
Hide And Seek Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"This is now my hiding spot. There's a zero percent chance out of five that he'll find me."
"Before the Dawn, also known as Survive the Night, is a hide-and-seek-styled Roblox horror game."
"Okay melon I'm in my hiding spot all right Sonny I'm in my hiding spot all right for my first question can you just tell me where you are?"
"You're so hidden, you're going to win for sure."
"Jumping because you just might miss me in this game of hide and seek."
"I will never play hide and seek with you, why? Because someone like you is hard to find."
"I found your hitbox, melon. It's your turn to hide, bro. Get out of here!"
"This is one of the best hide and seek maps I've ever done."
"He's right here, oh he's crying, he knew that he was gonna get found."
"God's playing the best game of hide and seek ever."
"Pets just like to play hide and seek, but hamsters aren't as good at hiding as dogs."
"Let's see how long we can hide from the members and who finds me the most. Who will be the best at determining what I am compared to the actual wildlife?"
"I think among us ones we did were my favorite hide and seek but I think you still could do those concepts without being among us and just call it hide and seek."
"I'm gonna be nice... But you guys gotta pick a better hiding spot."
"We should register for a hide and seek World Championships."
"It's like hide and seek, but if you get caught, a grizzly bear kills you."
"There's also no time limit guys. Cedric can literally have the entire day to try and find us. It's just the last person hiding wins."
"Let's start with the most extreme games of hide-and-seek."
"In hide and seek, I've never been found but been able to move like this is a first in history for me, and I love it."
"White is definitely the color that you want to get if you're doing hide and seek."
"If she hides for 30 minutes, it's gonna upset me because no one ever hides that long in hide and seek."
"30 minutes is up. No one found me."
"Think of playing hide and seek though," Nancy said brightly, ever the optimistic child.
"This is one of the most savage rounds of hide-and-seek I've ever experienced."
"Oh, hey, I have a great idea for a fun game. Okay, have you ever played hide and seek? Yeah, it's really fun. All right, so close your eyes and we'll count to three, and then you can come find me. Ready? Close your eyes."
"I'm gonna need you guys 15 seconds to go hide and then I'm gonna come find you."
"Congratulations, you are today's winner, you are the last one to be found."
"He landed on both feet and excitedly told me that he'd help me look for whoever's still hiding."
"We have the man, the myth, the out of bounds hide and seek legend, Blake."
"The hide and seek in the neighbor's house, that I liked."
"This is the game of hide and seek where all the answers are right in front of your eyes."
"We decided to play hide and seek."
"If you've been playing hide and go seek this whole time, you win, World hide and go seek champion."
"The battle to survive, to outwit the enemy above, in a tense deadly game of hide-and-seek."
"Another fun part we added in was that you could change your hiding spot during any point of time."
"That's a very good hiding spot; we couldn't even find you."
"It's like a town that's brilliant at hide-and-seek."
"Ready or not, here I come, you can't hide, I'm gonna find you."
"Oh where is circle, where is circle? Here I am, here I am. How are you today, sir? Very well, I thank you. Run away, run away."
"Awesome, you won't find me, Jimmy."
"We're going to play a round of hide and seek, may the best hider win this game today."
"God is searching for us, we're playing hide and seek, God is searching for us, where did those fellows go?"
"I was trying to organize a professional hide-and-seek tournament, but it was a complete failure. Turns out good players are hard to find."
"We're gonna play hide and seek in the dark, except this time we all have different cameras, and they have night vision."
"Hide and seek, if I find you in under 3 minutes, I get $1,000, you have 3 minutes to hide."
"Dennis, come out. Dennis, I know you're behind the tree."
"We only hide if you promise not to forget you're looking for us."
"We're going to play some hide and seek Bingham style here in the theater."
"We play a game with my kids that you can go anywhere on the property and hide."
"Kai is lighthearted and lovable, great at hiding and can't be beat at a game of hide and seek unless he's laughing."
"That's how I like to keep you confused and misguided, that way I can win the round and become the champion of hide and seek."
"You're never finding me bro, I'm actually a goat for discovering this."
"That would be amazing for hide and seek, look you can't even see him."
"We are playing this cosmic game of hide and seek."
"We also rented an entire hotel to play hide and seek, so it's gonna take them a long time to find everybody."
"Create a Where's Waldo - Bonnie scene with your character hidden in it somewhere."
"Our largest mammal is also the best at playing hide-and-go-seek."
"Ready or not, here I come, you can't hide, gonna find you and take it slowly."
"Hide and seek, I like hide and seek, dude, I really enjoyed that, it was so much fun."
"Why? Because she sucks at hide and seek."
"Sarah reportedly loves to play hide and seek."
"The concept of hide-and-seek is very simple: 3 people hiding, one person looking."
"I promise you elephants are hide-and-seek champions."