
Rowing Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"She came back on that row I mean look at that she's pulling a 137 with only with only 70 meters left to go, really impressive selling out."
"Row without cheating, focus on pulling the weight with your back, not your face."
"Rowing is a family. It's something we all do together, sometimes we all hate it together, but we're always in it together."
"I have a lot of confidence in John as their coach. He's a master coach in rowing and I admire what he's done for Nagi over a long period of time."
"The rowing thing is true. That's why I went to university, was to do that and nothing else."
"I think trust is the single most important thing in rowing. You really do become part of something larger than yourself."
"Somewhere in the middle there's a happy medium where you will row the most efficiently."
"Rowing is all about keeping a rhythm," the Duke's son had insisted. "If you can play an instrumental dance, you can row."
"Love the energy in your channel, you've made me enjoy rowing."
"Those three things are gonna make you a better rower before you've even taken a single stroke."
"Rowing is for every body including you. Good luck!"
"Two weeks to row and I'm not gonna test every single one, but there you have it."
"Rowing is one of the very few sports that requires a kind of cooperation amongst the rowers themselves."
"Rowing is all about cooperation, it's all about collaboration."
"You can't row alone. If you row cooperatively, look what happens."
"It's just fun to see how different nations interpret it."
"I just love it. It's something that you need to try."
"So, if this is your first time here, welcome! I'm Shane Farmer. This is Dark Horse, where you build the life that you want to live, and we just happen to use rowing usually to get you there."
"I fell in love with rowing after I took a rowing fitness class in L.A. with one of my girlfriends. The lights were really low and it was almost like a dance club in there."
"You're a rowing rule, aren't you? Yes, that takes guts."
"Rowing is like that, and a lot of life is like that... to the parts that really matter anyway."
"I settled into the repetitive but relaxing act of rowing, alternating sides and timing my breath as I paddled forward."
"Everyone loves rowing boats and everyone loves working as a team."
"It's going to be such a spectacle, I cannot wait to put a rowing boat on there."
"There's 6.8 kilometers of grueling side-by-side racing coming up along the iconic tideway course of the River Thames."
"I started seeing a lot of parallels between rowing and singing."
"Music is constantly in my head, especially when I'm rowing."
"I love sitting in a boat; when it's going well, it feels like we're flying."
"I'm moving towards the point where I'm a competent rower, so that's pretty good."
"The tideway is theirs, screams of delight, champagne flowing."
"Rowing is a very magical sport, it's really the greatest teacher."
"It is just over four miles of the twisting Thames between Putney and Mortlake, racing upstream but with the flow of the incoming tide."
"In rowing, you need everyone pulling at the same time."
"The euphoria of winning the final two races provides inspiration to the rest of the rowing program."
"You will row your heart out and do whatever it takes because he would do the same for you."
"Few sports thrive in the precious early hours of the morning, but rowing basks in the darkness and then flourishes in the first light over the water. It is a calling, more of a lifestyle choice than a sport."
"Rowing will not build up your arms as much as many think; rowing will give you strong legs, strong core, and a little bit of arms."
"There is something about being in a boat when everyone hits exactly the same, the motion, the oneness of a boat when you're one crew, it is just such a wonderful feeling."
"They say rowing is 80% of your muscles, which is amazing, all at the same time."
"You will not drink or smoke, and you will follow this regimen all year round, for as long as you row for me."
"Let's row the boat, reaching out in front of you, leading with your elbows, pull it back."
"Graham Hill's simple but very effective colors of dark blue with white stripes was a design that pays tribute to the London Rowing Club of which he was a very active member."
"He's beautiful, he's real smooth, he's putting those oars right in the water."
"I row because it's beautiful. The balance between the physical and the emotional is sublime."
"Well, this is getting exciting now because I know I'm getting closer to rowing."
"Look at that rhythm from Oxford, look at them go, that is sensational."
"That's exactly the kind of performance I wanted to see from the Oxford women, that was really gutsy."
"Once you finish, you can go to the Concept2 logbook and rank yourself against other people."
"Welcome to Dark Horse where you build the life that you want to live, we just happen to use rowing to help you get there."
"Finish with an 11 o'clock lean and the handle at sternum height, kind of brass strap height, as an efficient and least likely to injure yourself stroke."
"You have to engage that core at the back of the stroke to not only soak up the power but to be in the position to rock back over your hips again for the release."
"If you can reframe rowing into a more manageable chunk, you'll do a lot better."
"As you're rowing, it really kind of gives you the feel that you're out on the lake."
"Conquer the rowing machine to really feel comfortable, strong, and confident."
"It has magnetic resistance so you have preset resistance levels; it's quiet and it's easy to use for new rowers."
"The Concept 2 is an air rower which basically means it has unlimited max resistance."
"If you don't row Venice, you don't know Venice."
"The sense of these two arms grabbing the oars and the energy of rowing across this patch of water."
"I'm really excited for the year to come and I hope you guys are excited for your own rowing journey too."
"The Concept 2 rower... it's the gold standard in the rowing world."
"It's been around for freaking forever, the community is the largest rowing community that's out there."
"Once you get on a rower and you can feel the difference between these two, you realize how much more of a biomechanical advantage you have."
"Rowing is probably one of the only sports that encompasses every single aspect of being the perfect athlete."
"Imagine eight men rowing... this boat went so quick!"
"It made us appreciate rowing so much."
"The way I'm describing the stroke is a very efficient way to row."
"This is Darkhorse Rowing where you build the life that you want to live, and we just happen to use rowing usually to get you there."
"That's what makes racing on the tideway such a glorious thing; it is alive, it has character, it has personality, it gets angry."
"It looks like there's just a bit more life in the Oxford crew."
"Muscular endurance is really important for rowers."
"Fewer, longer strokes are much better than many fast, shallow strokes."
"Rowing so I'm growing, maybe, maybe not."
"Awesome skulling program, they've dominated the doubles for a long time."
"Both crews staying really calm and collective, this is going to be a really exciting last 250."
"This is awesome, we love singles rowing."
"It's a perfect day for rowing, couldn't ask for a better day."
"Rowers pride themselves on competing in any weather condition ever."
"The dedication and effort of the athletes on that famous stretch of water between Putney and Mort Lake."
"I trust Hannah 100%, and that's why she was selected to be the Cox for this race."
"You build the life that you want to live, and we just happen to use rowing to help you get there."
"Coxswains are just as much a member of the crew even though they don't have an oar."
"It's an orchestra here, Cascadilla orchestrating their way down the line like a symphony."
"Every stroke counts, we could see the difference between making a grand final and not could be marginal, less than a second."
"Look at them in sync, one catch, one finish."
"That's what rowing is all about, some great character building stroke for stroke."
"I love rowing so much, I hope if you're at home you've never been to a regatta, you've been to a regatta, I hope you learn to love rowing too because this is what it's all about."
"That's what I love about rowing in team boats, that you can really build off of the energy of the athletes you're rowing with."
"It's a beautiful day to row fast."
"Legs, core, arms; arms, core, legs. Rowing is 60% leg drive, power, patience, patience."
"I found that I adapted to rowing quite quickly because I had an engine that came from years of swimming. The lungs were there, but the strength probably wasn't."