
Non-materialistic Quotes

There are 147 quotes

"Success is not judged based upon GDP and technology."
"Success is a feeling, not a number of money."
"Greatness within themselves isn't about money or anything else."
"In this world, there are tons of things that money and fame can't buy."
"It was never about the money, it was about the soul."
"I did it to make people happy, not for the money."
"Don't let it be a dollar goal, but let it be a goal."
"Money can buy you a lot of cool stuff but it will never be able to buy you that feeling when someone speaks to you and says what an impact you have had on that person's life."
"It's not all about the money, it's about the heart."
"Human beings are made to desire more, and self-actualization is not something that can be earned through worldly status or money."
"It wasn't about the money, it was about the encouragement."
"She just liked having fun with her friends and was never really into materialistic things."
"I don't really value material things that much. I value my family, my animals the most."
"Dogs don't care about money, they don't try to manipulate people, they're just pure souls."
"Everything else is materialistic, man."
"One thing I love about you is you're not like what's the word materialistic you're not materialistic one bit so that's."
"There's so many ways to show your love and appreciation that doesn't even involve money."
"He didn't come for a piece of property."
"I'm not a big materialist. I love seeing how little we can live on, not how much."
"He doesn't even have to be a multi-millionaire, he can be successful in his own right cuz you know success doesn't always just come with money."
"At the end of the day our connection is far beyond anything materialistic."
"I'm not focused on the money. I'm connected with my purpose."
"I don't think it had much monetary value, but it had lots of sentimental value."
"Life is built upon experiences, not materialistic things."
"It's not about the money, I'm just glad you're okay."
"First of all, I believe that job satisfaction gives people a sense of fulfillment that no money can guarantee."
"I don't want your money, I want your time."
"Money doesn't motivate me. What motivates me, excites me, is that I see the long-term benefit."
"I'm not a materialistic person at all; I'm just looking for that freedom from 9 to 5."
"Having that support system that's behind you, for you, it ain't about the money."
"You're not easily fooled, not materialistic."
"No money can't buy happiness man."
"I don't make a ton of money when I say success, I ain't talking about money."
"It's about the work, not about the pay."
"I'm not a money person; it's never been about money to me."
"You can be rich in other areas, nothing to do with money."
"Our social entrepreneurs are not driven by the financial rewards of consumerism; they see success in both social and economic rewards."
"My thing is always about who can add value; it's not ever about money."
"I'm not a material person; those things don't matter to me. I'm all about the heart and soul of people who catch my eye."
"Sometimes you make decisions that are about a project that you want to do, and it doesn't always strike financial gold, but you might strike spiritual gold."
"Find your motivation in something other than the monetary."
"We're not judging the success of this business purely in dollars and cents."
"I always had like a lot of family support for sure, didn't have any money, but the support was always there."
"The importance to your family isn't the money, it's you."
"I wouldn't part with them even if you gave me a thousand dollars a piece, no."
"Money does not matter at all; it's not what it's all about."
"What do you do for a living? I live life for a living."
"I kind of just do it for the love at this point, I don't do it for the money or the fame."
"A child has no ambitions to make a lot of money or to get a lot of power or to be famous."
"Success isn't money, success isn't fame, success isn't building a big business or becoming number one at anything."
"Breaking generational curses has nothing to do with money."
"We're rich without any gold, and we knew it."
"Money cannot buy sweetness in relationships."
"And that to me is a treasure worth more than any gold."
"I'm not motivated by money, like I've never been."
"They knew you were motivated; there was no way you were doing it for the money."
"I'm not a materialistic woman at all."
"Money is not anything to me, making videos with you is more important than money."
"The advocate is always looking outside the box, they're incredibly insightful and not interested in materialistic or superficial things."
"I'm not driven by the money, I'm not driven by the title. I'm just happy to be doing what I love."
"Money doesn't really matter to me, Travis."
"I'm not in it for the money at all, I couldn't care less about my own financial situation."
"I have no materialistic aims... I think me and her both aspire to basically take any money that we make and dump it into more business ventures or buying property or investing in things."
"We have a really good thing set up, and our relationship isn't just based on money."
"It's not about money; it's about the experience."
"Sometimes you don't work for the money, you just work for the experience."
