
Transient Quotes

There are 138 quotes

"But it's more than just the jingling keys nature of how the villains are portrayed all sorts of interesting story ideas appear and vanish like clockwork."
"That one brief half a second is all that matters."
"Every single emotion is fleeting. Every single one."
"When you wake up tomorrow this will all seem like a dream."
"They're popular for a year, then they're gone."
"One minute you're grabbing the headlines, hosted by presidents and prime ministers, next thing you're a seasonal infection."
"All this will pass... what's right before us right now is something absolutely beautiful."
"Outraged culture that exists on Twitter has a half-life of like three fucking days, it's gone."
"I think makeup is fun, I think you should totally have fun with it, I think it's, you know, it's something that you wash off at the end of the night so it really doesn't matter, just have fun."
"A stick appeared out of nowhere, then disappeared."
"Different chargers will come into your life for a little bit and then slowly just disappear."
"When things burn bright, doesn't mean it's gonna last."
"Victories are like waves, both determined and temporary."
"Life is a bridge; pass over it, don't build on it."
"There is nobody who's not been happy; everybody's been happy, but the problem is they're not able to maintain it."
"Money comes and goes like that two-bit hustler that night just trying to rush me."
"Feelings are like relatives at Christmas, they come and go."
"A float plane will never leave a mark in the water; all you hear is the sound, you see the ripple in the water, and a few minutes it's all gone."
"For a moment we were all at peace."
"A stark reminder of the transient nature of fame."
"This energy will pass; this too shall pass."
"Your life is a raindrop in a thunderstorm. It will be over as fast as it arrived."
"This isn't going to matter in eternity. Like this isn't what lasts."
"And so I've just just you know and those trades like yeah they may be good for like a few months but then they're they're kind of gone like they don't last."
"Every single thing will pass. This too shall pass."
"A puddle in the desert that wasn't there yesterday and will be gone in a few weeks as will you."
"All these people here, they're like smoke. They blow away in the moment."
"Perfection in sports usually is limited to a snapshot in time."
"Stars give the illusion of permanence. They can pretend that things last longer than moments, but gods come and gods go, mortals live and die, and everything is transient. But it's nice to pretend."
"Feelings pass through. They don't stay."
"She ain't gonna be here long, I'mma to."
"Power is a fleeting and brief gift, changing hands like the wind."
"As quick as the wind started, it faded away, leaving behind a tranquil evening."
"This is just a feeling, this is not who I am, and it is going to pass."
"For what is your life? It's only a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away."
"For here we do not have a lasting city, but we're seeking the city which is to come."
"In the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow."
"There are some friendships that should be short and sweet, that should be exciting for a few hours or a few days, and then melt away like the snow."
"Life really is Seasons, storms are very, very temporary. The hard moments are very temporary."
"Is this for real? What I mean is, this today, or is it nothing more than a flash in the pan?"
"Your life is like a vapor here one minute, gone the next."
"That's the enduring thing, the thing which comes and goes is religion."
"Our time here on Earth is but a vapor."
"That excitement and creativity is fleeting, you know? It comes and it goes just as fast as it comes."
"Because things that come easy, they go."
"Many viruses just pass through us."
"Love comes and goes, that's all that I know."
"This world is not my home, I am just passing through."
"This experience you had definitely is a spiritual experience, but remember, notice one thing about this experience. It came and went."
"There's no come and go. There is literally there's no coming. It's just the hype."
"Popularity doesn't last. Trends don't last."
"It was just a game and it means it will remain."
"You might feel like you don't belong here, like you're visiting and experiencing everything."
"Single serving sugar, single serving cream. The people I meet on each flight, they're single-serving friends."
"Well, that was a heck of a squall. They come on fast and they leave fast."
"The world was never intended to be our final dwelling place."
"There's sort of a momentary gift for people to look at."
"I live in cadence rhythms of a shooting star."
"It's not a place you can stay. It's a way to somewhere."
"You are neither here nor there, a hurry through which known and strange things pass as big soft bufferings come at the car sideways and catch the heart off guard and blow it open."
"The sweet smell of success doesn't hang around too long."
"Feelings are temporary, both good and bad, so cherish the good ones and trust that the bad ones will pass."
"In the end, it's only passing things, the shadow, just a little darkness, then a new day will come."
"This is what we call a fad. Fads can range from all sorts of things."
"They've just hung here, they've drunk here, they've spent time here, and they've moved on."
"Every panic attack you've ever had ended, no matter what you do."
