skinned, she's automatic again, same thing Wendy has all these things, Wendy has all these things, she's intelligent, she has these three, she's doing all the stuff and like like girl."
"They literally put the dark skin and brown skin girls against the light-skinned girls."
"The colorism issue along with how it portrays black and brownness in odd ways is a real problem."
"But it's possible. And the reason that I'm saying this is two reasons: one, people have told me to my face—okay, I'm talking Pakistani Americans—you know, 'You've become beautiful. Yeah, when you were younger, you know, you kind of were darker.'"
"Is colorism playing a part in the fact that she does not have the kind of career mainstream palatability and access that Zendaya has?"
"This may be one of the clearest examples of how colorism plays out in Hollywood."
"Just tell everything. There's racism but colorism is a big thing as well."
"Why is it that the lighter you are the easier it is for you to get a job, the lighter you are the more beautiful you are?"
"Colorism - the lighter you are the easier it is for you to get a job the lighter you are the more beautiful you are."
"I think colorism is an issue within the black community."
"Blackness, colorism, light-skinned privilege are all real things but they are also socially constructed and change over time."
"The girls are participating in colorism. That's what it is. They need to know that's what's going on and they need to change their ways."
"There's nuance to colorism as well that I think people just don't really get."
"I will never stop talking about colorism because until I see that there's equity, there is a conversation that's being had, and the reality is more widespread and understood, I'll never stop talking about it."
"Colorism is a self-destructive system of hierarchy in a race."
"The history of colorism began most exclusively with white supremacy."
"Colorism does exist, you are a fool not to believe that."
"Colorism has existed just as long as racism has, and we must speak out on it just like with any other form of discrimination."
"I also saw the issue of colorism being displayed and being put out there."
"Colorism is a global issue because European colonialism was global."
"The conversation of colorism doesn't end; it's rooted in racism, it continues in our culture."
"We need to address colorism on this show."
"I always think the colorism talk is so great because not only do we need to talk about colorism, but when you talk about solutions, you must first acknowledge your privilege."
"Colorism really goes beyond just the United States; it is very real and prevalent in a lot of different communities and cultures."
"Krishna means dark. He's described in the Mahabharata as 'dark as the rain-filled cloud.' Then why the hell do they show him everywhere to be sky blue?"
"I recognize and I see that both light-skinned, brown-skinned, and darker-skinned women and men, we all deal with our issues within colorism."
"Any country on this planet where there's a population of brown people who have some sort of issue with colorism, they have all been colonized at some point by some European country."
"We as black people have to stop... this light-skinned, dark-skinned thing has got to stop."
"Colorism exists, we know that it does."
"Colorism is a real thing; it affects not just black people, it affects a wide variety of minority groups in a very negative way."
"Colorism was created by white people to really separate us as a people."
"Colorism is a big issue that hasn't been sorted out yet."
"Colorism exists, colorism is an issue. This boils down to the politics of desirability."
"We have to understand that it's a system that's working, so when we're calling out colorism, it's not necessarily a critique on the individual person but more so the institution and the structure that they're playing into."
"Sometimes we have to just take a step back and understand that sometimes it ain't about colorism."
"Like colorism is internalized prejudice, it does not have the same power that racism does."
"There are so many stigmas with colorism around the world, and brands know this."