
Rigidity Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"Living life too strictly and in too regimented away makes it hard to be happy"
"The Democrats are stopping it, but I don't think they're, you know, flexible."
"Cynicism is not intelligence. In fact, I think it's kind of a closed mind."
"Many churches started out sound, strict, firm. They were cold and they were hot."
"The rules are made to keep order; they're not meant to be broken."
"It is important to draw wisdom from many different places. If we take it from only one place, it becomes rigid and stale."
"Rigidity is good. The whole point of rites is that you do things the same way over and over."
"They're unwilling to accept slightly different options from what the dogma tells them is necessary."
"Pisces are turned off by rigidness and rules."
"Rigidity keeps getting denounced over and over and over again."
"Thanks for being those dependable and committed people, even if you're rigid. Bye-bye and take care!"
"His stance is a bit rigid but the logic behind it is the same because he did what he should not have."
"Any regime can fall backwards and decay, either due to intellectual rigidity or insider capture by elites."
"Refusing to go along with their programs, they get forced to become more rigid and to force those programs on you."
"We don't get to change the cockamania rules that they have. No, those are the rules and that's the rules all around the board."
"Current AI is very rigid because of the way the simulated neurons work right now."
"It is important to draw wisdom from different places. If you take it from only one place, it becomes rigid and stale."
"And you've already seen here for an additional rigidity measure, you have this dome strut here connecting these two domes."
"One rule of thumb for lathe rigidity is to look for one where the bed width exceeds the center height."
"There is an energy of rigidity present, of wanting to break free."
"People can get really entrenched in their stories, they can get really entrenched in their positions."
"The advancements made in learning how to work with aluminum frame has kept the rigidity of it completely solid."
"Narcissists adhere to a rigid entity theory, where their self-belief is that they can never change, and this becomes an organizing principle imbuing their universe with meaning."
"Being too rigid at all times can sometimes inhibit adherence."
"Rigidity must exist in the right places to allow the flexing happening where and when it should."
"The more you calcify your thinking and/or just absolve yourself of thinking, which is a luxury."
"Decay is the product of two things: institutions are rigid and they don't change, and there's a universal tendency of elites to try to capture the political system and use it for their own ends."
"A lot of times we kind of stick to certain points of view... because we get significance out of it."
"The frame on the printer is very rigid."
"Instead of being nice and elastic, they get a little bit more like lead pipes."
"Our way or the highway. That's what we told the contestants."
"There's an inflexibility tipping point."
"Functional fixedness is our fixation on how we use a particular object to solve a problem."
"Mental set is fixating on the particular solution to a problem."
"Processes are like scar tissue in an organization."
"The extreme manifestation of control is everything frozen."
"What makes a good bipod a good bipod, you know you got to have stability, and the things that are going to help with stability is weight, width, and rigidity. Do not compromise on rigidity."
"The more rigid we are, a small twinge, there is no room to let that rigidity expand."
"What a lot of people do wrong is they download a shove or fold chart and then they just follow that blindly."
"What stops us from stretching out is the rigidity of tradition."
"Get creative, try stuff out, don't be scared, and keep it rigid."
"Someone is really set in their ways, trapped in their own fears."
"If you want a countertop that's still going to remain rigid, a torsion box is a good solution for that."
"It's not a formula. It's our desire to live by formula that keeps us rigidly attempting to keep away the experience of death."
"When they get too crystallized and too rigid, they can create self-imposed isolation."
"The more rigid the machine, the more material you'll remove in a single pass."
"Would I recommend it? Yes, but just know that it's not going to have the same rigidity as a time tested and proven vertical VF series."
"Do you have to be so steel? Do you have to be so straight?"
"But they have a bit of rigidity to them."
"You never say sorry, you never change your mind."
"If moral principles are to function successfully in human life, if they are to play their vital role, they must be accepted as absolute, you cannot be flexible about them or bend them according to your own or your group's feelings, you cannot compromise."
"If someone never has changed their theology and they're either perfect or they're lying or they refuse to admit they're wrong, there's something there that's not good."
"Whenever your approach to morality involves arriving at these hard and fast moral principles, you have a duty to adhere to regardless of what the consequences might be, you always run the risk of being called a little inflexible."
"Guys, love you guys to death, don't forget to keep it rigid."
"By using science, we can say that the shell is now nearly 40% stiffer."
"Ankylosing spondylitis... is called a bamboo spine where you ossify the ligaments and create one solid piece of bone."
"I'm going to give you a little bit of an engineering training here because I really want you to understand why this machine is as rigid as it is."
