
Stalking Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"Remember that with stalking, it can often turn into something pretty catastrophic."
"Stalking and surveillance behaviors are a common tactic of typically men who use violent behaviors in an intimate relationship."
"First, breaking into a house while the occupant is not at home burglary then possibly watching her in their home learning her behavior their patterns stalking."
"No matter what someone did in their past... it does not justify stalking them for years and years and years."
"Eventually this would lead to 24 7 surveillance of us and our home including stalking trespassing videoing our house while we're inside of it and death threats."
"Stalking is what happens when a parasocial relationship goes wrong."
"Through years of stalking, gathering resources and research, John crafted this plan with one motive in mind."
"Catfishing is one level, but now she's straight stalking."
"So you you wait until you figure out what her shift schedule looks like you wait until she's done with her job okay and then you follow her and then you go oh my god it's so crazy fancy seeing you here."
"Acquiring a stalker is truly one of the worst things that can happen to someone, no matter who you are or how secure you might believe yourself to be."
"This is not a random stalking or a random act of violence."
"I think he was stalking their movements for three months before these murders took place that is really freaking scary."
"He was stalking their movements for three months before these murders took place that is really freaking scary."
"This person's constantly stalking you online, trying to figure out who you are."
"Thumbs up, subscribe, and stalk the girls you love so much."
"Nate Saint-Germain is not Maya's cousin. He's her stalker Lyndon James who killed her and he tries to kill Emily."
"Whoever did that was clearly stalking him to know that he was gonna go hunting on this day."
"Stalkers like Tomohiro become stalkers in the first place because they already have an obsessive and delusional personality."
"If you've ever been a victim of stalking it is terrifying."
"Imagine buying a million-dollar home only to find out that it was being stalked by a mystery man. That's what happened to the next family."
"These actions are the definition of stalking."
"Let's get into the real inspirational figure of the franchise."
"The hurt we're talking about is him stalking Cassie."
"Christina noticed that someone was following her, then she recognized the driver. It was her ex-boyfriend, 42-year-old Anthony Juco."
"There's no way I'm going to sit with this guy, he's stalking me on Twitter all the time, etc., etc."
"Being stalked is one of the most traumatizing forms of emotional manipulation."
"It still kind of freaks me out to think that there's some weird-ass guy out there who stalked me for years with my childhood photos."
"Apparently she didn't have a boyfriend the guy in question has been stalking her since high school."
"I had a crazy ex-boyfriend that like stalked me for two years and would like write handwritten diary notes."
"Intersection between stalking and other crimes, understanding the totality of the circumstances."
"Continuing education and staying up to speed on stalking issues."
"Halloween... it doesn't rely much on gore, it's all about the suspense of being followed."
"he knew my home address my room number on campus my parents and brothers names my pet's names in my schedule it was terrifying"
"I had a psycho stalking me for 2 years and you all couldn't do about it because he was in the military."
"Stalking is not cool, not POG at all."
"Kidwell was a bonafide internet stalker, the very kind of nightmare person everyone was always afraid of meeting back in the early days of internet dating."
"Do you do this to everyone you interview? Like stalk them on Instagram and like, well, it's called research."
"There's this stalkery energy here."
"Golovkin is a methodical stalker. He's measured coming in, takes his time."
"1 in 12 women have experienced stalker-like behavior at the hands of a man."
"But as a result of the domestic homicide review Staffordshire police officially changed its policy surrounding criminal harassment meaning officers are now required to record stalking as a crime even if victims don't want to take matters further."
"I woke up to four pictures taped on my window—one zoomed in on me in the woods that night with Johnny and the two girls, confirming I was being watched and followed."
"It was as though the person who had stalked her in Albany had followed her to Spring Lake."
"Both from random accounts. I'm not sure where to go from here but I am still pretty shook up. E gads, you have a real-life stalker. No fun or sarcasm intended. Make sure your home and technology are seriously locked down. People have too much time on their hands."
