
Color Grading Quotes

There are 212 quotes

"Color grading is one of the most important ways to tell your story."
"That's very quickly just gonna bring everything into the same sort of color tone that helps the edit flow a lot better."
"Even just learning the basics of resolve color grading is so much more comprehensive and fine-tunable than anything you can do in premiere with ease."
"Color grading can be a very in-depth topic... but the technique that I'm going to show you guys... can really take your renders out of this like very flat very generic world into a much much more cinematic world."
"Learning resources like Tao of Color and Color Grading Central can take your skills to the next level."
"Color grading is giving it a certain aesthetic."
"Resolve is probably one of the best color grading applications out there."
"I'm going to try my best to be as thorough as possible and also I'm going to try to be as beginner friendly as possible in case you're just starting out with color grading or DaVinci Resolve."
"Going from GoPro color to flat color is a game changer."
"Having a LUT is kind of like having training wheels for the rest of your color grade and so it gets you 60% of the way there."
"Shoot in a log profile... allows you to do more heavy color grading in post."
"He was one of the few people that color graded all of the clips, and I think that's the mark of a real pro."
"For these two, the Sony FX 9, if you look at the skin tones here and look at the colors even on the board, you can see..."
"But now we can put everything that we learned together in this video and grade a log shot from scratch without using any light but still create a color accurate image with a nice curve..."
"It just copies the color grade right over for you, so that's super convenient."
"Streamlining your process, when it comes to color grading, is everything."
"Literally one hour long training that's gonna transform your color grading career."
"Color management is a non-negotiable if you're looking at building up a really world-class efficient color grading practice."
"Most people with dangerously little knowledge of color grading could actually probably make a shot look pretty good pretty quick."
"You could color grade just about a whole movie and get pretty good results, literally knowing what you know now."
"Color grading is all a bit subjective; as long as you're kind of looking at your scopes and you're not pushing things into a crazy direction, then you've got some room to move."
"DaVinci Resolve is the absolute king of color grading across all programs and all softwares."
"Color grading tools are essential for a polished look."
"...when you're color grading all day it's actually quite a grueling thing to do when you're doing it day in day out so having a tactile control surface just allows you to be just become a little bit less fatigued."
"With the color panel you're actually able to color all of your footage."
"...my Baseline goal. It sounds like a pretty humble goal but if you can really keep an eye on that goal and make sure you're doing it shot after shot after shot, you're going to be in a great place with your color grade."
"Really nailing the settings and the exposure first before you push your color grade is a big must."
"Color grading is all about stacking."
"Color grading is best used as an art that is unnoticeable."
"This software does all of those things and more, and it's the industry standard for color grading."
"If you take anything away from this video, white balancing your footage, balancing the colors, the temperature, you're going to enjoy Dehancer Pro so much more and you're going to be able to utilize its full potential."
"someone is given a task there they're called a color grader colorist and yeah that's their job just to take the final piece and then make sure the colors are."
"...personally I kind of like just recording and dlog and color grading it later I think it looks just as good if not better most of the time."
"Color grading Vlog footage so that it doesn't look like a flat gray blob."
"When I'm actually color grading, I rely on my eyes, I rely on my hands, I rely on feel."
"We don't want to seek complexity. Complexity will find us in color grading. We want to seek simplicity."
"If you're shooting something on say Alexa, you got 15 stops of dynamic range. You're funneling it through Rec.709 pre-tax where it's much more limited, whereas if you funnel it through DaVinci white gamut, the possibilities are endless."
"The most important part of color grading to me is not about what you're doing with your hands and or about what you're seeing with your eyes. It's about the ideas that you have in your head and about the passion and taste that you have in your heart."
"When it feels normal, you haven't graded your footage yet."
"And then whenever we want to apply this look to another clip we could select an individual clip come up here to this still and choose apply grade."
"The color grade plays a really big important role."
"If you shoot in log then suddenly you have all this flexibility to make those colors look however you want them to look."
"Always use your scopes when color grading. It is so essential because your screen can be inaccurate, your eyes can most definitely be inaccurate."
"You do not have to color grade videos."
"When you are utilizing nighttime scenes outside or you're trying to create a sense of moonlight or ambient nighttime light in a Halloween movie, I much prefer the whitish blue color grade and color temperature... daylight balance as opposed to tungsten balanced."
