
Pigeon Racing Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Pigeons are some of the oldest domesticated birds, they've been kept for thousands of years and used for food, sending messages, and entertainment."
"In recent years, the sport of pigeon racing has transformed, with rising popularity in China and a huge surge in wealth there leading people to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in the birds."
"One Loft racing is getting popular worldwide because fanciers can compare their bloodlines equally against the best breeders."
"Pigeon racing emerged from war, where messenger pigeons have been used for thousands of years on the battlefield."
"If you want to be successful in pigeon racing, you must steal with your eyes and your ears."
"A good pigeon is a good pigeon, that's all I want to see."
"One of the great things about being in the pigeon sport is having a friend that's been in the sport with you that long, that knows not only your pigeons but knows the rest of all about you."
"The oldest pigeon in the world, racing pigeon, is 32 years old, his name was Kaiser, born in 1917 in an Army in a military loft."
"Pigeons are a way of life, really, aren't they? They're not a hobby, or you want to win."
"You are in a true sprint widowhood loft, and guys, this is very rare for Derrick to allow anybody in this loft, you're getting a real treat today."
"This is the best of the best of the best, the Vandenbolt, Sagan, Dicaprio."
"I definitely look for balanced pigeons."
"How I wish guys you can hold these birds, you know you're going to be inspired."
"His main objective is to grow the sport, the pigeon sport in South Africa, as there is a big potential."
"The pigeon sport is an amazing sport; it's fair, it's open, no one's going to dominate it."
"Flying homing pigeons takes a lot of time and dedication."
"For me, Josh represents one of the most innovative fanciers in Belgium today."
"At the present rate of winning, he is probably destined to become one of Belgium's all-time greats."
"Davey's accomplishments in pigeons in just three seasons are astonishing, to say the least."
"I've won over 31st Federation, I've won three London off-road combines, I've won amalgamations, I've won everything there is possibly to win."
"With over 35 first open Federation winners, three first open combine winners, first amalgamation winners, and top Federation honors week in week out, Davey Hunt and Sons' performances are phenomenal."
"We raced pigeons since we were young teenagers."
"You could put yourself in a position to have success if you select the right pigeons."
"No good feathers, no good pigeons. All the top pigeons I handled right, all have top feathers."
"Give your best birds to new flyers, please."
"I think the best birds that give me the best chance of producing good one loft birds are those middle distance one day or one day long distance middle distance birds that have performed in old birds."
"Mr. Vergat is one of the best fanciers in Belgium at the moment."
"Really good pigeons prepared, managed correctly, they do great things."
"Good pigeons kept healthy, good body weight, trained adequately - the game is pretty easy."
"This is what a pigeon loft should look like."
"I like to have my pigeons in the best competitions of the world."
"The pigeon sport is actually a beautiful sport."
"The Cannibal has been the most influential pigeon in the sport."
"Everything has to be perfect, yeah, we don't buy a lot of pigeons, and when we buy something, it has to be special."
"She flies on everything, a short distance and one day long business, everything, the best of the best."
"You only win when you have good pigeons."
"The only reason that we raise rollers is because they spin."
"You need to get them flying an hour around the loft before you go down the road with them."
"You're only as good as your best pigeon."
"What a gentleman he is, as well as being a top class fancier."
"The performance of our pigeon speaks for itself; wherever they've gone, they've performed."
"Race and pigeons is not difficult; I try to keep it as simple as possible and have the most amount of success."
"The minerals, if you can believe it, are more important than the actual grain mix."
"When the weather is good and the pigeon is healthy, she must come home."