"Although many things have had to be rationed, love is still free."
"I'm not after money, I just enjoy helping people."
"It wasn't just about old stuff or making money, it was about being friends and loving the same things."
"Focusing on something other than materialistic things makes me happier."
"Giving love is not about giving material objects, it's about giving you as a person."
"I love playing the game. I don't care about making money."
"Life is worth something, maybe not money, but it's valuable."
"The wisdom is a superpower on steroids that money cannot buy, a college education cannot provide."
"I'm not a very materialistic person; I love experiences."
"I'm not driven by money, I'm really driven by what makes me happy."
"I'm not interested in the money side of this, I'm interested in your health."
"I love my job; it's a passion. I didn't go into it for money."
"The joy that I have in my life is not from things that I buy, but for a completely different reason."
"We don't do it for the money, we just like doing it."
"Not everything is measured by money."
"We don't do this for the money. We do it for the love of thrifting."
"Our value is not placed in the materialistic things that we have or the things that we have done; it is all about character."
"Money isn't always the thing that motivates people."
"Focus only on the process for the next six months, do not have a goal about money at all."
"With your blessings, with your peace, understand when I say blessings, I'm not just talking material."
"The magic not derived from the pharmacist but instead the soul."
"We're not materialistic... we could care less about any material things."
"I've never been a money-driven person."
"I don't sense much yearning for material things."
"I'm in this for fun, not for money."
"If it's not just about money, you're on the right path of buying something."
"It's not about money, it is about true love."
"For working as he did rather for the love of his art than for the acquirement of wealth."
"You're not a worldly person, you're not a materialistic worldly person."
"For us, its value transcends material wealth."
"I write rhymes that shine like lipstick, so much material but not materialistic."
"Salvation, Enlightenment, Liberation, Ataraxia, Apatheia, Immortality, or Asha... none of these can be purchased."
"I'll enjoy and value things that can't be expressed in numbers, and I'll grope for a feeling of pride that comes from a slightly different place."
"I'm wealthy in relations, friends, everything like that."
"You are wealthy even without the monetary value."
"Money is not a reflection of character."
"It's based on love, spread of love, not really monetary."
"Life is not about stuff; it's not about materialistic things."
"I love it so much that I never did it for money."
"The treasure is not something monetary, it's something that you gain as a person."
"It's not about gifts, it's not about what you can do for me, it's about spending time with my family."
"I have a serenity that currency cannot buy."
"He's not there for the Instagram followers, he's there because he loves freaking Big Brother."
"She's not there for the Instagram followers, she's there because she loves freaking Big Brother."
"I've seen people with massively impressive lives, and I don't care about those things, I really don't."
"I will never be materialistic. I don't usually buy brand items... I'm just trying to find a good deal and saving money."
"Showing love is not monetary, showing love is receiving love how you want it to be received."
"I knew that it had not been for money."
"My joy does not come from material items, it just comes from things that I love and things that are good energy to me."
"Through hard times, she supported me, and she's not about money."
"It's not always about your money."
"I just follow what I'm interested in; I'm not really a money-motivated person."
"I don't really need the cash, I ain't about the flashing, ain't about the paper, I'll be in it for the passion."
"I want to be your real friend. The kind with no monetary involvement."
"I don't value materialistic things, I value people."
"Men can add value to a woman's life in ways that don't involve finances."
"An individual's worth isn't measured in credits, it's measured in character."
"It's never been about the money to me."
"I'm not really a money-motivated person to be honest."
"...money is the last thing he thinks about as the actor doesn't dictate success with money and holds no emotional value in fortune."
"Money is not important to me, it's how I feel along the way."
"Life is about to get more rich, not talking about financially."
"Happiness lies in magical moments, not in the material."
"It's important to have goals that are not connected to numbers and money, just connected to maybe you and your fulfillment."
"It doesn't have to be money, it can be something that is of great value to you."
"I've never really lived my life based on money."
"The kind of security that you are actually looking for right now in life cannot be bought."
"For those of you who do know me and are close to me, you would know that I'm not materialistic at all."
"Success is not measured by how many records you sell or how big a box office it is; success is measured by how you feel about it."
"It's more an experience as opposed to a material good."