"It's really cool how they have two different like color gradings for when they're in the matrix and when they're out of the matrix."
"Now we got Alpha to our Factor, we got color to our end color here, and now we have color one as our background which is perfect."
"...makes it more accessible for folks who still want that Hollywood look without needing to learn the complications of color grading."
"But now that it shoots in 10-bit color, it's fantastic because it gives you tons of range to color grade with. It just gives you a lot more depth in the color and a lot more information in the video to be able to adjust and manipulate the video in the ways that you want."
"The color grading tools inside of DaVinci Resolve are so, so good."
"The more you can move into an image Centric rather than a camera Centric workflow and mindset the more success you're going to find the better results you're going to get in your color grid."
"DaVinci treats color grading in a node-based way, you've got your node tree on the right hand side."
"Now I'm happy with that grade that we've just done so let's say I want to save that out and apply it to some other parts of the footage as well."
"When we are color grading one of the best things that we can do for our color grading practice is to move away from a camera Centric approach and move into an image Centric approach."
"The picture looks great, they finally got the color grading right."
"I prefer one LUT per show. It keeps the most consistent, it is easier for visual effects, and I believe that the LUTs I make will hold up in dark scenes, light scenes, whatever."
"I always like stretching out the black between the black and the gamma so that I can create a deep black but still maintain detail."
"Achieving cinematic colors can definitely be subjective, but I think the movie industry can give us some guidelines."
"When it comes to color grading, there's no correct way to do it, it definitely is just finessing in the colors, messing with it."
"This is where you can get really creative and really stylize a look and color grade using this hue saturation curves is a really fun tool just to mess around with the colors and make something that is really unique."
"If you don't know what to do or how to color grade, don't use LUTs."
"It's the same thing with color grade as well, a lot of people forget about color grades and things like that but everything you watch, this stylized impression of something you forget about it."
"Now that your music is in and your volume levels are sorted, next up we're going to color grade or color correct our videos."
"Conversion LUTs save so much time."
"Applying color changes at the source Master Level."
"The GoPro footage was easier to color grade without accidentally blowing up the colors too much."
"We use scopes because our eyes and our monitors are not very reliable tools and so the scopes give us an idea of what our image actually looks like."
"Even if you try and copy my exact color grade, you're not going to necessarily get the same end result."
"How do you achieve this iconic S-log color Sony? No, this is literally straight out of the Lumix G7, no adjustments."
"Using the most out of the Sony fx30 means using the 10-bit 422 option for the most flexibility in color grading and overall quality."
"The main benefit of aces is the transforming of the log footage into a more usable color space"
"...as a colorist I don't have to think about what camera this material was shot on. I can simply look at the image, look at what's needed, and help my clients get it to where they want to see it go."
"There are some important nuances or details for each of the main types of cameras that I encounter as a colorist that do pop up consistently."
"We love color grading here on this channel. That's all we do. That's all we talk about is color grading inside of DaVinci Resolve."
"Exposing to the right overexposing the image definitely seems to help... that tends to make things a little bit easier for me."
"I kind of really limited the palette on that one severely, like not just desaturation only but created a bit of cyan in the blacks and yellow in the highlights so it created a little bit of a color twist..."
"This is color grading, so remember, we're shooting with intent."
"Hello to any of you lunatics who are crazy enough to show up and talk about color grading and color science and color geekery on Christmas Eve. I am really glad to be with you guys."
"Color grading is no longer a luxury but an essential part of every edit."
"I was able to really pull out the skin tones here as you can see too that in this initial shot they actually looked a little bit pink."
"Color grading is one of the best ways to really put your own sort of style into your photos as well as like really selling a feeling with your photos."
"...I think that heavy split tone adds a lot to the cinematic vibe of these images because a lot of the movies we watch nowadays a lot of the TV shows we watch have heavy color grades and one way to kind of mimic that in Lightroom is applying a heavier split tone..."
"Color grading 16 millimeter film is one of the most enjoyable experiences I've had as a photographer and filmmaker."
"First a quick disclaimer: you'll notice the footage looks really flat at first. That's because it's all in its log color state where the colors are very, very flat for color grading."
