
Bermuda Triangle Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"Theories abound, but many reports about what happens in the Bermuda Triangle are seriously exaggerated."
"There's honestly so many different theories about the Bermuda Triangle."
"Flight 19: the greatest Bermuda Triangle mystery."
"The Bermuda Triangle has held on to its secrets."
"Is the government behind the Bermuda Triangle?"
"He described an electromagnetic yellow, grayish fog surrounding the plane and messing with his instruments."
"Now, this is the most famed legend surrounding the Bermuda Triangle and one of the hardest to explain. It all went down on December 5th, 1945, when five TBM Avenger bombers grouped as Flight 19 were flying over the Bermuda Triangle."
"Christopher Columbus was on board the Santa Maria with his crew on his first voyage to the New World. He sailed through the area we now know as the Bermuda Triangle and reported seeing fire on the horizon despite there being no discernible land."
"The mysteries behind the Bermuda Triangle may never be solved."
"The Bermuda Triangle is a place where people disappear mysteriously."
"If Nick's theory is correct, all of the anomalies within the Bermuda Triangle and all of its heightened danger could come down to a question of magnetism."
"The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle may finally be close to being solved."
"The Bermuda Triangle: nothing short of spooky."
"15 strangest disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle."
"Disappearance of USS Cyclops: one of the most baffling mysteries."
"The Bermuda Triangle has always been mysterious... but many questions remain to this day."
"Flight 19 disappeared without a trace in the Bermuda Triangle."
"The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle has persisted for many years."
"I bet if you were taking a plane ride or a boat ride and you happen to notice that you were going through the Bermuda Triangle you would probably feel some type of way too."
"The legendarily mysterious patch of ocean between Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and the tip of Florida has allegedly swallowed a horde of unsuspecting ships, planes, and people."
"I think the Bermuda Triangle is like a portal into time travel, call me crazy just a thought."
"The Bermuda Triangle: Where mysterious things seem to take place."
"The discovery of the ship particularly its location challenges theories that the Cotopaxi's disappearance had anything to do with the Bermuda Triangle."
"The lost city of Atlantis... theorized that the Bermuda Triangle is home to this mythical city."
"Well, famously a high number of aircraft are believed to have mysteriously vanished while flying over the Bermuda Triangle, their wreckage and passengers rarely ever recovered."
"The Bermuda Triangle: A place where the known laws of physics and explanation seem to twist and turn as mysteriously as the tales that emerge from it."
"The Bermuda Triangle has long been shrouded in mystery with stories of planes and ships going missing."
"Some even say there could be a portal to another dimension somewhere in the Triangle."
"...people believe that the Bermuda Triangle is home to multiple mer people. Legend states that if you see one of these mer creatures, then you will die from a sudden terrible storm."
"Legend goes a giant sea monster lurks the depth of the Bermuda Triangle. Those who get too close to it will be snatched and pulled under and eaten by this creature."
"This massive US Navy cargo ship with 309 people on board vanished without a trace while traveling in the Bermuda Triangle."
"I mean, I don't blame them. What the [ __ ] else again are they gonna do? It's the Bermuda Triangle."
"Aliens, honestly. If I had to believe any of these theories, I'm gonna go with aliens. I gotta go with aliens, bruh. The Bermuda Triangle could be the true censor of the Earth, and it's a perfect place to snatch unsuspecting travelers."
"Flight 19: vanishing without a trace during a routine training mission in December 1945, remains one of the Bermuda Triangle's most famous incidents."
"For starters, let's refresh the most notable incidents that brought the Bermuda Triangle its loud and sad fame."
"In fact, seamounts in the area have a rather peculiar, almost regular conical shape."
"What rises above the water in the Bermuda Triangle has its opposite, and that's even more interesting. After all, there is nothing but the Puerto Rico Trench. The Puerto Rico trench is the deepest point in the Atlantic Ocean."
"The Bermuda Triangle mystery was popularized by Charles Berlitz's bestseller in 1974."
"The Bermuda Triangle is the headquarters of the shaytan."
"The mysterious powers of the Bermuda Triangle are said to have caused hundreds of ships and planes to vanish."
"It's not called the Bermuda Triangle for nothing."
"The Bermuda Triangle, the most cursed part of the ocean."
"The Bermuda Triangle is a section of the Atlantic Ocean that is bordered by Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico."
"Allegedly 50 ships and 20 airplanes have mysteriously vanished in this region."
"That's the that on the Bermuda Triangle, everyone."
"The Bermuda Triangle... more than 20 airplanes and 50 ships have disappeared within this area."
"Did you know that in the region of the legendary Bermuda Triangle, you can find holes at the bottom? The weirdest thing is that a ship was recently found here that could have belonged to aliens."
