
Electrical Engineering Quotes

There are 282 quotes

"Tesla's AC system used thinner wires, had higher voltage capabilities, as well as being able to transmit electricity over very long distances."
"Sign convention was so important in circuit analysis and it continues to show itself over and over again."
"Mark your nodes, mark your reference down, at least if your equations are wrong, you can get some partial credit."
"Once you have the node voltages, you can find everything else in the circuit with subsequent calculations."
"Solving electrical design problems? [ __ ] yes, that is what I do for a living."
"Dolivo-Dobrovolsky also patented two types of 3-phase transformer called delta and star or wye for the shapes they make."
"With 3-phase power, you can reduce the amount of wire needed for transmission by 50%."
"We got some Knockouts in here to go from the inverter into the conduit box so you can see we have a built-in breaker here for this battery we got our battery Communication cable and we have our terminals."
"Tesla has addressed both of these with what they call the Tesla backup switch."
"Capacitance takes switching currents and things like that, so you're getting all these pulses of current."
"It's a battery that produces an enormous potential difference."
"The PSU Cultist List - a group of power supply and electrical engineering enthusiasts who compile one big list of all the PSUs based on quality."
"The legacy of Nikola Tesla reverberates through the corridors of science Innovation and popular culture."
"Tesla's contributions to the world of electricity are foundational."
"Power dissipated by the circuit is I squared times R."
"Step up transformers turn low voltage into high voltage, making energy transfer more efficient."
"Tesla's greatest invention was the method for electrically generating and using alternating current."
"Nikola Tesla's pioneering work as an electrical and mechanical engineer, championing AC current."
"That's rule number one, is that generally the ripple and noise is going to be higher at higher load."
"Electrical engineering is something that is evergreen."
"Depending on the scenario here, this could be considered an undervolt."
"So there you go that is the grand tour of the electrical system we've been working so hard to build it's kind of hard to believe that like it's finally up and running and it really is just such a life-changing event that happened yesterday."
"This wire is mostly made of the wire itself... capable of handling higher heat, ethanol, alcohol, much stronger."
"Start making a couple of these flying lead harnesses first because you'll learn so much."
"Basically, higher voltage means less current at a given power, and less current means less heat generated and a higher efficiency."
"No neutral and under 4 amp load? You need the Shelley 1L."
"There is no power loss in reactance; what you get is energy storage and dissipation."
"At full boat this rig is going to pull a lot of power."
"These are exactly the kind of ripple results you want from a high-end and high-priced power supply."
"The feature set is really exciting especially the wireless charging but also the ability to a dis duel regenerative discharge and adjust the balance with a balance setting to exactly the voltage that you want."
"We're changing the inductance of the machines... effectively, we're changing the tendency of a coil to resist a change in current."
"This power supply is built using a bunch of diode and capacitor voltage multipliers."
"Grounding systems consist of various components including electrodes and soil."
"KVL is much easier to work with over time and frequency domains."
"The switching frequency in theory should give you better transient response, in practice it doesn't do anything except make your vrm produce more heat."
"Load regulation is excellent from 1 milliamp up."
"Transient response crucial for load changes."
"For our wiring on this project we're going to use 12 gauge wiring for up to 20 amps."
"Now we've got our two wires from the banana jack marked solar in and that's going to come up to the solar on the solar charge controller."
"To vary the voltage, you've faded the magnetic strength in this because if that was just a fixed magnet then it would the actual voltage would depend on the load that was being applied."
"Try and get away with the smallest fuses and the lowest amp breakers you can get away with."
"Lead acid batteries have cells in them and each cell is going to have a positive negative plate."
"Within the distributor there are two main bus bars."
"What we're going to build today is the tree trunk of the 12-volt system that will supply power to everything through its branches."
"It's like a switch, when the voltage reaches a certain threshold, the switch switches."
"Now if I measure the input to it, if you look on the left side see it's at 13 volts so that's quite a bit higher than it should be and I don't think anything's coming out of it anymore I think the 5V regulator actually died."
"These are great high voltage differential probes."
"Have you ever wondered why you rarely see these glass tubes naked? Turns out that in the realm of pico and femto empire, bare glass is actually not a very good electrical isolator."
"A fully charged battery needs to be at 12.6 volts or 2.1 volts for each cell."
"Internal resistance is very important; it's the opposition to the flow of current within a battery."
"When the source and load impedances match, maximum power is delivered to the load."
