
Family Conflict Quotes

There are 182 quotes

"This family was never yours, and it was always mine."
"But how did we even get to this point? What the hell is a Devil Gene, and why do these fathers and sons keep throwing each other off cliffs?"
"In situations of divorce or separation, the father is typically divisive, encouraging the son to take sides with him against the mother."
"If you want any kind of relationship with your son going forward I very much recommend both of you and your wife's apologies for throwing a tantrum at his wedding."
"A cinematic journey into the depths of family dysfunction."
"Q Dropped: stories of relationships torn apart by Q Anon."
"Viserys's son was air for a day, which totally infuriates him, and that was that is a low blow. It's not such an [ __ ] thing to say. Yeah, and."
"Can't lie, a pretty large stretch between getting disowned and getting forced to stay at home."
"Richard would later say he did the following thing because he was mad his mum wouldn't let him come round Christmas."
"The child was taken out of the country over Father's Day without my permission."
"Someone close to us became enraged and unreachable after excessively listening to or watching right-wing media."
"I just had to stop talking to my dad because I couldn't heal because every conversation I had with him was poison."
"Your priorities are not messed up in this situation. You were trying to run a business, one that your sister could have potentially ruined there and then."
"It's hard for me to imagine like a guy coming to the picture and telling me that my mom said these awful things."
"But one time we went to vacation in Utah to visit my dad's family and my dad's family got upset that we didn't speak English."
"I got yelled at for the rest of the night through my locked bedroom door. She threatened to take everything I earned away, threatened to beat me the moment I came out of the room."
"My own son embarked on a course which threatens ruin and destruction."
"Every fight, every struggle, every last bit of anger and fear, all of it was about this. Adonis was the child of infidelity, born after the death of a father who didn't seem to care enough about him to stay alive for him all this time."
"His entire motive is kind of more than just Revenge he kind of wants to eliminate the entire Prescott family serious mommy issues."
"I haven't spoken to my brother in three to four years. Last time I did, he went after my wife."
"Entitled aunt kicks out family, asks for money, and loses her house."
"But as soon as Lily saw her sister being sabotaged, her anger flared up."
"My ex lied about vaccinating our immune compromised eight-year-old daughter. She now has chickenpox and is in the hospital."
"There's people in this country that kick their kids out of their house because they're gay, and the thought of that I think really upset her."
"I feel like my mom has taken my daughter and I don't believe at any point she has any intention to give her back."
"My mom's constantly holding my addiction over my head, it's a never-ending cycle and I feel like I can never win. Avery was with me nearly two years."
"Imagine if Nick killed his whole family just because his dad wouldn't buy him halo 2 on xbox."
"He admitted, that's it. Next revelation, he killed his brother solely for self-serving purposes."
"Stepdad shames daughter for being a nerd dropout, he lives to regret it."
"I wish I was dead, I'd rather be dead, I don't have a son like you."
"He rebelled against his family, injuring his mother and older brother, and ran away from home to take the hunter exam for fun."
"Siblings are being torn apart because of this, which is sad."
"It's sick to think that a 14 year old girl, her friends, and her mother would all just go out there and say all these things just for the purpose of destroying someone's credibility."
"My parents still stand up for Trump. It's honestly sickening and disturbing how warped misinformation has made them."
"I allowed myself ten-year-old sister to move in with me to New York. Dad is threatening me with kidnapping charges."
"Your feud with your brother is clearly getting in the way of running your business."
"Your sister called the cops when y'all were little on your boyfriend because she felt like your boyfriend, when y'all were kids, stole you from her. That's pure survival."
"This is pure survival. Salange called the cops on her own father because she said he was going to kill him. Stone Cold snitch on your father survival."
"The prosecution team will argue that Chris Sutton was motivated to kill his parents because of a toxic mixture of greed and resentment."
"There's absolutely no reason that saying, 'Oh, you believe in a god, yeah I don't,' should be the reason for dividing families, should be the reason for wars and battles and fights and wasting time."
"The prosecution contended Alexander shot his family after his father told him to get a job or move out of the house."
"James Dean suffered at the hands of his dad, and now his estate is to the same family."
"Am I the jerk for threatening my sister with a restraining order?"
"My sister violated my trust. She's on notice now. Watch your back."
"His father just strongly disapproved and had questions that Kim."
"I know he's mine, so, why would you stand here and try to deny him? Why would deny him the father that he deserves?"
"Not the idiot. What, how is your sister demanding you apologize for her abhorrent partner's crappy jokes made in a sensitive time?"
"Your brother-in-law is an insensitive clod of an idiot. What is wrong with your sister? She should know better than this, instead she is enabling a monster."
