
Bioluminescence Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"Bioluminescence may have been hijacked by Hollywood, Instagram, and every other trend-setting fad of social media, we can't deny the fact that this is certainly one of the most awe-inspiring and breathtaking natural phenomena in the world."
"In certain parts of the Maldives, there are plankton and other microorganisms that have the ability of what's known as bioluminescence or the ability to glow in the dark."
"The bioluminescent wonder is absolutely stunning in its beauty. The ocean can shine like the stars in the sky thanks to a natural chemical process known as bioluminescence."
"Thanks to science, this beach in the Maldives is incredibly bioluminescent."
"They can produce a strong glow for quite some time."
"There are a couple of baby squids on board that have some cool bioluminescence properties."
"The Sea of Stars in Vaadhoo, Maldives, is a result of bioluminescent marine microbes."
"The Puerto Mosquito bioluminescent bay in Puerto Rico is so extraordinary that you'll hardly believe it exists."
"Waitomo Glowworm Caves: home to a species of glowworm found nowhere else in the world, creating a magical illumination."
"Antelope Canyon, Arizona: Dramatic structure carved by wind and water, providing a great photo opportunity."
"Bioluminescent Waters, Maldives: Glowing beach created by bioluminescent plankton, a magical sight to behold."
"Bioluminescence is a pretty rare natural phenomenon, and the light is emitted when these tiny creatures feel stress. They emit light from their cells, and pretty much anything can set them off, including the waves."
"Shimmering Shores of Vaadhoo: Bioluminescent plankton creating a sea of stars."
"Their gelatinous bodies pulse against freezing black depths between scattered ice flows, vivid hues tinge some species in signature bioluminescent patterns."
"The brightest bioluminescence I've ever seen had to be the whole length of this gulper eel lit up."
"mosquito Bay happens to be one of the world's brightest bioluminescent bodies of water"
"We found that about three-quarters of the things that we were seeing in the ocean with our ROV in the water column were bioluminescent."
"Bioluminescent beaches are one of the coolest natural phenomena on Earth."
"Many axolotls glow green under blacklight due to a jellyfish gene implanted into their genetic code by scientists."
"These microorganisms known as dinoflagellates have the ability to use bioluminescence, or in other words, they glow."
"A firefly squid is a captivating marine creature that illuminates the coastal Waters of Japan with its bioluminescent display."
"The glitter squid is a creature that adds a touch of Sparkle to the deep sea environment."
"Glowfish literally have the ability to Glow in your tank."
"Insane video: bioluminescent organisms creating mesmerizing light shows."
"Daniel, who has worked here the longest, claims to have seen a strange bioluminescent humanoid at nighttime."
"Almost as soon as the sun had set, blue bioluminescent birds rose up from the forest, lighting the night sky with a constellation every bit as spectacular as the stars seen from above ground."
"There are also some organisms on Earth that are able to bioluminesce thanks to high levels of radiation."
"This is the stuff of Dreams. This is the stuff of like people watching Avatar going I want a glowing forest and then somebody went yeah I do want a glowing Forest I'm gonna make one and then they did."
"These microorganisms have the ability to bioluminesce or generate light, especially when disturbed by external factors."
"Nanoluc is much more sensitive than either Renilla or Firefly luciferase."
"Tonight we're doing bioluminescent kayaking, so fingers crossed that should be good."
"Others emit an eerie glow, a result of bioluminescence, their only source of light in the eternal darkness."
"This protein that makes the firefly tail glow."
"We saw some bioluminescence along the water which I didn't think we were gonna see again because it's quite rare."
"Living organisms emit light; it's a real scientific fact that can be measured with devices."
"I wonder, why do fireflies light up?"
"The atolla jellyfish boasts an interesting appearance and in addition, it glows in the dark if it senses danger."
"Wow, these some of these animals are like green, they light up."
"Through a process called bioluminescence, a population of microscopic plankton turn the ocean bright blue."
"It's a perfect opportunity for you to see bioluminescent bays while you're in Puerto Rico."
"Green fluorescent protein... glows green under UV or blue light and was first extracted from a type of bioluminescent jellyfish."
"Glow worms are bioluminescent larvae of the fungus gnat insect that emit a natural glow."
"The glow that you see is a chemical reaction called bioluminescence."
"The Core is known by its bioluminescent capabilities, displaying various colors."
"The glow worms... are chimeras genetically engineered by Merlin to develop a very specific type of bioluminescent light."
