
Beautification Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Making her corner of the world beautiful again is the least I can do."
"Now it's not neglected, it's beautiful, it's polished, so now it's time to protect it."
"We are going to make this look nice and we are going to make this an important part of our downtown."
"That's what we're gonna do; we're gonna beautify this a teeny tiny amount."
"Making this thing look nice, turning it into part of the camping ground. It'll be like a monument."
"We gonna dominate it we gonna control it we don't get iron and then we're gonna come back here and make this place all nice and pretty how's that sound."
"It is our job to make the world a more beautiful place."
"It just generally looks very beautifying."
"I'm on a city beautification process, that's what I'm doing."
"Here's the waste management tree. Not only are they cleaning up your waste but they're setting up a beautiful tree here at Hershey Park."
"Why do you beautify your way to seek love?"
"Our streets are looking prettier, and it's all thanks to Andy."
"The profession of interior design is just over 100 years old, but we know we've been beautifying our spaces for as long as time can remember."
"This is totally motivating me to do more little stuff that doesn't matter but it's gonna make everything pretty."
"Paint a mural on this grungy looking wall, then that would make this home much more pretty."
"It's a really big push to make the city beautiful."
"It's the cheapest and easiest way to relandscape and repopulate borders with beautiful plants and flowers."
"Let's beautify America. Yes, I believe in America being beautified, but you can only afford to beautify America with people who have jobs."
"We make the world more beautiful for everyone."
"Making someone else's everyday beautiful."
"We do need more flowers... getting more flowers back into systems."
"We're gonna make this place beautiful."
"Let's get out in the garden or into our indoor gardens and make our world a more beautiful place."
"We did this out of the kindness of our hearts to make our community look better."
"We're going to pot up the courtyard with some really pretty sun annuals."
"It's about what practical action you can take to make your life more beautiful and to fall in love with your everyday life."
"It's a lovely way to spruce up an area."
"An empty lot can become a garbage dump and an eyesore, and building new homes means making the area beautiful again."
"We make the world more beautiful in every single way."
"Ever since people have developed plots of land that they can call home, they've turned their attention to the surrounding landscape and changed it to look more attractive."
"You're more likely to vote, you plant prettier flowers, you're more likely to coach the youth soccer team."
"Let's make it beautiful, boys and girls, pick up your part of the world."
"And make our communities more beautiful places to live, and work, and grow."
"We can also add trees and flowers and grass and all kinds of details."
"We've planted trees on both sides and planted grass everywhere."
"Blessed be the God of our fathers, who has put such a thing as this in the king's heart, to beautify the house of the Lord which is in Jerusalem."
"The city beautiful movement sought to increase the number of park spaces available."
"She is remembered for making downtown Kissimmee a better place to live, a more friendly place to shop, and a more beautiful and colorful environment for all to enjoy."
"Your entire life in some way, shape, or form is being beautified this month."
"You're making yourself and your environment even more beautiful."
"How can I beautify my soul and my soul's path in life? How can I think about beauty... in terms not so much of pleasing myself but of being pleasing like a beautiful flower on God's altar?"
"The city beautification project has gone amazing."