"The Bermuda Triangle is a unique area that's little studied and full of unsolved mysteries."
"Last year, scientists were able to identify a ship missing in the Bermuda Triangle almost 100 years ago."
"The Bermuda Triangle is actually a highly traveled region mostly without incident."
"The Bermuda Triangle is an area of the Atlantic Ocean roughly bounded by Miami, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda."
"Between 1946 and 1991 alone, there were over 100 disappearances of ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle."
"Three have occurred within the Bermuda Triangle in the past month... I'm afraid something much more sinister is happening."
"Flight 19 was comprised of a formation of five General Motors TBM Avenger torpedo bombers that vanished into the depths of the Bermuda Triangle."
"The true nature of the Bermuda Triangle, the essence of its dark patterns, has never been revealed to man."
"More than 100 planes and ships and over a thousand human beings have set off into the triangle, only to disappear apparently."
"Electromagnetic forces can provide a rational explanation."
"The only conceivable explanation: a massive navigational aberration."
"The Bermuda Triangle encompasses 500,000 square miles of open water."
"The enigma of the Bermuda Triangle is that more aircraft and ships will vanish than any other place in the world."
"The Bermuda Triangle is one of the greatest mysteries of the modern world."
"The Bermuda Triangle, located in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean, is known for its eerie reputation."
"The Bermuda Triangle, the money's yours."
"The Bermuda Triangle... it's like a world of its own."
"This might explain all the mysteries behind Bermuda Triangle."
"Ships and airplanes do not vanish in the Bermuda Triangle with any greater frequency than anywhere else on Earth."
"What's really going on in the Bermuda Triangle? Well, if we knew the answer to that, it wouldn't be one of the world's most famous mysteries."
"According to some writers, these treacherous seas hold few dangers compared to the area of the Atlantic between Bermuda and Florida, this is the notorious Bermuda Triangle."
"The Bermuda Triangle has got to be one of the longest running stories in Herald history, I guess."
"More than a hundred ships and airplanes have been lost in the Bermuda Triangle, taking with them one thousand lives."
"Energy vortexes... can lead to spatial anomalies such as those documented in the Bermuda Triangle."
"What is down there, and what could possibly be next in the Pacific's Bermuda Triangle?"
"The Bermuda Triangle, once a symbol of the unexplainable, stands as a testament to the power of scientific reasoning and rational thought."
"Despite these lingering questions, the enigma of the Bermuda Triangle persists."
"The allure lies not only in potential explanations for the disappearances but also in the mystique that permeates the area's history."
"Remarkably, there is substantial evidence put forth to support this intriguing hypothesis."
"These unsettling accounts only scratched the surface of the numerous mysteries intertwined within the puzzle of the Bermuda Triangle."
"Over time, unusual events and mysterious happenings have made people question whether the Bermuda Triangle holds secrets beyond our understanding."
"A ship that once disappeared within the mystifying confines of the Bermuda Triangle has seemingly defied the odds by reappearing."
"In the quietness of the Bermuda Triangle, hidden from human sight but stored in the black boxes of crashed planes, there are distressing messages."
"Truth be told, we're very interested in the Bermuda Triangle."
"It’s arguably the most mysterious place in the world, where great hunks of ships have plunged into the abyss, where pilots and their planes have vanished into thin air."
"Before we regale you with stories of tragedy and downright dumbfoundedness, for our viewers not exactly educated on the basics of the Bermuda Triangle, here is some practical information."
"A 590‐foot cargo ship with a crew of 37 has been missing since early Friday and is feared sunk in the area known as the Bermuda Triangle."
"What if the Bermuda Triangle is taking people into a parallel universe?"
"In most every way except a tragic end, this is like every other Bermuda Triangle aircraft story that we've heard."
"The Bermuda Triangle... has been credited with some of modern history’s greatest mysteries."
"The myth of the Bermuda Triangle found a life of its own where so many had lost theirs."
"Perhaps there’s a chance that uncovering more evidence will show that the Bermuda Triangle holds more secrets than we ever could have imagined."
"Neither aliens nor wormholes nor mermaids seeking revenge are to blame. Rather a coincidence of human errors, faulty designs, bad weather and accidents are the common thread between the boats and planes that have met with odd ends in this region of the Atlantic Ocean."
"The Bermuda Triangle will live on for a long time to come given its prominent role in pop culture."
"The Bermuda Triangle is a myth, and it is a coincidence that things crash there."
"There is a theory, right, about time jumping and the Bermuda Triangle."
"The Earth's magnetic field is weakened at the location of the triangle, this field works as a shield which repels solar particles."
"Do you believe in a Bermuda Triangle? Yeah, don't ask me if I believe in it, yeah I do, 100%."