
Otters Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Otters, the most intelligent of all mustelids, are part of the rare group of animals that create and use tools."
"Otters are one of the few water mammals to master opening the shells of shellfish and are extremely playful, building water slides out of logs which they slide down seemingly for sheer fun."
"I think I just love otters now, they're kind of sweet, they hold hands."
"Who doesn't love an otter? It's basically a big wet puppy."
"Otters sleep holding hands... so they don't separate from each other."
"Otters are officially my new favorite animal."
"There's a constant threat around your fisheries with otters all this time."
"Let me just make this clear real quick. This was nothing with Aquascape. This is called small cloud Asian otters. They grab everything, they move everything, and they destroy everything."
"Otters are smart enough to use tools, tough enough to survive the freezing ocean without blubber."
"Otters are daisy-chained, luggage box is full, drill, good luck sir."
"We did it! We found the baby otters family. Great work, everyone! Hooray!"
"We finally saw an otter! We were sitting eating our breakfast tucking into some porridge and all of a sudden we just saw this otolite shape bobbing along the bay."
"You know, otters are the cutest, most precious animals."
"Forget Times Square, Statue of Liberty, and sad Yankees fans; the smallest of the 13 otter species should be up there on New York's list of must-see attractions."
"Life without otter would be extremely boring."
"The most exciting part of this river here in Jesmond Dene is finding out that otters have returned to it in recent years."
"These are otters, and they're so cute. Look at them go underwater, whoa!"
"Is there anything cuter than an otter in a hat?"
"Otters can be some of the nastiest creatures on the planet."
"Be nice to otters, all of you people that are really mean to otters, stop that."
"Having a little otter cuddle party."
"Otters... will hold hands while they're sleeping in the water so they don't drift apart from each other."
"But you got to give it up to those otters, man, those things don't mess around."
"Now this is a river otter, and I find them super striking, very handsome to photograph."
"Otters are strong swimmers and always seem to attack life with great spirit."
"Otters are beautifully adapted to life in the water."
"With webbed feet, powerful tails, and streamlined bodies, they are great fishers."
"Free to pursue their own kind of happiness, free to be otters, river masters of Yellowstone."
"More than any other animal, otters seem to embody pure joy."
"They seem as fluid as the water where they are most at home."
"Like all otters, giant otters love to eat fish and swim, and even eat fish while swimming."
"As long as the otters know that the jaguar's around, they don't have that much to worry about because a pack of otters is one tough bunch of creatures."
"Giant river otters are highly social, living together in large families."
"A little chunk otter floating by, hey homie!"
"These otters are like cats; I've learned a lot from them already, and they're really, really dope."
"They rest on their backs and they hold hands, and they're the cutest things."
"Anywhere with otters is going to be a good time."
"Most otters live alone, but Asian short claws pair off for life."
"Otters hold hands while sleeping so they do not drift apart."
"Little otters have pockets under their armpits."
"Otters are so cute, just general otters, but otter fursonas are even cuter."
"Otters have the ability to create and use tools."
"There are no otters in Australia. They're everywhere but Antarctica and Australia."
"In just one square inch of otter coat, there are around 400,000 hairs."
"I dream of otters, they're really cute."
"We have to rescue another otter so the other otter has a friend, and they're gonna have otter babies."