"Wiring can seem very overwhelming, but it's easiest to just separate them into sections and then focus on just getting that one section done rather than letting the whole project overwhelm you."
"But if you fuse them individually there's no harm because the fuse will melt and disconnect the faulty panel."
"...we know that if I put 24 volts here, this will close, and this also will close."
"So, voltage is critical here. When we turn on both circuit breakers, they need to have the same voltage. If they are not, don't turn it on."
"There are two ways we transmit high voltage electrical power from region to region and that's with alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC)."
"We're not just testing one circuit like a lot of people would... make sure we've got the polarities correct."
"When we're testing between the two live conductors here, we should expect to get a low resistance reading."
"We're gonna have a look at the basic principles of what the main switch is doing, the overcurrent protection, and the earth fault protection is doing within the distribution board itself."
"You want to make the joint half on the braid, half on the contact, and that way you can guarantee that you're going to get a good electrical connection to both the copper braid and the contact on the battery."
"Grounding provides an electrical reference point or a reference voltage called zero potential or ground potential against which all other voltages within the system can be established and measured."
"I found this quite easy the whole concept of um one wire going to the battery makes a lot of sense to me."
"The most dangerous option is to disconnect the earth on the oscilloscope because that will avoid the thing shorting out and can result in the oscilloscope itself becoming live."
"Perhaps I wanted the peak to peak voltage."
"You start putting a voltage on the gate and what happens is it'll generate this electric field around the gate. It basically pinches off the conduction path."
"Now if I had some DC, it would take the DC, add this to it, get the true RMS."
"Inductors store energy inside the magnetic field. When you apply a voltage to it, we can store energy in a magnetic field."
"So you can rip those fuses out of your multimeter... and you're still going to be able to measure volts, ohms..."
"Maximum power that should be delivered to the load is when the load resistance is equal to the source resistance."
"Kirchhoff's current law says that all currents entering a node must equal all currents exiting a node."
"Sinusoidal ac is great for motor drives and things like that you can get multi three-phase or multi-phase motor drives and stuff like that really efficient stuff anyway."
"...if every wire on your boat was the exact same size and as big as the first wire that connected that fuse you'd be right and if every appliance would be able to tolerate that amperage you'd also be right but those are two big conditions that never happen on a boat."
"If you change your alternator to an external regulator...you might as well run a new wire to the battery that I want to connect."
"Interesting cuz see the way we look at ac voltage is anything over 50. one volt is going to kill you 49.99 999 and you're generally going to be all right."
"...all the output lines will be passed through string release on the bottom of the electrical enclosure where they will run downstream to whatever the next component of the electrical system might be."
"Just because you see there 11 volts, that doesn't mean it's 11 volts."
"A multi-wire branch circuit is permitted to supply one utilization equipment. So you can take two hots and a neutral and take a neutral to one piece of equipment."
"The thing I like about that is I like being able to connect my feeders into this bus and not have to break the insulation on my actual main bus."
"Requirements for functional switching: should control each part of the circuit as needed, not necessarily switch off all live conductors."
"A low KV motor will produce more torque per amp of electrical current than a high KV motor."
"Switch AC connection obviously that converts to DC or bloody hope it does inside somewhere"
"What size copper than conductors would you select for an 82 amp load?"
"So why does this matter? Well the rms voltage at a particular signal level from an amplifier is divided by resistance to give you the power."
"It's all about neutrality. It's all about keeping these things neutral because if I just build this charge up here, I can't have another zinc atom go in. So the charge has to go somewhere, but that's what that wire is for."
"This green button is a normally open button which means it's only going to allow current through when you press it."
"That's really one just fun way to use voltage as we trace through a circuit in different spots and see where the voltage goes from the full voltage down to zero."
"Volts you pretty much have to measure on a live circuit."
"The problem that we're going to focus on is this problem of switching noise on the power rail."
"Superconductors don't have any electrical resistance."
"A low polarization index ratio indicates a poor insulator, while a high ratio indicates a healthy insulator."
"Wow, it's a 250 amp circuit breaker with a test button. So far, we have not seen this on any other battery. This is a very good safety feature, I like it very much."
"...so just be aware there is some risk involved with polarity and wire sizing when you're dealing with this much wattage."
"That right there, my friends, is an earth fault loop."
"Volt drop is equal to the millivolt per ampere meter times the design current times the length over 1000."
"I'm thinking either a 3 amp slow blow or maybe a 5 amp rapid blow would be appropriate."
"It's no good having a design current higher than the rating of the device."
"Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of wiring these on their side. When you're looking down, what you may think is the negative is the positive because of trigonometry."
"The output voltage is a function of two variables: one is how fast we turn the rotor and the other is how much field current we put in."
"The magic of the single point grounding."
"The LC filter has got another name, choke filter."
"You do not size the wire based on the breaker."
"An ideal op-amp has an infinitely large input impedance, meaning that current does not flow through the input terminals."
"Line voltage in a three-phase system is the voltage that can be measured between any two supply lines."
"Line current is the current flowing through the supply line to the load."
"V L is equal to V P times root three for a star connected load."
"This is the lecture that I wish I had when I was an undergraduate in electrical engineering."
"Electrical actuation directly by linkage to the spool."
"So, you can parallel sense inverters together to make a bigger system."
"Turns out that our Electrical characterizations allow us to understand something about the inside of the device."
"It's basically a big arc welder power supply, but it does generate 50,000 watts."
"Differential is requiring two wires, but it's way better from a signal integrity perspective."
"If you found things like electricity, magnetism, and waves to be more enjoyable, then electrical engineering may be a better option for you."
"We have a circuit efficiency of 99.6%."
"Everybody in the industry uses S parameters, and that's why they're valuable."
"The submarine is named after Isaac Peril, a Spanish naval officer and engineer who designed the world's first all-electric submarine."
"While wiring, the sizes and specifications of wires should be selected and the wiring should be executed according to the electrical engineering regulations to ensure safety."
"The secret to understanding return current is displacement current."
"A properly documented ladder logic diagram leaves no doubt as to what particular function, rung, wire, terminal, and device a technician is referencing, and how it influences other rungs, logically or mechanically."
"You're probably asking why do we even need a four-way switch? Well, it comes very handy when you have one light fixture inside a room and you want to control it on three different entrances."
"The biggest advantage presented by three-phase AC is the establishment of a rotating magnetic field central to the operation of electrical motors."
"Three-phase AC motors, because they're guided by a rotating magnetic field formed by three voltage phases, rotate smoother and exhibit less cogging."
"Each line-to-line voltage has an effective magnitude of 380 volts and is phase shifted at either 30, negative 90, or 150 degrees."
"The magnitude of the line-to-line voltage is square root three, or approximately 1.73 times higher than the magnitude of the line-to-neutral voltage."
"AC hypo, standing for a high potential test, is not meant to be a destructive test; it's meant to verify the integrity of your insulation."
"The electrical aspect would be for an electrical or computer engineer."
"To take double the voltage as well as it did, I think is actually really impressive."
"So we're going to lose about 3.1 volts which is fine, tickety-boo."
"The coupling coefficient can be expressed as the ratio of the common flux over the common flux plus the stray flux."
"Nicola Tesla... made significant contributions to modern electricity systems."
"Like most engineering fields, electrical engineering is hugely broad and you could work in multiple different industries or sectors."
"Modern electrical engineers work in very exciting fields and may work on things like robotics or drones, solar power, radar, or other navigation systems."
"The equation for Ohm's law is voltage is equal to the current times the resistance."
"As long as you have good quality copper and it's insulated well and it's shielded well, that's just about the best that you can get."
"All you have to do is to enter the fault levels, the X over ratio, and then it knows by using the voltage level what the impedance needs to be to match those numbers."
"Capacitance should be larger than the resonant capacitor."
"AC was not possible without Steinmetz."
"He was the one that basically laid the foundation, and then electrical engineering from that point on was made possible."
"Isolating it, physically electrically isolating it, is always good practice."
"Ohm's law can be applied to the entire circuit or to each part."
"We're going to continue our research into three-phase systems."
"Power factor is equal to the true power divided by the apparent power."
"That's how we can use the node voltage method to help us to solve for every quantity in a circuit."
"The maximum current is simply the voltage of the battery divided by the resistance of the circuit."
"The S-parameters are defined by looking at the signal that we put into the device, and then the signal that might be reflected from the device."
"S11 tells you how much power is reflected."
"It's able to charge faster at V4 superchargers and it's able to make total wires thinner because they conduct better and they're more efficient."
"An extremely important aspect of grounding is to establish a reference for a return current in transmission lines."
"Using the small signal analysis, we can find or estimate different amplifier parameters like the voltage gain, input, and output impedance."
"When we have a single differential pair composed of two single-ended transmission lines, we can talk about two different kinds of signals: a differential signal and a common signal."
