
Indoor Activities Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"What was striking about the day was how many people had stayed inside."
"I wonder if there's going to be an increase in indoor at-home exercise."
"Raining outside, a lot, and you kind of stay inside all day. Oh, that part's nice."
"Staying indoors and reading right now actually might save your life."
"It looks like we're going to be spending a whole lot more time inside."
"I love it when it's raining and I'm not doing anything inside all day."
"This generation is made up of inside kids because of this and this makes it so that we socialize very differently than other generations."
"Number 6: Indoor ski resorts - within the colossal Mall of the Emirates is an indoor ski resort called Ski Dubai."
"We couldn't possibly shoot outside so we're in here today."
"We were in Memphis and we couldn't play outside. That was my visiting my aunt, so we just watched Set It Off and Booty Call, rotated them over and over and over for seven days."
"Hope you guys are staying inside playing video games, watching anime, watching movies, all that good stuff. Don't go outside, don't get sick, don't catch anything."
"Everybody stay indoors okay it's gonna be alright."
"It's pouring outside, so we're just gonna have fun in the kitchen."
"The winter was finally drying near, and since they will be spending most of their time indoors, haraku spent weeks Gathering as much firewood as possible."
"Since we're all stuck inside anyway, why not spend some time watching fascinating documentaries on CuriosityStream or check out the original content from all your favorite creators on Nebula?"
"The sun has now gone so luckily it was out all week and it's now cloudy for the weekend which is a little bit of a shame if it means I can just not feel bad about staying inside."
"I mean, he wasn't wrong. Sure, I'll see you in a bit," I shrugged, acknowledging Jeremy's observation about me being an indoor kid.
"I am going to be doing indoor activities by the fire: reading, puzzles, games, cooking."
"Good thing I can just stay inside and be cozy all day."
"We're gonna do like little tents and s'mores on the fire tonight so that's a little activity since we haven't been able to get out of the house in the last two days."
"Let's just stay inside and watch a scary movie."
"Hopefully you guys learned something today. It was a lot of fun making a couple of these indoor videos."
"This has been really helpful and it's nice when it rains you can see the stars and stuff without having to go outside."
"Now is a great time to have some modern indoor adventures, given that it's harder to go outside. And of course, I'm talking about video games."
"Winter means indoor flying season is upon us and I'm always looking for the next thing that I can be using for the winter to stay flying and stay in the air."
"Of course, cooking is an interesting and good activity as an indoor activity compared with making some of these other things."
"If it's raining, I'm going to do inside projects like renovating."
"It's time to refocus, move indoors, and get some work done in here."
"What better way to pass the time while you are sheltering in place?"
"The best part is, it's electric, it's not gas, so it can be indoors so year-round you can do that."
"There's plenty to do inside that will keep you safe from the Backstreet Boys tour."
"I love indoor entertainment centers like this, I think here in the UK they are brilliant additions to parks."
"I thought this was going to be fun, staying inside, but I'm not having fun."
"That is so cool, so there you have it, you can definitely fly inside the house until you hit the chandelier."
"When it rains, it's best to just stay inside."
"I'm what you would call indoorsy. It's not that I'm anti-nature; I'm just pro-Netflix and pro-pyjamas."
"It's a beautiful day outside, so we're gonna characteristically stay inside."
"Hello world and welcome back to the indoors."
"And there's still more to occupy eager minds and on evenings and bad weather days, this fabulous assortment of toys and games."
"I encourage you to head out into the indoors and find your own amazing adventures."
"Well, since gloomy old man winter is out there, Michael decided to cheer me up with an indoor picnic."
"It's actually a really nice day to stay inside and go to a gaming event all day."
"It's a good time to be inside working on a bike instead of outside riding one, for sure."
"If it's not, you can always do something creative inside."
"This is just the perfect time during winter to really get in the kitchen and really experiment and enjoy this time indoors."
"It's a good day for some inside baking with friends."
"We're having a good time staying inside, but we start having fun."
"There's like a really tight sense of camaraderie that's formed because you don't really want to go outside, so you really get to know people in your cluster."
"I think the goal of this game is to just swing in your living room while it's snowing out."
"Good morning, beautiful people. So today is an inside day."
"Sometimes you have to stay indoors, but you can still have a good time."
"If you run indoors, you can hit a corner or something hard that might hurt."
"This is so cool and so much fun, and if you have a big enough living room, believe me, you'll be annoying your wife or significant other for many, many hours to come if it's crappy out."
"Watching the fireworks from inside was fun."
"I didn't like waiting for the rain to stop, so we baked a cake instead."
"It's responsive enough to fly indoors on those bad weather days without worrying about destroying the house or the drone itself."
"If you're stuck inside on a rainy day, I think you'll take any level of entertainment you can get."
"There's that positive of being inside in the air conditioning is that I've had a lot of time to clean."
"Fantastic and great fun to do on a rainy day."
"So thank you for spending an hour of a beautiful day inside with me when you could be out doing a bunch of other stuff."
"It's a good day to be inside book shopping and book browsing."
"We had an epic indoor snowball fight."
"And so on a rainy day that began with nothing to do, Caillou and his family had a wonderful picnic by the sea."
"Being inside has forced me to get better at using my computer and my phone."
"The fun is just in the house and with everybody, so it doesn't really matter if it's raining or not."
"We're going to be freezing up here in Wisconsin but that is the perfect weather to be inside crafting."
"It's a rainy, gloomy day, perfect for getting things done inside."
"We are indoors, but we do have some friends up in the rafters watching over us."
"This is a beautiful time of the year for us to just be able to be indoors, be creative, be painting furniture."
"The day was perfect, it did rain near enough all day, but we were inside so it really didn't matter."
"We could stay inside and play games, I don't know."
"Canadians do a lot of things indoors in the winter to entertain themselves."
"Even though we're probably gonna be spending most of the summer indoors, we still have to slay."
"Welcome to the first studio edition of the summer grind house because we are the indoor kids."
"Welcome back, Cameron. Today is a very sad, gloomy, cold day out, so we're gonna stay inside, and we have a lot to get done."
"Join me on this fun quest as we all have to stay indoors."
"I think I'm just gonna stay here inside, on my couch, in the AC."
"Rainy weather is perfect for indoor projects and also for cooking and baking."
"It's cold outside, so it feels nice to be inside on a day like today doing cozy things like decorating our house."