"Definitely definitely definitely do not forget about color grading curves adjustments tone mapping it really just helps push your models."
"You can see what these Luts look like in real time, which is really nice because it will help you expose it better."
"Color grading can be great; it's just going to be something that's going to change as fads change."
"Color grading is a creative process; it allows you to add a mood, atmosphere, and above all, emotions to your photos."
"Having that 16-bit color, all that color information is really nice because you can kind of manipulate that image to look however you want."
"I love using Color Grading to create a little bit more of a consistent look across your entire gallery."
"Hello and welcome to the Practical Color Grading series."
"This is a perfect example of the power of good sound color management which allows you to map material from different cameras into a common starting point so that you can focus on the creative rather than the technical aspects of your grade."
"Aces is sort of just the gold standard for color and light calculation."
"That's without the color grading; that's with the color grading."
"How to not only grade underwater footage but how to get perfect skin tone."
"Welcome to probably the most anticipated video on this channel: how to color grade a wedding footage."
"Every step of that corrective process we've just taken has landed us in a situation which you really, really want with a memory color like skin, that it is 100% correct."
"V-log gives you a very strong starting point of image. I find it very rich, it contains a lot of dynamic range, and the way that it handles highlights is very pleasing."
"Netflix studios requires that color critical standard dynamic range work be mastered on a monitor that is set to a 100 nit peak luminance."
"The gradient map adjustment layer is an incredibly powerful adjustment layer when it comes to color grading your photos."
"DaVinci Resolve is definitely the best program I've used as far as color grading."
"Color grading is what it says on the tin; you're creating a color grading theme to a photo."
"Gradient maps... allow you to add specific colors in the shadows, mid-tones, and highlights that you can then blend into your image for very specific and creative color grading adjustments."
"The edit is where you can create transitions, add sound effects, color grade, and stylize your footage."
"If you want to take your color grading game to the next level, make sure to check the link in the description below."
"The default color transform is switched from filmic to the new AGX."
"I'm a professional colorist and I'm also a DP."
"These LUTs will allow you to get a more creative style right off the bat and working in a Rec 709 SDR color space, you're going to get really great results and really quickly, really easily."
"Color grading is super fun because you really have a lot of power over the emotion of the image."
"Once you learn the art of stacking in color grading, it can really help you."
"This is the after, this is the color graded shot right here, and then if I turn off everything, you can see where we started."
"This is a really powerful tool and I can make a whole entire video about how to use this while you're shooting, how to use it while you're grading."
"This is where the magic happens, people. This is where it's predominantly skin tones that I'm worried about, and they're not moving around too much."
"I love the color grade of this video."
"Moving on to color grading, this is all preference; you're going to do what you like to the footage to put your fingerprint on it, to make it look like what you want it to look like."
"Now that we're in Photoshop, let's start the color grading."
"Disney movies are color graded dark to disguise the flat lighting they use in front of green screens."
"Color grading is so important, in fact, many times it's more important than just the resolution in the detail."
"The S-Cinetone colors look so good, the skin tones just look so true to life."
"S-cinetone gives you cinematic looking footage straight out of your camera with pleasing skin tones with no color grading required."
"One of the most popular color grading techniques in Hollywood is a color palette called orange and teal."
"I'm going to show you the process, the exact way I color graded these images."
"We are trying to put warmer tones to the highlights and cooler tones to the shadows."
"When it comes to choosing a color for your film look, there's no real rule, but just don't overdo it."
"When you come to color your film, you really want as much information in the clip to work with as possible."
"Color in the box nowadays gives us so many options and they sound so good."
"Color grading is definitely a must if you're going for anything that you think is gonna look good."
"I love the 50 megapixels, I like the colors that I was able to tweak with both of these cameras."
"I'm happy for how the pictures came out; the color palette on that ex-pro 2 is awesome."
"Split toning is really more for getting creative and making some interesting looks for your photos."
"We're actually skipping color grading on this image this time, so it's a little bit different."
"I always shoot tethered, I always color grade to make sure I'm controlling the color throughout."
"We're gonna switch away from sRGB to ACES. ACES is a film Academy standard."
"Just by using some lights, manual settings on our camera, and some simple color grading, we've made our camera look a thousand times better."