"The Circus Comes to Town and moves on leaving no Trace."
"Happiness comes and goes, but it's nice when you know it's happening."
"Neither triumph or disaster is an end-all or be-all. All glory is fleeting."
"You'll arrive and before you know it, you're leaving."
"Love is temporary, it's like being on drugs."
"Your days are as a shadow that passes away."
"Your life is just a vapor, appearing for a little time and then vanishing away."
"True art cannot be captured on a canvas or in a puppet or in a statue. True art can only be expressed in an instant, and then it's gone."
"Like everything else, love comes, love goes. It has its day, it has its night, and then, well, forever was yesterday."
"We're only passing through; this is not our ultimate home."
"Stardom can be fleeting; it doesn't take much for a rising star to quickly become a falling star."
"This world is temporary. It's temporary today, you're here tomorrow you're gone. That's the truth."
"We are just like these flames. We burn for a short while, and then we flicker and disappear."
"We're merely pilgrims passing through this one."
"It was nice for a while. It was nice while it lasted."
"Rootless tumbleweeds go from one place to another."
"Feelings are like clouds, so they're gonna pass."
"...if you blink, you might miss it."
"Every now and then, maybe one of us gains like a short-term Satori level of Enlightenment."
"It’s a beautiful, melancholy love story about two lost souls who find one another and are able to give each other’s lives meaning for a short time."
"Our minds are vast and open, and our thoughts and all of the difficulties, they're just like clouds coming by across the sky of our minds."
"Feelings aren't cool because they last; they're cool because they don't last."
"Be in this life as if you are a stranger or a passerby."
"Most people have short attention spans and it kind of blows over pretty quick too."
"Sometimes it's better literally not to fight it because it will pass when it passes."
"High school is not the rest of your life. It's only four years of your life."
"This feeling will pass, and you will feel okay again."
"We only have one life, too many people are just passersby."
"We are strangers and pilgrims in this world; this world is not your home."
"They were protecting themselves; we were just passing through, we were there for one day and one day only."
"We'll look back on those 446 days as if it was just a blip in the radar."
"Life is flimsy, isn't it? One minute you're here, and the next... gone."
"Avoid Trends, because trends will pass away."
"If a patient comes with symptoms, neurologic disturbances that are gone right now, and you do an imaging study which does not show any evidence of a stroke, you will call it a TIA."
"The property that I grew up on was sort of a hub, more like a bus stop; spirits, ghosts, and other beings were always passing through."
"There's nothing new under the sun, and this too shall pass."
"The best part about the struggles is that the struggles don't last."
"The only footprints I shall leave are those that will wash away."
"If you just let it be, it will go away on its own."
"We're not home; we're traveling right now. This is not home."
"Motivation is a feeling; sometimes it comes, sometimes it goes."
"At the end of the day, motivation is a feeling; sometimes it comes, sometimes it goes."
"For just a second, so quick that if I had blinked at that moment, I would have completely missed it, the Moon was illuminated by a fiery orange color."
"Feelings are fickle. Feelings will come and go."
"Cravings... they pass and they go away if you can just sit with them for 10 or 15 minutes."
"Happiness is not a sustainable thing... It's just about finding these pockets of happiness that you can call yours."
"Let us set our hearts on the eternal and not on the passing."
"She's more like a shooting star kind of thing."
"If you have any thoughts coming up distracting you, know that they'll come and they'll pass."
"It's always a satellite town, people come and go, you meet people from New York, from California, from all over the globe."
"This is fun. I love doing this; it doesn't last very long."
"You came into my life just like another season."
"Not everyone is meant for forever; some people are meant just to wake you up and revive you."
"This world is not my home, I'm just a passing through."
"Maybe the friendship was never meant to be a long-lasting lifetime friendship."
"I love it, I wish it would last a little longer, but hey, that's what we came for."
"Boys come and go, let's be honest."
"This world is not my home, I'm only passing through."
"It wasn't like a super painful experience; it was just like a shooting pain and then it was over."
"Don't worry though, it won't attack or crush us, so just enjoy the sight and it'll be gone in a bit."
"I'm having a panic attack, this will pass."
"It ain't gonna matter in five minutes, so why are you upset now?"
"Life can be great, life can be cold, life doesn't mean evil, life is just a passing."
"The PI controller has a good effect on the steady-state performance without compromising too much on the transient behavior."
"He'd throw his heart and soul into something for a few days like a kid getting new toys on Christmas."