"They hardly are poseable at all, but they look really cool standing on a display shelf."
"People are trapped in their beliefs where they're like, I felt this way, I said I felt this way, so I can't change it."
"It actually seems extremely rigid, surprisingly."
"Autopilot is what I in my work talk about when I talk about rigidity... Autopilot is that you feel cynical every single day when you go to work and it's actually crushing you inside."
"Batman is so principled and convicted at moral, it's to a fault."
"Rigor mortis is the body's muscles becoming very stiff."
"The more rigid and conventional your mind is, the less likely you are to succeed."
"These shoes are very rigid, they're very stiff, they're a little bit clunky some might say, but for deadlifting where you want to feel glued to the ground, that can be beneficial."
"It's like a brand new book, it's stiff."
"People with OCPD actually believe that their way is the right and best way."
"My way or the highway, that's very hard for relationships of all types."
"The great vice for comedy is obstinacy; it's sticking to your principles, not going with the flow."
"These limbs are just so stiff torsionally, it's really nice to see."
"SpaceTime does not like to get distorted; SpaceTime is very stiff."
"That is incredibly rigid, and it looks so cool."
"People get locked into a mindset in a dogma and they run with it."
"We are attracted to people because we think they're strong, and what we discover is they're not strong, they're rigid, they're inflexible."
"This diagram links to price rigidity, the incentive to collude, and the incentive to cheat on the collusive agreement."
"Stiffness is an overall resistance to deformation."
"Broly is the tree that remains rigid against the wind and so must shatter."
"The Supra is gonna have stiffer torsional rigidity than the LFA, which is a composite design."
"Filter bubbles make opinions more rigid and more extreme."
"A church that leaves no space for the adventure of freedom, even in the spiritual life, risks becoming rigid and self-enclosed."
"The relationship between parts and wholes, that's what's invariant, at least for rigid objects."
"I think the definition of a bigot is somebody who is so set in their strict dogma or way of thinking that there's no room for any gray area."
"It feels like a major accomplishment because now they are glassed in and they already are starting to feel so much more rigid, which is just amazing."
"When you hold the GT4, it feels light yet very stiff."
"This new version of the R1 features a brand new Delta Box 5 frame which offers 200% more rigidity than the previous model."
"Stand as stiff as the planets been camping in."
"Too rigid the Jedi have become, too cautious."
"The whole body is supposed to be more rigid and solid as to allow you to get the most out of these Micro Module gears."
"The handling is fantastic, it feels so good, it's very stiff but it's meant to be rigid like that."
"It's got to be stiff to give you that rigidity to help you prevent ankle injuries."
"Surfaces in R3 are identical up to rigid motions if and only if they have the same first and second fundamental forms."
"All these rappers stiff in the state of paralysis."
"You're going to introduce more vibrations but you're gonna add more rigidity to the whole drive chain and it'll feel good to drive."
"The more thoroughly that centralized power structures intervene in the lives of the people, the more do they force them into rigid, recalcitrant schemas."
"When you find yourself resistant to change, rigid, you are dead."
"Rigid motions are transformations that do not change the size or the shape of a geometric object."
"The laws of physics are incredibly rigid; you can't mess with them. You get what you get after some basic principles."
"Our objective is to get a light beam as well as stiff."
"Her hair is literally rock solid, if you've seen this girl's hair, it is laid."
"This one is really rigid; this chassis doesn't move at all."
"You cannot just be like, 'Okay, I'm going to defend the Madhhab no matter what'."
"A lot of the most healthy guys in the NBA that I've trained are insanely stiff."
"One of the beautiful things of category theory is its rigidity."
"When you add the second skin, it becomes amazingly rigid."
"Thankfully, most motion in the real world is rigid, especially with people."
"Once you know the flexural rigidity and the bending moment, you can find out the deflection."
"The more rigid you have, the better it is for you. You will have control, no blur in the controls, an excellent response to pumping."
"If Young's modulus is very high, then the rod is extremely stiff. Then it is very difficult to make the rod longer."
"From my testing, the injection molded parts do seem like they're really well made and they are incredibly rigid."
"For just rigid plane truss, m equals twice j minus 3, where m equals number of members and j equals number of joints."
"This thing is seriously really rigid and solid."
"Any transformation that preserves lengths and preserves the cross product is what I call a rigid body transformation."
"A rigid body is a body that does not deform under applied load; it's a body that remains rigid."
"The rigid structures that had once aided Japan's growth became its shackles."
"It offers no flex at all when bending it and provides the best lip protection for the front of the phone and camera compared to the rest of the cases."