
Outspokenness Quotes

There are 327 quotes

"Half the time, sixty, seventy percent, I'm not saying the popular opinion. I'm saying something I believe."
"I've never been quiet about getting scammed."
"I couldn't get killed because of that. Seriously, just shut up already."
"The Catholic Church is an enemy, and to pretend it's anything but is ridiculous."
"I try to be the person to say the things that nobody else says."
"I'd rather be the idiot who spoke up and said something to you in life than the cool guy who said nothing and then mourned you in prison or the grave."
"When you speak the truth and you're bold about it, you're going to be attacked."
"If I'm not saying it, there's not anybody saying it."
"I've just said I'm going to just be straight up. I'm going to say what I need to say even if it makes people hate me."
"He condemned abortion, he was really outspoken against induced abortion."
"Adulthood isn't a one-size-fits-all dress that they pretended to be, no two adult hoods are really the same, for example, Sabrina is married to Harvey and has kids, not every single adult even back in the late 90s early 2000s went down that road."
"I don't give a [ __ ] what identity you have if you throw stones at me or you say some dumb [ __ ] I'm gonna call you out."
"I only entirely want to surround myself with people with mouths as big as mine."
"I think my father's been very clear, get the hell away from our children!"
"Some of the things I've talked about, I've been right. I admit it, I'm a little bit bombastic."
"Thank god somebody's saying it. Somebody had to say it."
"I don't need no nobody to have my back. I'm gonna say what I gotta say. I mean, I was straight windmilling for like the first two hours on Instagram."
"V is saying the quiet part out loud and you see how the establishment gets upset."
"I like it good bang you know what I'm saying tell me what I don't want to hear tell tell me what the people want to hear."
"Dorothy was not afraid to speak her mind nor to stand up for what she believed in."
"There is absolutely evidence of voting irregularities and I will say it now. I don't care if I get banned."
"He swore at the financial companies, he swore at the banks, he swore at the real estate developers."
"I promise you I will not hold back one little bit on telling you what I think."
"I can't sit back and shut my mouth. It's just pissing me off."
"It is often something that comes out of my mouth, Dennis, that I wish more pastors were outspoken and clear as you are about engaging the culture."
"The loudest person in the room usually has the least to say."
"You know, it's saying the stuff that the American people want to say and they can't say it. Final Boss can say it, we can say it, we could say it in the ring, some politicians can say it too as well."
"I don't want people to take this for granted. I am the person that's always going to rant. I'm always going to be the person that's going to be truthful."
"He's on the highest high wire because he's saying the crazy [__] with no censorship, no post-editing, nothing."
"I've got a big mouth, I'm very open, very vocal, very controversial."
"I don't give a [ __ ] what you think, what you like, or don't like."
"She is very controversial and blunt and says what she means and means what she says, and that's what I love about her."
"I'm sorry if I was a bit outspoken, that's just me."
"You have decided you're just going to say anything."
"I will call that bitch a bitch all day long."
"Good for you Dr. Stephen Brewery good for you standing on your morals standing on your conviction we need more people like that who aren't just going to be bullied and shamed into being quiet about problems that need to be talked out loud about."
"Sometimes I think you have to sound a little bit crazy with some of your positions."
"We're going to call fascists fascists, we're going to call traitors traitors, we're going to call idiots idiots."
"Thankfully New Jersey and Pennsylvania weren't having any of that, and I don't use this word much but I'm going to use it here: that's so incredibly based."
"I love how f*cking honest you are about politics."
"She spoke her mind even if it would be detrimental to her career."
"People are tired of people not calling people out for what it is."
"I'm a no filter kinda girl. I tell it as it is."
"Courage and things, there's not a lot of it around at the moment because everybody wants to be liked and nobody wants to speak out."
"I'm just the only one got the nuts to speak in this industry." - Boosie
"You know they dealing with somebody who ain't afraid to say anything, don't have no industry politics holding him back, owns his own brand, can say whatever the [ __ ] he wants."
"She's always been the same loudmouth outspoken person, big personality, that's definitely."