"They could be stalking you from afar even though they're not speaking with you."
"Everywhere she goes, death seems to stalk her."
"Nexialist will stalk their victim from a distance until the time is right to strike. He will then approach the player and will send them a private message asking them if they’d like to see something cool."
"In the fall of 2017, a Florida woman was found guilty of stalking her ex-boyfriend and planting a tracking device on his car."
"Even if she wasn't involved, she's still a stalker freak. Annie Zin is a dangerous person that has the potential to hurt idols, whether it is with their reputation or physically."
"I think she got my dorm from stalking me, but how she got my a I am I still don't know."
"It was clear that she had been keeping tabs on me both online and offline, gathering up every scrap of information she could find about my life and hoarding it in her collection."
"I was being stalked, I could feel the eyes. Still, even as I ran down the trail, I haven't been back to that trail since that day."
"In 1990 California passed the first anti-stocking law in the United States in response to this case and Laura's nightmare called national attention to stalking and the lack of legislation about it."
"social media stalking is very popular with the Tik Tok crowd people are are actually making step-by-step tutorials teaching you how to effectively stock someone on socials"
"Would you stalk your celebrity crush?"
"Are you tired of stalking me, tired of constantly watching my page from a fake account?"
"Probably the most common scenario in stalking is for the perpetrator to be somebody that you were in an intimate relationship with that's now ended and they're looking to try and reestablish the relationship or reestablish contact for some reason."
"It's just absolutely insane when you find out who is stalking her and why. I just have no words."
"Some of you may find out someone's been checking you out, checking you out, but it could also be very surprising to know that this person is kind of stalking you."
"this person has made it their mission and their job to genuinely stalk and prowl the corners of your life"
"But if you seriously believe someone is stalking you, engaging with them in any way will only serve to encourage them 99.9% of the time."
"He also managed to find my home address three hours away from the city we were in."
"Your past person has never stopped watching you. They have been stalking you since day one."
"There's not much else she can do. She was being harassed, she was being stalked, there was a lot of things that were taking place that I'm not sure everybody is aware of."
"I think he's got the same handwriting, he says he has a dog, he had Regina's hair on him, he has $150. This is definitely... this guy is the stalker."
"It's illegal, it is. It's called stalking."
"Their continued determination to change the law to better protect victims of stalking is commendable."
"Yeah sure being aware the offender and all this but like stalking the guy and like calling him all the time and harassing them non-stop this I don't know yeah nobody should have to live through harassment like that that's messed up."
"If I calmed him down over time, he would realize he doesn't have to stalk me."
"Not all stalkers are mentally ill, but there is a subsection that certainly are."
"The closer you can get, the more accurate cast you can make. It's a stalking game and that's what makes it so much fun."
"Wolverines will stalk a potential victim for hours, even days."
"We're kind of watching a potential stalking harassment situation. It's not, it's abusive, it's potentially criminal."
"I had changed my job, my number, my address, my email account, my social media profiles were private. This was the one place I forgot to block him."
"I've been being followed, I no longer live in Texas."
"I honestly do not believe that stalking is something that happens just because that person is attracted to you and they love you. I believe stalking is a power play."
"Stalking is basically engaging in a course of conduct repeatedly that an individual does not want."
"Stalkers especially psychotic stalkers, they don't just track you just to track you. They track you because they know that there is something that they want from you."
"According to sources, these charges stem from Muhammad's previous marriage, and it's stated that he stalked his ex-wife and his children."
"The internet made it much, much easier for some creeper to stalk someone they find interesting."
"This random person grew an obsession with UTV and over time started following UTV in every thread he went into and every thread he created."
"I didn't want to leave my house. They chased my car, they tried to climb over the walls at my house, they tracked my phone and my car. They'd make deals with restaurants so that when I went to one, someone would notify them."
