
Elation Quotes

There are 779 quotes

"You feel on top of the world when it happens."
"I'm gonna feel like I'm on cloud nine I'm gonna feel like I'm on top of Everest I'm gonna feel amazing it's gonna be amazing."
"I won! It's amazing, I can't... whatever I say doesn't do it justice."
"I won. That was so good. That was like the best win that's ever happened."
"Winning the majors is like the best feeling ever."
"I'm kind of on cloud nine after that last run, man. You know what? Move speed has saved us a lot."
"I literally feel on top of the world right now."
"You're just gonna feel like you're walking on air in July."
"I'm having too much fun, everybody. I'm on cloud nine."
"Oh my days, no way. Oh my god, that is a banger. What a finish."
"Oh my god, we're kind of on top of the world right now."
"We were world champs again and it was the best feeling in the world."
"You're going to feel on top of the world."
"I'm just absolutely over the moon."
"This is the greatest feeling I've ever had."
"You make this individual feel like they could float."
"It's the most magnificent feeling in the world."
"I cannot describe what I'm feeling right now, so lucky, I'm feel so happy."
"It's almost... It just... Gives you that rapture!"
"This is just pure happiness, pure absolute happiness and joy."
"Euphoria now a feeling of well-being or elation."
"The time will come when with elation you will greet yourself arriving at your own door in your own mirror."
"The library staff were elated to have the unsolved mystery solved."
"You're gonna feel like you're floating on air, like you're high off life."
"It's like scoring the goal at football, I suppose. It's that thing that you get, you know, that elation of winning the bid."
"Shout to the heavens with happiness."
"I'm feeling really excited and I'm over the moon."
"I have just been on cloud 10 recently."
"Absolutely ecstatic, it just doesn't get any better."
"Over the moon. Chuffed as a cockatoo, you wait and see."
"I can't believe that we've done what we've done in this short amount of time but I am so elated and grateful."
"Honestly, feel high on life right now."
"I'm beyond my low that I'm floating right now."
"It's hard to put into words how elated I think myself and millions of others were."
"It really is quite messed up, isn't it, that this material thing brings you so much joy and elation?"
"I feel [expletive] incredible. I feel so freaking good. That's how I feel."
"I've been on a high for the last two months. It's just unbelievable, you know, just walking on cloud nine."
"I just couldn't be more over the moon, like I'm so freaking excited."
"I was happy, going down the stairs, I was so happy."
"I'm completely and utterly over the moon with this."
"I'm elated about it. It's super exciting."
"Honestly on cloud nine right now."
"The Latin sources emphasized the elation of the pilgrims at this first sighting of the holy city."
"I'm all elated, bro. Yeah, have a good time."
"What a night, I just feel like I'm on cloud nine right now."
"I'm so happy. I'm so so happy like you have no idea."
"I felt like I could sleep for days, even the elation of seeing the apartment didn't keep me up for long, and my god was I elated. It was everything I could have possibly hoped for."
"I'm on top of the world or at least that's how it feels here at Malin head."
"I'm so elated, this has been the best experience of my entire life."
"Feeling good, I'm top of the world."
"We were elated. The operation was a success."
"I am absolutely drenched but I am over the moon."
"I was so happy, I was elated to see Klaus get nominated, man."
"That call was amazing, we were elated and so emotional."
"Across the Finish Line in 2:24, which was around a four-minute PB. So, I was over the moon."
"Elated, excited, a sigh of relief...another chapter in this book that I could possibly close right now."
"It shouldn't happen to two everyday guys like me and Steven. We're just massively over the moon."
"SCP-999 will react with overwhelming elation, slithering over to the nearest person and leaping upon them, hugging them with a pair of pseudopods while nuzzling the person's face with a third pseudopod."
"I cannot believe it, I'm elated, yeah, most definitely."
"Man, I was elated, just as fired up on him as I was the 16th deer that I'd killed the day before."
"I'm speechless. This is the greatest day of my life."
"I felt like I just had the best day of my life, and it's like I get to share it with like two people I really [ __ ] with."