"The truth needs to come out because instead of talking about Ronaldo every bloody day, we should be talking about why does Scott McTominay get paid to play football." - Unnamed speaker
"More people need to be blunt, more people need to be bold, more people need to speak up."
"You get assholes like Trump mmm you know cuz he's willing to say what I'm thinking like no he's an asshole."
"Strong mindedness by expressing her opinions and sticking to them despite the consequences."
"Now is the time to cry out the truth from the roofs, like John the Baptist in the desert."
"He always stood up for the little guy, he said what needed to be said, he never held back, and we were all cheering him in the corner."
"Speak the f*** up! If you're not expressing yourself, you're keeping secrets. Speak up or shut the f*** up!"
"Judge Joe Brown goes in, he goes in. People are afraid to tell the truth and finally, there's people out here like JoJo Brown that's willing to say what everybody's thinking and not saying that."
"He had the profile of courage to call a spade a spade."
"You're one of the few people brave enough to talk about Jesus and not be afraid to stand up."
"I'm not going back and forth about no mother (beep) you, Tobias, Spice, paprika, I don't give a who it is. (beep) all y'all."
"There's no reason to keep our mouth shut about truth, period."
"Homegrown restrictions, Financial Fair Play restrictions, they're both bollocks."
"Trump calls it like he sees it, offensive but important."
"Shut up and sing because you don't know what you're talking about."
"I've always been very outspoken, I've always wanted to speak my opinion no matter what."
"They're super sharp, they don't hold back, they just spit out whatever the hell they're feeling."
"I think I'm pretty outspoken and that's not probably a good thing in terms of a politician but it's a good thing if you ever got elected, you can really do a job."
"If you're not disturbed by this, you are a lemming, you are a coward and a fool."
"Sometimes you have to be okay with being confused as loud annoying obnoxious attention seeking to get somebody's attention that may really need your help."
"I'm not going to shut up about VAR. I don't care who you are."
"You speak your mind, you're not afraid to tell it how it is."
"Women who speak up seem to get way way way worse treatment than men do."
"I don't pull my punches. I'm 66 years old and I've got a strong view on what's broken and I have a hard time being quiet about it. It really pisses me off."
"CM Punk for a few minutes just drop bombs facts the truth whatever you wanna call it."
"If they say some [ __ ], I'm going to call it out and talk about it."
"I think that the reason why Tom McDonald and all these other people are successful is they're saying the stuff that everybody's thinking but they're afraid to say."
"And that's why a lot of people like us because we just say what other people are scared to say."
"That's why I'll continue to use this platform that I've been blessed with to call out the BS and to never sugarcoat the sin that we see pervasively on display in our everyday society."
"I like saying the thing that people don't want to hear even, that is true, and that needs to be said."
"Imma always speak facts. Whatever I speak on, I die behind. Whatever I say, because I'm saying it from the heart."
"You're either gonna like me or not, right? Like, I speak my mind, I speak how I feel."
"I will never shut my mouth and I will say what I want."
"There's strength in being outspoken and courageous."
"When you have 'FU money,' you can afford to speak your mind. But it's not the dream."
"Ultimately, I said what I said and I meant what I said. Why people ruin the beauty community, and I'ma go [expletive] it."
"Damn is very brave, when everyone else is afraid to come up and speak the truth, you do need that trendsetter."
"I'd rather speak up and be wrong than be muffled."
"I say what I said, I meant what I said, and it is what it is."
"Most people will not speak on these things boldly."
"Everywhere you go in the world, like Australia especially, people all hate Donald Trump because he actually says what he thinks."
"Your lane should be sticking up for what's right. And I understand not everyone's going to be as outspoken as that, because they don't have to be."
"It is our job and duty to say what the [ __ ] we feel."
"I can't let that shit fly, so when somebody says something wrong, I say so."
"Speak truth to power, that's a... it's [bleep]... there's some politicians that step out and go this is [bleep] you know, some do..."
"I cannot remain silent about this." - Yuri Cpeco
"I will not stop speaking the truth from where I see it anyway."
"Thousands of people have reached out...it's about time somebody says what we've all been thinking."