"The magical effect of the water is due to a large concentration of microorganisms in it, which when agitated by movements, emit a neon blue glow."
"When you start moving your hands, you can actually play with the bioluminescence, creating this incredible firework show around you."
"Jellyfish can glow in the dark... they've got bioluminescence organs that emit blue or green."
"You'd be surprised how bright a Hydra can be at night underwater."
"The Sun is setting; take a look around me at the bioluminescent ground here, this is truly fantastic."
"I love going to San Diego to watch the bioluminescence when it's there."
"It's just amazing that bright fish like this live down on the bottom where there's darkness."
"The creature's brain can be directly seen through the semi-transparent skin which is covered in a web of bioluminescent organs."
"Fireflies have two special chemicals in their bodies, and when they mix together, they create light."
"Bioluminescence is the chemical reaction that makes some creatures produce their own light."
"Fish like glow in the dark, of course."
"Sea dwellers are capable of bioluminescence and biofluorescence."
"Bioluminescence is an interesting natural phenomenon where living organisms produce light."
"The green glowing orbs would pulsate on and off like some underwater alien orb or UFO."
"It was massive concentrations of bioluminescent algae that we were driving through."
"These must be tiny sea animals that glow in the dark like fireflies."
"What causes oceans to glow? To glow."
"The bioluminescence of fish... it cries out design."
"These sea creatures actually are bioluminescent, which means that they make their own light and actually glow in the dark."
"The deep sea dragonfish cuts a fearsome figure in the deep dark ocean."
"Here they are shown to select a partner by synchronizing an elaborate display of bioluminescence."
"This one's really cool though because it's bioluminescent, so it glows in the dark."
"80% of the animals here generate their own light."
"Bioluminescence has evolved independently over 40 times on Earth that we know of."
"There are sharks that glow in the dark."
"We've actually discovered a way of calibrating bioluminescent plankton."
"Bioluminescent light is so cool to me, and I like that it also furthers that spirit of adventure."
"This is a type of jellyfish typically found in fresh water, and this one has a natural gene that makes it glow."
"Those are the ones that glow at night, right? The little butts."
"It's a wonderful thing to see if you live in Southern California and you have access to the beach, check out the bioluminescence."
"It's an extraordinary thought that the living light produced by some of the smallest creatures in the sea could be the basis for the incredible light shows in the ocean."
"The Milky Seas effect is not only real but the result of bioluminescent bacteria."
"This is called a ghost mushroom, and it's a mushroom that can glow in the dark."
"Bioluminescent dinoflagellates are a type of Plankton that lights up."
"Bioluminescence. This is light production. Dinoflagellates are really good at making light."
"The flashlight fish carries billions of luminescent bacteria in a pouch just below each eye."
"Jump into the ocean at midnight... into plankton, and everywhere they moved, you see green glowing all over the place."
"You can actually use the firefly as a base template and work other genes into the mix to make some really bright and flashy combinations."
"A squid and a vampire cape living in the darkness of the ocean, shooting twinkling light cloud particles that last up to nine minutes."
"When disturbed, these large populations called blooms emit a beautiful glow ranging in color from blue to green to red depending on the area."
"Fireflies possess organs that create light when a firefly inhales oxygen, it combines with luciferin, a substance inside special cells, to create the signature blinking glow."
"They live in a part so deep that there's absolutely no light. So they make their own light."
"Some mushrooms can glow in the dark."
"Imagine walking through a forest at night and seeing trees, mushrooms, and even insects glowing with an eerie blue or green light."
"They have bred beagles that glow red in the dark."
"It's got bioluminescence, which is a pretty cool thing to have on a catfish."
"All forms of bioluminescence occur through a chemical reaction called chemiluminescence."
"Bioluminescence is also a very important educational tool."
"All organisms, with the exception of bacteria which always glow, very finely control the expression of bioluminescence."
"The hatchetfish produces bioluminescence to fill in their shadow, helping to hide them from their predators."
"During the red tides, dinoflagellates produce brilliant displays of bioluminescence at night."
"Dolphins aren't luminous, but they stimulate the bioluminescence of the dinoflagellates, creating beautiful displays around their bodies."
"The chemistry of bioluminescence... is a lead-in to the important applications that bioluminescence and its chemical reactions mean for us."
"There are a number of reasons that organisms produce bioluminescence: to find food, to find mates, and to deter predators."
"The fish can also produce red bioluminescence, which is extremely rare in the ocean."