"Split toning is going to do so much for you... making those blacks a little bit blacker and playing with hues."
"Color is one of my favorite parts of the filmmaking process."
"The way we color our wedding films is such a huge selling point for couples."
"The reason they booked me was because of my color, because of the way it made them feel."
"Split toning allows you to sort of inject various colors within different parts of the image."
"I'm using the view transform of filmic and the look at very high contrast just to pop out the colors and make everything look more contrasty and saturated."
"You can kind of color grade your image to give yourself the style that you want."
"There's a little bit warmer of a tone in the shadows and there's just more of a color spread throughout."
"If you're not required to work in ACES, I think color space transforms have a much more logical workflow."
"You can even add effects if you want to color grade."
"You can change the colors and the mood and the atmosphere by using these color nodes."
"Let's call this color grading final."
"Color grading your footage is the most important step."
"We're able to push the colors around while still retaining quality."
"Then when you move on to color grading, that's where you can have a bit more fun."
"Adding texture and color to your video really adds to the overall feel."
"You can start color correcting and grading right away."
"We are here to help simplify your color grading process."
"In this video, I'm going to show you exactly how I color grade my sports videos."
"I color all of my sports videos with my LUT pack."
"Complementary color schemes are probably one of the most popular styles of color grading in photography."
"A D, E, and F color diamond is going to be much more valuable than an M color diamond."
"You've just got such a diverse amount of settings that you can do to really dial it down to the right color grading feel for your particular photo."
"If you're going to be doing lots of color grading and if you're going to be shooting in S-Log, you definitely want to be filming in 10-bit."
"Just the color grading can add a lot to the image, to the story, to everything."
"Look development is one of my favorite aspects of the color grading process."
"We love color grading here on this channel; it's all that we talk about."
"Your creative contrast curve is going to be the biggest role player really in any look."
"We're really just going to add one more ingredient to this today as the core foundation of a successful look that we build right within Resolve."
"By placing it at the beginning of my node tree, I'm ensuring that I'm feeding the rest of my color grade a clean image."
"So that's a look at how I color grade my footage, something you guys have been asking me for for a long time."
"Color grading is a way to enhance the feel of an image and create a specific mood."
"The color grade is a fundamental component of what I do and the bit that I find most rewarding, most creatively interesting."
"That's why I really like ACES because it really compresses all of that dynamic range into this nice looking image without a lot of things overblown or underexposed."
"The skin tones are pleasing and with just a few nodes in Resolve, I was able to get a good looking grade without breaking the image."
"If you want to start getting into color grading... I'm actually going to shoot on log mode."
"V-log is my favorite profile to work with; not only is it very natural looking, it has great contrasting colors."
"My base coat is going to be white with gray rather than white with tan, and I do that because my favorite movies are The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, which have noticeably cooler color grading in the film."
"There's roughly a hundred to one improvement in available range in color grading by switching to HDR from SDR."
"Color grading is an art that requires experimentation and creativity."
"Lightroom uses what they call profiles to interpret the color and contrast in an image."
"Being consistent in how you hold your color is a very important concept in doing color work."
"It's very rewarding once you're used to it; it just happens automatically because you get a feel for it."
"I love shooting in Cine like D because it gives me a bit more room in post to adjust colors and apply LUTs."
"A lot of people like to utilize the tone curve with color grading, so that's something you could experiment with."
"Lumetri Color works with 32-bit images and it's also GPU accelerated."
"Yes, 10-bit will give you more flexibility when it comes to color grading, and you'll also get a lot more colors out of your camera."
"This is probably one of the harder parts of doing color grading because you can make one image look good, but to have an entire scene look good together takes a little bit more work and finessing."
"What we're really looking to do is make this look not log, and so the quicker and better way to do that one job is with something called color management."
"There's so much stuff you can do in the color page when it comes to getting detailed like this, so much fun."
"You pick a shot that you like, that has a lot of common elements in it, one that you feel like is representative of the scene, and you make that shot look good."
"This I think is probably one of the harder parts of doing color grading because you can make one image look good, but to have an entire scene look good together takes a little bit more work and finessing."
"Now it's time for the color grading and the final adjustments."
"This is the final color grading for the image."
"I absolutely love color grading footage."