"The ultimate goal is to simply restore electrical connections to all the points that we're missing."
"Copper is an excellent electrical conductor."
"Everything has a non-infinite impedance and everything has a non-zero impedance; there are no shorts and there are no opens."
"Having current protection built into here is going to protect you against some types of failures through the current limiting."
"A differential pair, depending on the coupling, if they're far apart, then the differential impedance is exactly twice the single-ended impedance."
"The conditions are just right under illuminated forward bias conditions to drive power through our external load."
"We have a whole 300 level series for mechanical and a whole 200 level series of courses 10 hours each for electrical."
"This is the tightest most impressive alternating current I've ever seen."
"The polarity test is used to confirm correct wiring at both ends of the lead."
"We're going to focus mainly on single line to ground faults because those are by far the most common type of faults that we experience."
"If we look at our typical techniques we use to model and evaluate three-phase power systems, we can do a pretty good job of analyzing steady-state and even some transient conditions for all sorts of power conditions."
"By increasing the potential difference, it allows the current to be decreased."
"You can see the importance of the knowledge of symmetrical components in the power system industry."
"The whole concept of sequence components is theoretical and mathematical."
"Positive sequence is nothing but a vector which will be for a balanced system."
"Zero sequence vector does not have any kind of rotation and they are all same in phase angle and equal in magnitude."
"Now I have a theory and an idea of doing the analysis for an unbalanced system."
"The idea behind employing the use of Loss of Relaying Potential is detecting the blowing of fuses."
"The knowledge of sequence components is a huge requirement."
"Your voltage needs to be off when the current is on, but the current needs to be off when the voltage is on; it's called zero voltage switching."
"To create waveforms that have voltages on when the current is zero and current is on when the voltage is zero, you need to have resonance structures."
"The battle between Edison and DC, and Tesla and AC, was ultimately won by Tesla."
"Checking voltage drop is the best way to be able to check a fully functioning system."
"I really like this problem because it's a nice mix of electric circuits and also a little bit of number theory."
"A linear voltage ramp will occur on a capacitor when a constant current is used to charge or discharge it."
"We're going to have essentially an adjustable current source that is going to be able to push current out of this node."
"The relationship between power loss, flow, and temperature change is quite similar to the relationship between current flow and voltage drop."
"Transient stability analysis enables engineers to accurately simulate power system dynamics and transients."
"Soft starters reduce inrush current and modify acceleration and starting torque characteristics."
"One of the reasons you might want to use a shielded wire is to prevent coupling of unwanted signals to and from the wire."
"You can control which way power flows just by changing the angle, and that is a super powerful concept."
"The function of protective relaying is to immediately remove any component of a power system when it suffers a fault."
"The selectivity of a protective relay is its ability to trip the minimum number of circuit breakers to clear a fault."
"Proper sizing and current derating of cables ensures they operate to their maximum potential while providing secure and reliable operation."
"There is perfect electrical symmetry throughout."
"The power rating for the transformer is 1 megavolt ampere."
"Every characteristic that we found before exactly satisfies for the PNP version also."
"The objective of this example is to demonstrate SimPowerSystem capabilities to simulate an electrical circuit including control system in phaser mode for a full year period in less than one minute."
"Through the use of things like float, toggle, magnetic, and other similar switches, the breakout box can tell when these are open or closed, meaning whether they're completing a circuit or not."
"We're playing for the capacitors' ability to have a huge amount of storage, its ability to quickly dump all of that amperage."
"Ground potential rise with the proposed grid design is a nice visual representation."
"We're going to learn three types of analysis: the first one is called DC sweep, then signal AC analysis, and then the time-domain transient analysis."
"Utilize Zone selective interlocking where available."
"The automatic voltage control is a sophisticated application that maintains a steady level of voltage based on user-defined targets."
"When resistors are connected in parallel, the combined resistance has a value that is lower than the smallest individual resistor."
"We want that 28 volt to be connected to the same connector in a different pin location because of how we're going to wire this thing."
"Electromagnetism is a very powerful discipline because it's really how you understand the technology of electrical engineering at its most foundational levels."
"Transformers have a characteristic that is not linear above a certain value; their characteristic impedance changes."
"The twist inside always ensures that there's some copper pulling away from this electrical interference and in turn, it does less damage to the data inside."
"We're going to add this guy, which is a big three volt, 3000 volt amp, or three kilowatt inverter charger sine wave inverter."
"Ohm's law states that the current through a conductor is directly proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to resistance."