
Nature Sounds Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"I ran through the park and I swear over the sound of my heart beating fast, I could hear the sound of twigs snapping and leaves crunching."
"A world without people would be strangely silent. In many places, the dominant sound would be birdsong."
"I like how you walk over the rocks and it actually makes the sound of the rocks."
"What makes the sound of the rain so peaceful, so relaxing? If you think about it, it's really just noise. White noise but somehow it makes us feel at rest, at ease."
"How beautiful does that sound and what a difference that makes even with the sound of the crickets chirping and stuff."
"It's really eerily quiet. It's just crickets. I kind of like it."
"I've pretty much been able to record them somewhere around here every time I put the microphone out."
"The sound of the forest was so quiet that it was almost deafeningly loud."
"That means it's definitely getting darker, guys. I'm about to get into sleeping bag. Don't you can still hear the ocean."
"The strangeness of the Sierra sounds and how they've endured."
"They're using animal calls and so every night you go to sleep and then you go did that tinnitus sound off and you're like shit."
"All you can hear is wood pigeons. Absolutely fantastic."
"I could honestly just sit here all day and just listen to the sound of that running water."
"We slept like babies last night, listening to the waves as we fell asleep. It was amazing."
"Out here, there's a different language, one where sounds mean everything."
"We make our way back to the beach at Wannabe Inn where we fall asleep with our doors open, listening to the waves breaking."
"You can hear birdies chirping which is just so lovely."
"Listen to the sound of the river and the sound of the crackling fire."
"It's pretty quiet, just sounds like boiling water or like kind of rain on a tin roof."
"Time perhaps for a drink on the porch, for summer birds and crickets, and the sounds that come with long warm nights."
"There is nothing quite as peaceful as falling asleep to waves gently lapping in on the shoreline of Lake Michigan."
"Sun's shining, the birds are singing, and the train's on time."
"It sounds like amazing in there, like a rainforest; there's just birds chirping all the time."
"I do enjoy the gurgle of a stream or river."
"It's beautiful to hear those kind of sounds."
"It's really soothing and if you hear that, you can hear like bird sounds of birds and like sounds of frogs and all kind of different sounds."
"Just let it roll off your back sometimes and just take these moments in that are quiet and you listen to the birds with nature and enjoy it."
"Listening to the sound of monkeys and birds chirping in the distance."
"It's so peaceful up here, I can just hear the water flowing down the hill."
"I absolutely love falling asleep to the sound of water."
"I could listen to rain and thunderstorms forever; it's a good noise."
"The forest is alive; bugs, frogs, birds, everything in this forest is loud."
"I love the sound of running water; it's so good."
"The noises of the night, I loved it."
"I don't know if you can hear the humming of the bees, the birds are scolding us, oh it's a beautiful, beautiful morning."
"Just after midnight, a steady rain set in, and the other noises were joined by the gurgle of running water and the plash, plash, plash of drops falling off eaves and into puddles below."
"Campfires roar louder than city traffic."
"The sound of rainfall and the darkness of the moon."
"Those crickets are just rolling me to sleep."
"The birds singing in the background here, this is a beautiful island."
"If you listen to the wind, you'll hear their happy chatter."
"You can hear the bird shipping sound and you can enjoy the panoramic wheel of the forest."
"I don't know if there's a better sound than fishing than the sound of one biting a frog."
"Crickets and cicadas sing, a rare and different tune."
"I've audited the discourse of the hickories, oaks, and pines, even when no wind was present."
"It's just so peaceful and relaxing because you come outside, and it's just the sound of running water."
"Gardens in the rain, where you hear the soft pitter-patter of droplets falling on the leaves in the garden, oh it's so beautiful."
"I love the sound of the waves crashing in."
"The musical sound of rain bouncing off of the umbrella grew louder as it became your roof."
"I love this sort of foraging, just absolutely dead quiet, sound of the waves."
"We're gonna be able to fall asleep to the waves."
"By about evening time, sometimes we would sit and relax, my brother and I, on top of the far back large hill, and just kind of hear the crickets slowly fade into the night."
"While crickets chirp and frogs croak throughout the night, Baldy Smith’s men build sturdy breastworks and fortifications."
"There's just something about the sound of waves that, I don't know, it takes me to a place like no other, it's just absolutely beautiful."
"Thunder, loons, breeze, fire crackling - some nice noises, ASMR overload."
"You don't listen to music in the woods, Jay. You listen to birds."
"The horse howl, as much as a wolf, as much as a man's, rang out very near from the depths of the forest."
"We have a bird noise voice machine that will wake you up gently with the sound of morning doves."
"This is your gateway to paradise, sounds of water instantly feeling relaxed."
"The morning was beautifully noisy with birds singing and frogs croaking."
"Sounds of nature so relaxing, so calming will make that hard day just fade away."
"I heard the falling rain this evening."
"It's so quiet though, just listen. Hear that? Birds and everything. I love it."
"Enjoying the warmth of the day, sounds of the trickling stream passing by, as it bubbles along."
"The noise of the frogs and insects at night is super loud and is kind of a song that puts me to sleep better than any lullaby ever could."
"He's collected all these soundscapes of birds and bees and everything like that, and it makes the tinnitus go away."
"Just listening to all the sounds of all the creatures, it's amazing."
"The chirping sounds in the background are my noisy boys outside the window, chirpy boys."
"I'm hoping you can hear the sound of the rain because it sounds so good."
"Listen to that, that is the Cape Turtle Dove."
"Soon you will hear them going 'gnuu', isn't it wonderful? How exciting!"
"The woodland kingfishers are shouting, the first ones out this morning."
"Beautiful, beautiful call, that's awesome, wonderful."
"Don't you just love the sound of birds chirping in the morning?"
"It's just sitting still and hearing everything that's around you and just allowing everything just to play out."
"To kind of be able to hear the crickets and the birds instead of just the cars is what I'm looking for."
"We've got the sounds of the animals to wake us up."
"It's pitch dark, and if you listen, it's the sound of crickets and frogs that you can hear."
"Learning their songs is a wonderful way to understand just exactly what you're hearing in the trees."
"It has some particularly interesting ones like the bubbling water and the frogs which are kind of echoey and very pleasant to listen to."
"It's very peaceful listening to flowing water."
"Gibbons normally pair up with a mate for life; they affirm their bonds and communicate with neighbors using some of the most beautiful sounds in nature."
"Isn't it relaxing? Especially sticks breaking. It's always nice to hear."
"There's something incredibly peaceful about this time of day, all of these night sounds and day sounds mixing."
"Listen, can you hear it? The sounds of spring."
"It's a beautiful Sunday morning, I can hear a little bird singing."
"The sound of waves crashing on a beach is very appealing at the moment."
"Some people wake up on farms to the sounds of chickens; all I can hear is those seals out there."