
Eyesight Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"What's the one thing that your optometrist doesn't want you to know about? The fact that you do not need glasses. That's right."
"Carrots can help your eyesight. Were you ever told that as a kid?"
"The matamata turtle has a bit of an odd defect; it has really super bad eyesight."
"The most common refractive error of the eye and is becoming more prevalent."
"Normally humans can't see me, yet you have really good eyesight."
"So nearsighted means you see better up close, farsighted is a little trickier because far-sighted people see better at far."
"Good vision is really all about relaxation."
"Slightly stronger in the left and the right eye is about 3.5 D with the degree of oblique astigmatism."
"Adding as little as 60 grams of spinach a day for a month can significantly boost macular pigment in most people."
"With aging eyes it's probably a good idea."
"Optometrist has everything to do with the eyes."
"If you start taking some nutrients and doing some eye exercises, increasing the eye circulation with the proper lens prescription, your eyes don't have to age in the same way."
"You know how impressive is that you read your phone without wearing glasses yeah I don't wear glasses I had four eye operations you know how many people just in their 40s are like doing one of these."
"This is a real test of my vision cuz I am not close to this thing. It's very dark. The letters are tiny and it's all the way up there. So if this ain't a vision test, I don't know what is."
"Blueberries even more interestingly, if you look at a blueberry, it kind of like has it's the lens and the retina."
"Blueberries can significantly reduce the risk of cataracts."
"Carrots are rich in beta carotene that's vital for eye health."
"Two hours a day outdoors can offset or even reverse nearsightedness."
"Leafy greens are loaded with the nutrients for your eyes."
"...I've seen more people apparently regain their eyesight right in front of me more times than I could count."
"These spiders are just the opposite...they just have such big eyes."
"That's crazy, how blind I am now. I've been wearing glasses since I was like 19."
"I'm going blind slowly, yeah. I took my glasses off today and I wasn't wearing my contacts and I was like, 'Oh, I can't actually see a single thing.'"
"In a world IM with screens and distractions, our eyes are under constant pressure."
"You only got two eyes; you got to take care of them."
"Laser eye damage is nearly impossible to treat, therefore precaution is very, very important."
"The only thing that really hurt your eyes from bright light is ultraviolet light."
"If you feed your gut buddies what they want, you could actually improve your eyesight."
"Our eyes are not cameras... they are imaging probability generators of what will probably happen a fraction of a second in the future based on previous experiences."
"I wish I had better eyesight specifically for identifying snacks from far away."
"Our eyes weren't made to stare at screens all day."
"Improving people's eyesight also improves their quality of life."
"We really do need to look after our eyes because we only have one pair."
"Eyesight is literally a gift from God; eyes are the window to the soul."
"Protect your eyesight, otherwise you may never see again."
"I'm going to put on eye protection because, well we only get one set of eyes."
"I don't have 20/20 vision, but it's pretty close."
"Zeaxanthin and lutein can actually accumulate in the eye and protect it from UV damage."
"He pays for surgery that restored the eyesight of a thousand blind people."
"Carrots, they're good for our eyesight."
"As you get older, at least for me, my eyesight not that great anymore, so I actually really like a nice big screen."
"Visualize your eyes as healthy, vibrant, and functioning perfectly."
"Hey, did you know that carrots are good for your eyesight?"
"Protect your wonderful eyes, your eyes are beautiful, they're perfect, they're amazing."
"Regular eye exams are essential for detecting any early signs of eye diseases or conditions."
"Our eyes actually do a great job; they have a really high dynamic range."
"If you thought that the Byakugan or the Sharingan were strong, yours will make them seem no better than normal eyesight in comparison."
"You know your daddy and mama always told you to eat your carrots. Are you eating your carrots and your greens? Especially carrots because they help you with your eyesight."
"The baby's eyes are partially open and able to blink now."
"Bluefin have incredible eyesight and it's crucial to camouflage the hook with the bait."
"It totally works, and let's hope we can turn the tide and get more people thinking about taking control of their eyesight."
"They protect your eyes by filtering out 90% of high-energy blue light and eliminating the glare coming off all those screens."
"Strabismus refers to an ocular misalignment; the eyes are not straight."
"Your eyes might play an even bigger role after all, the eyes are the most important part of your face and therefore your life."
"It's going to help with your eyesight, digestion, and strengthen your pelvic floor muscles."
"You've only got one set of eyes, and it's worth protecting them the best that you can get."
"Use your eyes and you'll learn how you can take good care of your eyes."
"Your eyes are tracking smoothly, which is normal, and your muscle function across all of the cranial nerves that operate the muscles of the eye, they all test normally."
"The human eye... has design flaws that make our eyes inferior."
"Glass ND filters are fine for photographic use but with your eyes, they don't provide necessary protection."
"Zebras have got very, very good eyesight."
"The spider has eight eyes; they have terrible eyesight, so that spider that landed on your face did not do it intentionally."
"Your son has really good eyesight."
"Turn on the light when you're reading to keep your eyes healthy and bright."
"Vitamin A helps for good eyesight."
"The whole point is protecting your eyes."
"You need to protect them eyes, you only got two."
"I think it's important to give your eyes a break."
"Why do lions hunt at night? Their eyesight is just so much better at night, a lot better than the prey species that they do hunt."
"Take care of yourself, take care of your eyes."