
Convincing Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"So basically, you need to be convinced yourself first. If you aren't convinced yourself first, you won't be able to convince anyone, let alone your parents."
"Once the evidence is conclusive, that will convince even the skeptic. That's the beauty of science."
"If we could just find that original film or get a published version of this out there, I think it would convince a lot more people."
"Straight up the most convincing ghost video I've ever seen."
"The miraculous nature of the Quran is convincing."
"I'd rather just convince you that the stuff I like is good."
"If none of the stories that you've heard in this video have convinced you enough about time travel, then this man's story will."
"Our human brains can be convinced by a print, that it's 300 dots in an inch."
"Alexander Volkanovski's feints are very convincing, so Korean Zombie looked worse than he ever has."
"As the AI models are getting smarter, there's one AI risk on which everyone agrees: AIs will be convincing."
"This now allows him to be much more convincing in his confused protagonist role."
"This is a really interesting, really convincing footprint."
"I think we've obliterated that objection on a call like this where you go 'Are you kidding me? This is a real family, in a real story.'"
"It honestly sounds like this is actually what happened. It's outrageous but it's pretty convincing."
"He makes you believe in all that he's doing."
"Tyrion convincing Jon Connington and Aegon to turn back to Westeros might have been kind of Martin convincing himself that this is the story."
"What a remarkable and convincing turnaround."
"I know I'm not supposed to believe this, but she's giving a lot of good points right now."
"If you can convince them that actually there is a place where that properly exists."
"We'll have to convince them to use the urinals."
"You really going to try and convince this guy that you aren't a child?"
"Wow, if that doesn't sell you on it, I don't know what will."
"It's the most convincing product we've seen so far from gwm haval and the rate of improvement suggests this is just the beginning."
"No matter what he plays, I am convinced by it and I completely fall into his performance."
"If they're so convincingly transitioned, what do they need to represent to you?"
"Hey, it's very convincing, isn't it?"
"If those lines really didn't convince you if you think I'm full of [ __ ] then I understand that's okay."
"If nothing else appeals to you, maybe this will."
"Convince me they're not worth creating a brand new wild adventure for your life."
"This is known as the most convincing case of time travel in the whole of History."
"His arguments were pretty ironclad for me."
"If that doesn't convince you that this film is worthwhile I don't know what will."
"I have yet to have someone who has been willing to engage in a conversation with me and go back and forth aggressively that they have not come around and seen the light."
"I thought that was all convincing, all really well, really great."
"Hey, you convinced him to come! You convinced him to wear some pants, Gideon!"
"The images of giant trolls stomping through the forest and towering above our protagonists are so convincing it almost doesn't even look like CGI."
"The CGI is all too convincing; that bloody dangling tongue is enough to make anyone decide to skip lunch."
"I think it looks pretty convincing. What do you think?"
"This one was the most convincing one of my whole life."
"Hope I've convinced you in this talk... only time will tell."
"Hopefully that helped convince you of some of the benefits."
"Do you know why? Because it's amazing!"
"Luckily, he brought a very convincing structural model."
"Most of us are very independent... and the challenge part is to get us and make us believe that you are the right one."
"Placing you in one of the most convincing zoological attractions you will ever see."
"Their characters were so convincing and they were just a pleasure to watch."
"You have to convince the people that are in front of your camera that you're passionate about this."
"Paul is a trained physicist... he did a really good job, he was a very convincing candidate."
"The FMD really does seem quite promising, so much that I might have somehow convinced you to try it."
"The work that went into Frozen was nearly enough to convince us that the dream country was a real place."
"Look how convincing this is, gorgeous."
"This sounds incredibly convincing, this sounds incredibly natural, realistic."
"It's completely convincing because it uses reality in such a realistic way."
"It was believable and I believed that he could beat anybody's ass in that building."
"It was just as convincing as it could be."
"She was so convincing when she pretended to pull herself along by an invisible rope."
"Many well-defined and developed ideas and images create a convincing overall picture with varieties of focus."
"I think that's the most convincing ghost recording I have ever seen."
"Every good horror movie has to have a convincing plot, right?"
"Sometimes it just takes seeing to believe," Richard said.
"It's a little bit more convincing that the thing is actually flying in the air."
"You actually sound pretty convincing as a peacock."
"An absolutely convincing win for Yan Nepomniachtchi."
"This is so super convincing, this is so cool."