"Pure elation with a roaring crowd behind them."
"The Elation of diving head first into a new world... can't be found in real life."
"We won our first elimination, this is literally the greatest feeling in the world."
"I'm definitely on top of the world, definitely."
"Unbelievable, best day of my life!"
"I genuinely am just gonna revel in that, and I'm on a high."
"Good is an understatement for how I really feel."
"This is the greatest feeling in the world."
"I'm buzzing right now I just can't even kind of explain how happy I am"
"That's a result isn't it I feel like kind of elated about that."
"When you win, it's the greatest feeling in the world."
"I am more happy than words can probably describe right now."
"I was emotional since the very beginning and I think I'm going to be riding this high."
"I'm still elated actually, to be honest with you."
"You know, it's like the elation you get."
"I just couldn't stop smiling for probably like 48 hours, I literally could not stop smiling."
"I remember just feeling very, you know, elated and floating."
"I'm just like over the top excited."
"I'm like on cloud nine right now."
"Thousands of people have done so at this point which elates me."
"I'm just exhausted but kind of on a high at the same time."
"Elation swept through her. She could totally work with that."
"It's the best feeling, man. I can't really explain it."
"I'm riding High I'm like whoa like I'm just kind of like you know that's crazy."
"She felt like she just scored a hundred on tests and gotten five points for extra credit."
"What's the feeling right now? Ecstatic."
"I'm actually so excited and over the moon and elated."
"I just can't stop smiling. I'm over the damn moon right now."
"There's nothing worse than having the elation of finishing a record turn into the doldrums of having to print 12 songs worth of mix passes and stems."
"Tara feels a sense of elation as he is not only so close to seeing friends and family again but to exacting retribution for his treatment."
"I'm in infinite happiness right now."
"A feeling of elation, a feeling of wowness, a feeling of, I dare say the word rapture because that's the word that's often translated."
"Kent was absolutely ecstatic. He said that he was jumping up and down. Everyone was so elated."
"I cannot tell you how happy I am right now"
"We're literally in the clouds. I feel super cool."
"I felt like I was on a high, really."
"I feel over the moon, I'm really pleased."
"We're all sort of over the moon, you know."
"I'm just wrapped, I can't explain how excited I am."
"It's an amazing feeling. Y'all just don't understand."
"The girls were elated by this great news."
"I had a huge sense of elation and relief."
"It was a wondrous joy and elation which swept through me now."
"That is the best feeling in the whole entire world."
"There's just no feeling like winning a title, it's so awesome."
"Top of the world, I tell you, the Frontier!"
"When you win races and win championships, it's a mega feeling."
"It might be one of the craziest wins I've ever had."
"Oh my god, I feel so great. I'd like to be like this every day."
"How good does it feel to be back in victory lane?"
"It's an amazing feeling. Amazing, amazing feeling."
"Just felt like you're on top of the world."
"The euphoria that I feel, the happiness that I have felt since yesterday is literally indescribable."
"I feel amazing. It's just like such a weird feeling."
"I've never had a feeling like this in my life."
"It was the best feeling I've ever felt in my life."
"Absolutely cracking, over the moon."
"I couldn't believe it, you know? The elation when they're like, 'Hey, guess what, Michael? You got that role.'"
"It's what it feels like to be on top, be America's team, I can't believe it!"
"It's the greatest I've ever had. I can't, it's unbelievable."
"C Lemma, absolutely delighted to take victory here."
"Just the feelings just unbelievable."
"This person would make you feel like you're on cloud nine."
"I was literally just on cloud nine, it was just for months, months to come I was just buzzing."
"This is the greatest feeling in the world, is it not?"
"It just feels like we're on top of the world."
"Crossing the line, knowing you've won the race is an unreal feeling. And unless you've done it, it's just not describable, you can't explain to people what that feeling is all about, it's just not possible."
"I don't even know how to describe this feeling that I have right now. My feet are not even touching the ground."
"I feel like I'm flying right now."
"What a day this has been, what a rare mood I'm in."
"I tell you what, I am over the moon."
