
Societal Labels Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"There's no such thing as a super predator. No child is born bad."
"All these labels are used by people to self-aggrandize, to feel special, unique, superior."
"Tough mean lady? Yes. Cartoon super-villain? Hell no."
"Being different is cool, being weird is cool, but being called a freak is just mean."
"Despite being Advanced enough to share a common language, they were named barbarians."
"Don't judge the person based on what you think it means to have that label slapped on their chest."
"Every age seems to need a bogeyman... When I entered college in the mid 1970s, the term welfare queen was being popularized by Ronald Reagan."
"White people aren't inherently racist... we shouldn't call people racist."
"In the end we're all on a spectrum I hate the word normal because that means that some people are abnormal and really there's just a variety of differences."
"Do you think you're eccentric? Oh, yes. Now that I'm rich. Before I was rich, I was just called weird."
"Acknowledging addiction as something that exists in this world isn't an offensive label to wear."
"I think people don't have to feel so restricted in this like straight jacket of how Society is trying to keep them labeled."
"I don't live for other people's labels, you know. People say what they want all day long. People need to place things in spaces where they feel comfortable."
"She didn't have the platform to be labeled as an angry black woman... it's easy to do away with us than to deal with us."
"These feminine masculine labels are just that they truly are just labels and really descriptors of energy dynamics."
"We were basic in our 20s and now we're choogie in our 30s."
"If you question the narrative, you're labeled a conspiracy theorist. Tells you who are really the bad guys."
"We have failed to continue to fight for our nationality, to be uplifted back to the human race, have our nationality and not have these color-coded boxes of black, white, red, yellow, blue, green."
"Say anything that points to chauvinistic, homophobic, I mean these labels just get thrown at you."
"I don't get why people that are unable to make friends or find a partner call themselves lone wolves while they should be named lone pandas instead."
"Labels have always been used to otherize or falsely attribute beliefs."
"Individuals have a thing called individuality and when we boil things down to uh you know these these big monolithic oh this person is that type of IST."
"The monolithic label can swallow differences in ethnicity, language, culture, class, and histories. It can mask individuality and division."
"If we don't identify with the term feminist but agree with all the important components that go along with it, why do they give a [ __ ] whether or not we accept the title?"
"If we are crazy socialists then they're saying the American people are a bunch of crazy socialists."
"He rejected those who would try to use him as a political prop. When people would ask him to label himself as a gay rights activist or a drag queen or you name it, he would simply say and proudly say, 'I am Sylvester.'"
"Smart but lazy is the most damning diagnosis someone can get."
"I get called everything under the Sun, so being called old is a generous compliment."
"He's not just a black billionaire he's a black black billionaire tell me if you know what I'm saying right cuz there's black billionaires and then there's black black billionaires he's the blackest billionaire I've met so far."
"For ages, I've always been described as Indian or brown. I identify as brown because I am brown."
"There is no left in America, and if we stay true to our Lefty values, they're going to call us right-wingers. That's what they've done to you guys already."
"If that is not a gangster, I don't know what it is."
"Questioning the idea of who gets to be seen as violent and dangerous and criminal."
"They're being called invaders in the land in which they were born."
"There was a time a few years ago where anybody who had any ideas outside of the mainstream narrative and the normal thought process were called the S-word."
"A person is what their actions show them to be, not what other people label them as."
"Wanting to leave the EU is racist, so at least 17.4 million people are racist in his eyes."
"Hopefully you're an intelligent human being to not let people put labels on you or make you feel bad for who you are."
"I was labeled as an anti-vaxxer, a conspiracy theorist, and a dangerous person for advocating open debate."
"When white people growing up said, 'Oh, like you're basically white.'"
"All these labels are just there to shut you down."
"It's so much easier to dismiss someone when you just label them and dehumanize them into just a label that you gave them."
"The term 'anti-vaxxer' doesn't mean a goddamn thing. It's a threat. It's a stigma that will be appended to you irrespective of your beliefs and behavior."
"Y'all are just soldiers, y'all are bots, y'all are literally bots."
"You shouldn't let someone else tell you you're a trophy wife. If you know it and you believe it in yourself that you're a trophy wife then people are going to start looking at you and be like damn like I want her she's a trophy."
"People label you crazy because you're exposing the truth."
"If I would have said this six months ago, I would have been welcomed with 'you're a boomer, everything's going to the moon bro.' Thanks everybody for hanging around with me."
"Ricky is what a lot of people would call a strong, independent woman."
"They referred to her as the poor little rich girl, a reference to her great fortune and also her troubled family background."
"In this world, it seems now that unless you follow a certain path, you're labeled."
"I don't want to be a hood, but even if I don't steal things and mug people and get boozed up, I'm marked lousy. Why should I be proud of it?"
"It won't make any difference what you call yourself because people are going to find another name for you."
"Have you ever had life try to label you before you could figure out who you are yourself?"
"As soon as we are born, we are given a name, a religion, a nationality, a race, a creed, where you spend the rest of your life defending a fictional identity."
"We've been counted out a lot. We've been told we're low-income, we're uneducated, we're a lost cause."
"The show breaks down harmful labels put on women."
"Isn't that a convenient villain, an assertive woman in a position of power being called the B word? How very convenient."