"Something about men sitting outside your house in cars and following you everywhere you go and checking what you're doing and, you know, and they, you know, I don't know, it's never trying to provoke you and like say things to you to get a reaction out of you, yeah."
"There's never an excuse to harass and stalk you and basically upend your life by making you feel uncomfortable in it."
"...if someone took a picture of me with another partner and sent it to my primary partner, it could be overlooked as just looking out for them. This person took many pictures and followed you to different locations for 5 plus hours."
"Some of your haters are big mad because they can't even stalk you."
"This is a great example. An obsessed fan could potentially purchase a subscription for $5 to avoid the ads. A stalker would, you know, come to the house to watch the content with his own two eyes."
"It's like when you have a stalker, and then they finally stop stalking you, they're going to stop this silly nonsense."
"Since they stalk their prey a mile beneath the surface, witnessing an actual kill is impossible."
"I don't understand the reluctance to call it stalking because criminal damage and harassment could be one-off incidents. This is an obsession."
"I remember being so afraid that he would be waiting for me at the next corner and just drag me off into the bushes."
"I was shaking. Someone had been stalking me."
"He developed an obsession with me."
"Stalkers always find a way to torment their target."
"He must have been stalking me for a whole week to have known where I worked and the path I took to get there."
"It's the most deranged normalization of stalking I've seen among the Normie like commentary and drama Community I've ever seen as it is bizarre."
"This man definitely knows where I live. He knows my work schedule and my work habits. He's been watching me for weeks and months now."
"He was stalking you for a while and planning this murder for almost three months."
"I really thought she might finally move on but then I started getting more friend requests on everywhere they're still sitting there unanswered because I know if I delete them she'll somehow find a way to seek me out elsewhere."
"I lost a boyfriend but gained a stalker."
"Someone was following me and showing me erratic behavior."
"Over one million women deal with stalking, and that's just incomprehensible."
"If you are dealing with a stalker and you talk about it publicly online, never call this person 'my stalker' or if you're talking about a celebrity that has a stalker, don't say so-and-so stalker."
"Stalking often misunderstood, involves repeated unwanted behavior causing fear or distress; it's a serious issue affecting millions annually."
"Laurie eventually begins to feel Michael's presence stalking her, although she doesn't yet realize who or why."
"Educate them on what's going on with stalking and preserve the victim's statement."
"Develop a timeline of events so we know when the stalking behavior began."
"Educate the victims about stalking; protective orders are an option."
"We want to educate and improve awareness of stalking behaviors and risks."
"Identify the context, the pattern, and the mode of stalking."
"We have to prove the course of conduct, which has to be just more than one incident."
"I want to raise awareness for stalking because this movie depicts a stalking incident."
"I'm an 18-year-old female. I've been stalked quite a few times in my life."
"That's when I finally understood that for all those weeks that we had been hearing those sounds, it wasn't some rats scurrying around; it was that woman, looking down at our sleeping bodies, watching, grinning."
"I truly hope this is a coincidence, but if this man really followed me across multiple state lines, there's no one on this earth I'm less interested in meeting."
"Stalking in close is a really essential part of fieldcraft."
"I never would have imagined that the notes, the snooping around, and now the dead rabbit was the work of someone who had been stalking me."
"When you're stalking like this, it's just painfully slow sometimes, but the rewards are immense."
"I got the sense that whatever it was, it was stalking me."
"This Rougarou has been following the family, attacking and stalking at random times, terrorizing."
"Being stalked is not romantic or fun; it's terrifying, bone-shaking, nerve-wracking, and the worst thing I've ever gone through."
"Sharing her story is so important and it brings a lot of awareness to stalking."
"It actually makes perfect sense based on current internet stalking and harassment laws."
"I think I'm being stalked by this weird old lady."
"Being stalked by someone who knows you and has a real relationship with you is one thing, but being stalked by somebody who has no clue who you are is another."
"Leopards, when they are stalking, they crouch, they flatten their ears."