
Alexandria Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"But during his time here, he founded a city that would be his lasting legacy, the great city of Alexandria."
"Alexandria...in its day and for many centuries the greatest city in the Mediterranean world."
"Library of Alexandria: The library of Alexandria was built in the 4th century BC and it's famed for being one of the most important repositories of knowledge in the ancient world."
"In Egypt, three Roman-era shipwrecks have been discovered off the coast of the city of Alexandria."
"Alexandria was one of the greatest Hellenistic cultural centres in antiquity."
"Alexandria grew rapidly under Ptolemy and his successors and became a seat of advanced learning, including its famous library."
"It's probably still hiding somewhere in Alexandria, but nobody has the slightest notion of where."
"Alexandria would transform itself into the intellectual and scientific capital of the Greek world."
"It was in Alexandria during the reign of Ptolemy II that the Hebrew Bible was first translated into Greek."
"The Great Library of Alexandria had flying carpets available to readers."
"As a cultural melting pot with intellectual ambition, ancient Alexandria became a unique environment."
"Ancient Alexandria was not only the most modern city of its time, but also the center of knowledge."
"Alexandria's heyday under Ptolemaic rule lasted only 300 years."
"Others have more flashy starts, Alexandria owes its existence to none other than Alexander the Great himself and his dream of founding cities wherever he went."
"Before Rome took political and economic control over the basin of the Mediterranean Sea, there was another superpower - the city of Alexandria."
"If there was one repository for secret knowledge in the ancient world it would be the Great Library of Alexandria."
"The port of Alexandria quickly ascended to become one of the ancient world's most crucial trade hubs, buzzing with the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures."
"Whereas previously Egyptian civilization had developed along the Nile and in many ways was quite inward looking, quite insular, I think the fact that Alexandria was open to so many diverse influences, religiously, culturally, and this gave it a real air of tolerance."
"Alexandria is such a broad, diverse, crazy place filled with all kinds of voices from around the realm."
"Alexandria especially during the 30s, 40s, and 50s used to be the California of Egypt, what you don't do on the East Coast or somewhere in some more regulated conservative state you do it in California. So, is it Alexandria is a bit of California?"
"there is a limit to what you can do with either Imperial or Republican Rome at this point whereas Alexandria on the other hand well if I wrote about Alexandria I could write about it in two periods."
"Athanasius truly was the child of Egypt and of its greatest city Alexandria."
"Alexandria, Virginia, is actually closer to Toronto, Canada, than it is to Virginia, Virginia."
"Alexandria was founded by Alexander... it rapidly became the biggest city in the world."
"Alexandria was the place to be if you wanted to learn and be at the cutting edge of research."
"Good afternoon and welcome to the not so great Alexandria here in Egypt."
"For within a very few years, Alexandria would not only be Egypt's new capital but the greatest city on earth."
"The creation of Alexandria and the great influx of immigrants gave it a freshness of a city and really kind of transformed the ancient culture."
"The main significance of the library and the museum at Alexandria is that it did what a great library does: it disseminates knowledge."
"Ancient Alexandria was home to two of antiquity's greatest sights, neither of which survive."
"The founding of the library in Alexandria has been called the beginning of modern history."
"The legacy of Alexandria is tied into the very origin of modern thought."
"Alexandria had become the great center of learning for the entire Western civilization."
"It is quite possible that many ideas, beliefs, and doctrines which we now believe were invented in Alexandria, were actually derived from the great research libraries."
"The legend of the mysterious Library of Alexandria has been around for many centuries now."
"The Bibliotheca Alexandrina is a revival of the same legendary library, returning Alexandria to its former status as a center for education and providing the city with its landmark."
"Alexandria is a great example of the importance of studying ancient cities."
"So much of ancient Alexandria is beneath this major modern city of about 5 million people."
"Alexandria... was no doubt the pinnacle of Greek mathematics and engineering."
"The stones told a story about a colony leaving from Alexandria, Egypt and coming here."
"For decades, Alexandria was the largest construction site of the ancient Mediterranean."
"The port of Alexandria was the trade capital of the ancient world."
"Through the port of Alexandria, Egypt has arisen to be one of the most important trading powers."
"The Great Library at Alexandria was once the ancient world's largest library."
"The library did not admit visitors based on wealth, rather it was open to anyone who proved themselves to be a worthy scholar."
"The Library of Alexandria was the internet of the day where all information came to congregate."
"The presence of the Egyptians in Alexandria was a constant reminder to the Greeks that they were not Egyptian."
"Alexandria... a wealthy metropolis that at the time was a shining light of the Mediterranean."
"Alexandria, a city established by Alexander the Great, grew and flourished under the Ptolemies."
"Alexandria would be the center of all Ptolemaic power and splendor, attracting visitors and traders from across the world."
"...the city of Alexandria...continued to astonish visitors like the geographer Strabo some three hundred years after its foundation."
"The Great Library of Alexandria was the largest in the world, its purpose was to collect and preserve all the world's wisdom."
"Alexandria is not a place, it's a people."
"The library of Alexandria was supposedly located in ancient Egypt."
"Claudius Ptolemy was only one of many scholars who thrived in the magnificent city founded by Alexander the Great."