"It was the greatest feeling in the world."
"It feels amazing. I mean just to be back here in the paddock and back here with like you know what feels like my racing family is uh is incredible."
"He felt so good about it, and the next few shows after that, he was just flying high."
"I'm just way too stoked to be riding with such a legendary company and honestly it just feels like a dream come true."
"This is the best day of my life," crows the derelict, raising his arms in triumph.
"No wonder she's feeling ecstatic, a well-deserved win."
"I am just absolutely over the moon."
"The kids got me higher than anything around."
"I am in heaven, and this is the best day of my entire life."
"That was the coolest thing that's ever happened."
"That was probably the best feeling ever."
"On top of the world, guys, on top of the world."
"That's the greatest thing in the world, winning a game like that."
"It's the best feeling, like you feel you're on top of the mountain and you're just like, where do I go now?"
"Winning a New York is, there's nothing like it."
"I'm over the moon, absolutely over the moon."
"That meant everything to me, winning the title, my first TV major, it was incredible."
"Wow, I feel like I'm on top of the world."
"Unbelievable, it's hard to put into words, man. Today was just an awesome day."
"Historical night, Hammerstein Ballroom, I'm still on that natural high."
"When I discover something in audio, it's like a kind of moment, you know? I can fly around for the next two weeks."
"I'm over the moon with this; I absolutely love it."
"I'm kind of speechless, I felt freaking awesome."
"We're floating people again, yes, such a good feeling."
"I'll be floating for a while man, I don't care what happens tomorrow, next day, this is too good."
"The unexpected success gave the athletes genuine emotions of joy."
"I'm on top of the world, guys, well on top of this slab of marble."
"It's very elated, it's over the moon, it is chuffed to bits."
"My heart skyrocketed to the moon."
"Your heart starts to gallop, your heart skips a beat. As happiness goes from your head to your feet."
"Three major titles now, I can't give you the words that I could paint into perspective, it's just absolutely incredible."
"I'm like beyond happy today, I am so happy today, I feel on top of the world right now."
"I'm absolutely over the moon; it couldn't be more perfect."
"I just feel amazing up here right now."
"I'm in paradise. I just got on cloud nine and here I am."
"I'm actually so buzzing right now."
"Joy, oh joy, keep ringing in my soul."
"I'm over the moon with that, genuinely so happy."
"There's no better feeling than to be on top of that podium, be on top of the world."
"I feel elated, I feel really grounded and calm."
"This is joy beyond joy, beyond comprehension of joy."
"This is amazing, I am on top of the world."
"I'm absolutely over the moon with these ocean waves."
"I'm flying right now, like I feel like I got the wind beneath my wings."
"You just feel like on cloud nine."
"Can you imagine how on top of the world that would make you feel?"
"I'm absolutely over the moon with that, that's wonderful."
"I was over the moon, just honored, blessed, you know, all the good things."
"So happy that there's just no more happiness that can be compared to this."
"You feel like you're on top of the world when something like that happens."
"You know when you're so happy and excited about something that you feel sick in your stomach and you feel like giddy and like giggly? I just feel like on top of the world."
"Absolutely over the moon with that."
"I am absolutely over the moon with my grade."
"The person that you're with should make you feel like you're literally on top of the world."
"I'm still on cloud nine with the drive home."
"The vibes are so high that you may even feel like the luckiest person in the world."
"I feel on top of the world; there's nothing that can ever make me not feel on top of the world because we're pregnant."
"I'm buzzing, absolutely buzzing, never done anything like this in my life."
"I'm on top of the world, and that's all I really want to think about."
"I am just over the moon right now."
"I don't know what to do! I am as light as a feather, I am as happy as an angel, I am as merry as a schoolboy."
"I'm on top of the world. Life could not be any better than it is right now in this moment."
"We go up, we go down, we were right through the floor down, and now we're elated."
"I can't describe this feeling of being back at the Magic Kingdom."
"Ever since I met you, I've been floating like a bird across the sky."
"I feel absolutely drunk with happiness."
"I am beyond happy right now, this is absolutely insane."