
Long-distance Relationship Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"A man can get his woman back if they are long-distance."
"I love you and I'm committed to you, my love for you is stronger than distance."
"It's never wrong to take profits, even if it's 1%... Trust your plan, not your emotions."
"Like, as someone who has had to live in a vastly different time zone from the person I love and doing a long-distance relationship it hit me so hard, like I've been there."
"His girlfriend believes there's a chance he attempted to walk 280 miles to see her."
"When a girl really likes a guy, she'll make an incredible amount of effort, even go to the other side of the world for him."
"Long-distance relationships are tough, but we're gonna try them through everything."
"This person does want to go the distance with you."
"His girl was like back in New York, so that was like love of his life, he'd always write her notes."
"Long-distance relationships definitely can work if you and your significant other really want to make it work."
"It's definitely possible. It just takes a lot more work and if you and your significant other really want it, y'all will make it work."
"You are connecting here with someone else, again, it may be a long distance, but it's such a beautiful energy, it's gorgeous."
"We was in a long-distance relationship for 2 years."
"He'd go over every other week to England on the ferry or whatever to see..."
"We genuinely worked really hard for this house, like we genuinely did long distance, and the fact that we have a house that we can live in now and don't have to do long distance, don't have to get like airplane flights is just a blessing truly."
"You're putting all this effort into maintaining this long-distance relationship, and at the end of the day, he's really just not."
"I'm really sad about the distance between us. I want to see you but I know that we need our space now."
"now's just not the time oh I mean you know you're on the other side of the country and I'm going to college soon it just you know it like it feels like we're in different places."
"Cherishing each other from afar, despite feeling really upset about her choice to move to Paris."
"Long-distance sucks but if she respects you and you respect her business, it's so worth it."
"Long distance is good for... getting to know each other on a personal level without it being physical."
"Long-distance relationships have potential but it's much like the broken clock, it's right twice a day. Most often than not, it's very much a very complicated type of relationship because of the distance and in addition, because human beings are rather emotionally dysfunctional."
"It's hard being in a long-distance relationship period with the whole trust issue thing but you just have to trust the person especially if you love the person that much just trust them wholeheartedly doesn't matter what happened in your past you better hope it works."
"Long distance is tough. It is hard. But when you look at the level of commitment that you both have, that's where it really becomes important."
"So recently I dated someone and we were long distance, so I had to go to that person's country and I lived with them for three weeks. And I learned things about this person that would have taken me probably a year to learn, because I saw their daily habits."
"It's just a lot different rather than when I was living back where she lives and we was linking up all the time, hanging out all the time, going out all the time."
"Long-distance relationships require constant effort."
"They completely trust you even though you're in long distance."
"All you have is FaceTime and phone calls and virtually watching a movie over zoom and texting and sending funny memes and TikToks back and forth to each other that's all you've got to go on a lot of the time."
"Expectations should be discussed in terms of frequency of commitment ahead of time to make a long-distance relationship that much easier and simpler."
"We're super passionate about long distance dating because look where we are now."
"It's nice that I get to watch him like every few weeks... Best of both worlds."
"Because we can imagine two lovers, Alice and Bob, who live in different galaxies and long for each other's company, but it's completely impractical to travel from one galaxy to another."
"My significant other and I always plan a whole day's worth of things, even when we're long distance."
"We met during the pandemic where we were both living in two different countries. I was able to become his friend before his lover."
"I lived in the Caribbean island of Dominica; my girlfriend lived in Switzerland, and I decided with all this distance in between us, 8,000 miles, I'm gonna just move to Switzerland."
"Besties forever, never apart, maybe in distance."
"If there's an end game... that is worth doing a long distance relationship for."
"The long-distance courtship had offered the once divorced and socially awkward scientist the chance to find a wife without really leaving his lab."
"Long-distance friendships are like long-distance love, and without effort and love and understanding, they fade."
"I'm glad that our long long distance relationship is over and we're seeing each other again."
"Trust is the most important thing in an LDR."
"I was devastated, but he told me he would come visit me, and he did."
"When you're long distance, you have to do things like that, like fly out across the world for Valentine's Day."
"It was a long-distance thing, but we made it work."
"It's not easy being in a long-distance relationship, but I'm grateful."
"When you have a far distance between you and the one you love, you feel it's hard for you that you can't be together at the time and can't help or do something, but the time is coming."
"I'm in love with somebody who lives half across the world."
"Accept the situation... part of being in a long-distance relationship is going to be full of trust, communication, jealousy, waiting and countdowns, and happy tears and sad tears."
"Plan for the future... having a goal in mind for when you're gonna see each other next or when you're gonna close the distance... helps put the focus on what's to come rather than dwelling on the present."
"Even if you can't see them, even if it's just texting or words or messages, you can still feel that spark."