"I don't think so you know what's interesting is is these Talking Heads Are are just the especially the obnoxious ones and I put obviously put Jim Kramer in that category."
"I call it as I see it, and it's all subjective."
"I'm all about equality. I'm a gay-ass bitch."
"He says it how it is. He says his opinion and I really like that in someone when they're not you know afraid to say what they think."
"This is a season for you to cry aloud, spare not."
"I have always said what I feel needs to be said regardless of the consequences."
"The rewards of speaking loudly what others but only dared whisper."
"I'm in a season of I will not be silenced, so you're going to hear my opinion."
"The double standard here is so painfully obvious that I can't not talk about it."
"I will not stand by and see the wrong things happening. I definitely will speak up."
"Keep that government on their toes. They don't like her because she speaks the truth."
"There’s at least still enough people out there who can recognize it’s really, really, really fucking not okay to keep doing this shit."
"I think people should absolutely call them out on being that f*cking dumb, obtuse, and insensitive."
"Kanye doesn't really hold back on social media."
"I will just literally say what I think, no matter the platform."
"They fear him because he is saying things out loud that Republicans should have been saying a long time ago."
"Own your mistakes, own who you are, and be outspoken."
"The teachings of the Bible, and we should be unafraid to say that out loud."
"Amanda doesn't shut up in Jurassic Park Three."
"Jamie Foxx was just speaking his truth and he's been saying a little bit too much."
"It's really simple: you walk with God as close as you possibly can, you start speaking loudly and boldly about these things, and you take advantage of every scope of influence that God has given you."
"My metaphorical balls are planetary in scale, so I'll always speak my mind irrespective of the consequences."
"Just know what you believe and don't be afraid to say it."
"I am an atheist, and I am an incredibly outspoken one."
"Trump said the quiet part out loud...they want to punish Donald Trump for basically just blowing the lid on so many things for saying things out loud."
"Words matter. People are no longer saying the quiet parts out loud."
"I'm someone who is not afraid to say what's on my mind."
"I appreciate that, my brother, and that's why I do what I do and say what I say with no [ __ ] giving."
"There are lessons we learned in the last war. I don't want to make the same mistakes!" "Of course… And I shall not be stopped from speaking my mind!"
"I really respect that about him because he was willing to say what needs to be said."
"Elaine reminds us how liberating it can feel to speak one's mind, even if you're the only one laughing in the room."
"The smallest dog barks the loudest."
"You're someone who speaks up whenever something needs to be said."
"He is saying the quiet part out loud."
"I am quite a competitive person and if I, I am also someone back then probably not as much now I used to say exactly what I thought and I didn't care I used to get right on people's nerves."
"Some people say what's on the mind."
"What's right is right, and I don't be outspoken, and that's what people liked about me."
"Do you feel like that's why you're so outspoken now?"
"He continues to dazzle as an actor and is refreshingly outspoken of anything he doesn't like."
"Eastwood's willingness to speak his mind resonated with many Americans, further solidifying his status as a cultural icon both on and off the screen."
"La people keep it thorough, [expletive] keeping quiet."
"I think people perceive me as being pretty sincere. I don't think I can just hold my tongue on all of these issues and just not say anything."
"People like her generally just don't go quietly into the night."
"I get really bad f as well yeah cuz I just want to go there and like tell everyone what I think."
"Barkley says things that we would think about and never say."
"I just think I was I was I was like that from a young age I was like this is stupid you know I don't understand it and I would I wouldn't be able to not say it and I don't know maybe that's you have no filter I guess right I don't."
"I was very, very outspoken against government restrictions."
"I applaud her willingness to tackle these topics and speak out about them loudly and unapologetically."
"He's one of the more entertaining players that I've ever sat around. Stuff that flies out of his mouth, he has no filter whatsoever, does not care what anyone thinks about him."
"He said anything that came into his mind, and he said it in such a way that people accepted it and thought it was either funny or brilliant, or both."
"I like a man who speaks his mind."
"Gia Gunn was never afraid to speak her mind, even when it didn't make her the most likable."