"You owe your sister an apology, Tristan. I'm sorry, Macy, for blackmailing you."
"I researched this with Miss Manners to argue with my mother when I was a teen about why I didn't have to send thank you notes."
"I had to fight my daddy, I had to fight my uncles, I had to fight my brothers. Girl child ain't safe in the family, but I never thought I had to fight in my own house."
"It just tore everybody apart, you know? There's no family unity in the communities."
"Whatever problem you have with someone can't be bigger than Yusuf (AS)'s problem with his brothers."
"To lock out your wife's son from his own home is exceptionally cruel."
"Look how bad of a dad you are, even your children want to kill you."
"Respect your mother's last wishes, evict them, and move on with your life."
"Now we have a bitter resentful son, a remorseful dad with failing health, and two brothers who don't want the intruder in the family business."
"They regret they some people get, you know, not disowned but just kicked out basically in the family unit."
"OP, you have disgusting parents, and while it is a huge relief that your other relatives had your back at the end, I really wish they had stuck up for you 10 years ago."
"You earned it, you destroyed your family, you attacked them, you called them names, you were just rather vile to everyone."
"It's hard to be separated from friends, but family is devastating. They disagreed with my views and sort of adopted the view or the stance that it was trumpy and selfish and evil."
"The grandma is the big [__], there's no doubt about that. It's just a bad situation."
"Your mother's behavior is disgusting here and I am completely on your side."
"I packed my bags as my mother screamed that I was going to be a failure."
"I'm just so tired of fighting a losing battle with my own family."
"If I was the dad and found out, I would be beyond pissed, sorry Mr. X's dad."
"Family chaos: 'a time when a man's enemies will be those within his own household.'"
"The wife was up against the father of her son."
"Their love story blossomed despite the legal dispute between the Tuttles, culminating in a wedding overlooking the beach."
"I can see her texting him while we are doing family stuff and I just want to grab her phone and throw it off a cliff."
"I'm gonna join the Psychonauts. Screw you, dad."
"If your mom pulls that stunt again, you should send her to the guest room without dinner to adjust her attitude." - Epidemica
"Renault was betrayed by his own son, manipulated by darkness within."
"Carissa went scorched earth on her parents, and that was pretty badass."
"After he got disowned, he was forced to face reality that he was a nobody without his father."
"Separation and devastation: a family torn apart by supernatural forces."
"Ben allowed them to sell some of the furniture in the house, leading to a rift between the families."
"That sounds like a real bad situation. Like you're 18 years old, 19 years old, and your mom is really doing this right now."
"Parental alienation... it's gaslighting at its finest."
"Not the idiot your son is awful towards your daughter you are not picking your husband over your son you are protecting your daughter from your son."
"I'm so tired of my parents' arguments. Every day, it's the same thing."
"You either stand up for yourself and your future wife or bend over and embrace your trash family."
"Have you ever witnessed one of your parents trying to hurt each other and it was all your fault?"
"He has disobeyed his father and he has hurt his father's feelings for so long."
"It's obvious to anybody who's listening to this right now that Robert had been assaulted in a fit of rage by his father."
"You refuse to help yourselves, so why would I enable your lifestyles by leaving you my savings when I die?"
"There is no way that any kid going through their parents fighting doesn't have any feelings about it."
"Just because they're your family member does not mean that you need to protect them."
"Your mother-in-law's behavior is atrocious. This is pure greed and self-importance."
"The sister-in-law initially seemed shocked, but then became defiant. 'So what? How does this prove anything? It's just a sibling argument.'"
"Mom, Dad, stop, stop! Why are you doing this to each other?"
"My parents and my brother have traumatized Bella and tried to take her away from me, so I decided to cut my parents and my brother out of our life until they can change."
"Your sister really disrespected you and honestly put you in danger."
"It was time for the killing to stop, it's got to stay between me and my mother."
"Stop it, you two. You're ruining my fucking yoga."
"Sometimes we see this bond broken by parents or children, and they not only break the bond but they take it that one step further and go on to kill."
"Your sister bullied you for your entire life and then expects you to do her a favor, give me a break."
"A martial artist vow is heavier than anything else, and with the sword given by his father, he tears off his older brother's arm."
"What would you do if the boogeyman haunting your town was your brother, stalking your every move? Would you hide under your cover? Would you run away to parts unknown? Would you say, 'Ehh, at least he doesn’t talk a lot.'"
"He suffered a lot at the hands of the Fang family's greediness in his past life."
"Father are you really going to kill your own son?"