"They're going to speak their mind, they're going to speak their truth, even when they're uncomfortable."
"He's really good at saying the loud part loud and the quiet part quiet."
"Pearl Jam has always been a band that has never shied away from speaking out on their beliefs."
"One of the things people love about you is you speak your mind and you don't use a politician's filter."
"It's about time somebody did say these things without fear of repercussions."
"You've got quite the mouth on you, and you are about your truth, you're not afraid."
"Women these days are very very outspoken when it comes to certain things because they got this big movement that's going on."
"If you open your mouth enough, someone's going to call you out on it."
"He speaks his mind, where most people shut up and don't say anything."
"Without being around, I'm known to be without filters."
"I'm probably one of the most unfiltered, blunt, and frank people that we have in this media landscape."
"I truly don't give a [__] if anything I say upsets you."
"At least I speak up about bleep that's uncomfortable to talk about, rather than trying to be politically correct 24/7."
"Whenever she's in something on the internet, she just says what she wants to say and then she shuts it off and it doesn't bother her, and that's [expletive] awesome, so I'm doing that."
"Katherine Heigl's story comes with a Twist: Not only was she allegedly challenging on set, but she also wasn't afraid to speak her mind about the very projects that propelled her to superstardom."
"Courage to keep being outspoken despite how ruthless partisan media can be."
"I'm here's the thing about me my memory is so bad I'm honest even if I didn't want to be honest I'm honest as [ __ ] also have a big mouth bro I'm very honest."
"And I want to speak about this punk-ass [__] going on."
"I'm such an open book and such a loudmouth that it actually ends up being to my advantage."
"I was like, 'I'ma speak my mind,' and I did, right?"
"Somebody has to say it, why not be a bird?"
"You're a truth-seeker; people like that you're not afraid to speak your mind."
"Being a genuine person outside of that is always good for everybody else. A lot of people do not like me because I speak my mind and say what I wanna."
"He's saying the quiet part out loud!"
"I speak up. I'm very opinionated. I'm very loud. You know exactly where I stand at all times."
"...he just says some of the most wild and out-of-pocket [ __ ] that he really could have said on stream."
"Fall in love with Jesus and you won't be able to keep your mouth shut."
"Every government in its dying days has backbenchers going a bit crazy and saying what they feel like."
"This man has been speaking his mind without regret since his first word."
"Axl wasn't afraid to speak his mind."
"She's a strong-willed woman who isn't afraid to speak her mind and tell it as it is."
"He said, 'I don't deserve it,' he said. 'I don't deserve to be there.' He's an outspoken guy."
"Musk has a gigantic pair of balls, he's willing to stand up for things that are important and say what matters to him."
"Sometimes running your mouth could be a good thing."
"I love when someone says something completely unhinged and out of pocket and then they're just shocked that they said it."
"You're somebody that was outspoken."
"She's constantly looking you in the eye and saying something outrageous or saying something so truthful or whatever, and that's her way of existing."
"Philip here is saying the quiet part out loud."
"I just am not afraid to say certain things and I don't mind that a lot of people disapprove because I don't really care."
"But at least he's brave enough to say stuff. That's one thing about him."
"She had a cheerful and spunky personality she liked to make up her mind on her own and wasn't afraid to say what she thought."
"One in particular leaves nothing to the imagination about his feelings about religion."
"Some people are just stupid like I am and they're like, I'm gonna just be loud about it because it's a problem, you know."
"Legacy is that, ain't going to sit there and tell you to be quiet."
"He causes an uprising with his blunt truths."
"If Raphael has an opinion, he's going to share it whether you want to hear it or not."
"She's always willing to speak her mind whenever and wherever."
"I respect him so much... always speaks his mind."
"People have got to grow some [ __ ] balls and start saying that stuff."
"This [expletive] cannot redact himself, he just gotta unload the clip every time."
"You have a reputation for being very passionate, caring, and outspoken. You're not afraid to show your feelings."
"How outspoken and involved people are in our generation. I think that's a great thing."
"Gene was never at a loss for words in any situation, at any time."