"Family doesn't mean you put up with being treated like trash and get your wife into some therapy she needs to see what is going on and how to set her own boundaries you were not the a-hole you were defending her and your new child good for you."
"It's incredibly frustrating how religion, that is supposed to be about love, can drive a massive wedge between families."
"It's just the tip of the iceberg dividing her family, Hollywood, and the public."
"I've had clients and people in my personal life asking what happened to make me close so abruptly. My mom has been taking advantage of the business financially and I'm not putting up with it anymore."
"I don't think you could do a worse thing to a person than having split up his family so they won't talk to you anymore."
"Why would you do this to my sister? I didn't, you did."
"Stop effing shouting at my niece. You will not address her till the police is here or I will shut you up."
"I'm not going to forgive my father for this. I can't believe this is how he sees his workers."
"Sea is definitely the problem here but she didn't start the fire it was always burning parents definitely could step in at any moment and change the dynamic and do the right thing."
"I'm here today to prove to my husband that our daughter, Destiny, is in fact his. It is tearing our family apart, pieces by pieces, because he denies her."
"Don't ever speak to me as your daughter again."
"I accepted the Lord Jesus as my Savior, and my parents cursed me. But through prayer, their hearts were softened."
"It turned into a massive fight between her and my dad."
"I felt genuinely sorry that I'd upset my parents, but nothing, no matter how many sorrys I said, they asked me to stop seeing him."
"Fights over custody, access, parenting time and visitation have unintended victims, the children themselves whose emotional well-being can be harmed by their parents' fight."
"I'm mad at Mom 100%, you could have killed them both."
"It's a shame you feel like your family's being torn apart but you didn't do anything wrong, they did. So, in my opinion, you back away completely, have nothing to do with them. [ __ ] them."
"Seeing that my parents can't even get along is like that's a real painful feeling right there."
"Mama, Savannah is gone. He's gone, Brian. Do I like it? No. Do I want him gone? No. But how many times do I allow him to disrespect me in my house, my bed? Brian, have you and Trenton been in my bed? No. No."
"She has fractured the whole family very effectively. They are going to have a miserable Thanksgiving this year."
"She has accused us of abusing her in the past and often threatens to claim elder abuse to law enforcement."
"I firmly believe I'm in the right, but with my parents and sister constantly breathing down my neck, I thought I'd come here for an unbiased opinion."
"I initially felt like I was in the right but now I'm not sure because my whole family is miserable on Christmas because I won't listen to my wife."
"The matusitz family embarked on a campaign by spreading false accusations."
"I punched a hole in the wall of the studio, my son wanted the Super Fingers at me."
"He finally had a shot at being happy, and he let his father destroy it."
"You sir, are poisoning our family life. I should never have accepted you."
"Okay so right now my own brother is threatening to sue me because my son took a figure from his collection he's also threatening to get the police involved here's the story"
"But if the relative is disrespecting you, not paying back, or really doing the wrong thing in a malicious way, then I think a lawsuit is appropriate."
"It's been heartbreaking to not have my sister there for my activities, and it hurts to know that her pride got in the way of spending time with me."
"No matter how hard you try, I'll never forgive you; you'll never be my dad."
"If you reconcile and fix it, Mom and Dad necessarily do not."
"The unrealism here makes the show's themes of family and personal conflict much stronger."
"This is madness. You will regret this," Mama Dike warned. "The boy is not what is causing our problems."
"I told them they were the worst parents ever."
"The War of the Roses offers us a chance to watch and enjoy some good old family squabbles."
"Not for the first time, an argument had broken out over breakfast at number four, Privet Drive."
"I had to fight my daddy, I had to fight my uncles, but I never thought I had to fight in my own house."
"You know my older brother left home because he couldn't get along with our parents."
"I didn't want to get involved in a family row, so I went for a walk through the woods."
"I will never love you, Father. But Madara is my brother, my only brother I still have."
"My brother told them in no uncertain terms to screw themselves."
"I am not the monster who started this; you can thank your father for that."
"When I was young, me and my mama had beef."
"For someone to just, you know, give up their life to ensure that Maki's gonna have now the power needed to go against the darkness that is the Zenin clan, their own family."
"War is disgusting. Especially, the war between close people. In a family. This is horrible."
"Did you have enough of your sons bickering and fighting? Were you the one who decided to end it all?"
"You feel like you're in the room listening to them say just these awful but truthful things."
"What the hell is wrong with you? We're a family."
"The moment you let Tommy in the penthouse to kill me was the moment you were no longer my son, and now you're my enemy."
"I won't stay with my ex-fiance and the person who wronged me at the same table and pretend to be a happy family."
"We've always thought about this as Civil War is a family fight."