
Constraint Quotes

There are 169 quotes

"She's not good at it, so she's just in a position where she's locked down."
"The Bounty Hunter always wanted more... he lived cramped in The Well of new Atlantis... his is a tale of ambition."
"I actually can't wait, yeah. You can't all the way."
"It's a cage, very pretty cage but the cage nonetheless."
"When you look at leaders in places like Iran, these leaders bind themselves."
"You can't completely constrain him; you have got to give him a little bit of free roam."
"It's like you have this glamorized view of it but I think it is a fishbowl and it's golden handcuffs."
"Man is born free but is everywhere in Chains."
"Sometimes it'll feel like you don't have a choice. Sometimes it'll feel like you're backed into a corner."
"Sometimes working with limitations is a good mode for inspiration."
"I'm willing to do a lot, but I don't think I can do this in my living room."
"They have no room and not enough real estate."
"We cannot draw buildings on top of each other no matter how many times we try."
"But then I think often with simple things if you impose restrictions upon yourself you force yourself to be really good."
"I just don't have any room for it."
"...if you are stuck with an AK as in you literally cannot get a different firearm and you have to make the most of that AK."
"I do consider myself something of a free spirit. Nothing about your spirit is free."
"People are going to stay in homes even if they'd rather have a bigger home or a different home, they're stuck where they are."
"Having too many options is you're absolutely in chains."
"This is what we've got, this is what I was allowed to bring."
"Only if you know where your limits are, you know what is binding you, you know what is holding you down."
"Yeah buddy! Ah, drift headed that way. Collapsed. Or shoot something there. I'm going back this way. So, oh. All right, I gotta head back. On a time restraint."
"We had no weapons, so there wasn't a better choice."
"You are working with the wrong constraint, which is the amount of items you can fit in a database row, as opposed to the number of things that you can fit in your finite time of your calendar."
"It's clear to me that you're looking to break free from the constrictions that ordinary life places on most people."
"It all gets a bit too tight there."
"There's a sense of being bound or like your hands tied but you're still kind of dancing, you're still vibing."
"You are a wild freaking creature, and you didn't come here to be contained by five senses or anybody else's laws or some sort of marriage construct. You're a freaking wild beast."
"A container is always going to restrict the maximum of the production."
"We have a bottleneck here both genetically but also culturally."
"Frustration is learn how to say a lot with a little bit of language."
"You've used all three of your counters."
"I could not get more than 30 minutes to an hour."
"Numerous sentences could be constructed without employing the first letter of the English lexicon."
"You're not bound by those chains, but I don't have the courage to break away from them like you do."
"Freedom isn't opposed to restriction or constriction that actually freedom is about picking the right the freedom to pick the right constraints that will then form and forge us into the people who are actually free."
"It's like our hands are tied behind your back because you only make so much and you can only fix so much at a time."
"Either way, his options are very limited."
"When it comes to color you're [ __ ] out of luck."
"I tried to do the best I could within the framework that we have."
"Perfectionism has become a prison to them."
"You're really in a situation where you can't do that."
"I like to be able to create at all times... when something's holding me back then I start feeling like, whoa [__] it like, I like not really like not look like a [__] but like it's like damn I wish I could be just doing something else instead of being held into this box."
"Despite all these limitations and sacrifices that had to be made, they still managed to finish the story in a cohesive entertaining, fun, meaningful way."
"I had to give up my job at Concordia because you're required to be Lutheran there."
"It's almost impossible to make something creative when you have that much pressure on you."
"Because of the Mule, the Second Foundation would have been hampered always by the necessity of doing nothing but what they must."
"This served as a good guiding constraint."
"In debt we can't do certain things you can't say, and be like, 'I don't want this.' Nah man, you oh so."
"...there's still a limit... if you want to come to that come..."
"I don't want to be boxed into a corner, where I'm trying to sweep the food off the table, through logical niceties."
"Freedom is the absence of all constraint, the absence of all restraint."
"I never feel constrained by the cosmere. That's not a thing I've ever felt constrained by."
"You are afraid. You are not non-biased. You are sitting here inside of parameters that you must conform to or you don't exist."
"There's only, we're only doing a couple more."
"Man is born free and is everywhere in chains."
"The love of Christ constrains me."
"We don't have enough seats for all of you."
"She said she didn't have enough time."
"I'm obsessed with time and the reason time's important is I think that the constraint is incredibly necessary."
"The limit, there's only one, and that is pressure."
"Your ability to meet your needs, your ability to find belonging in the ups and downs of a free-forming social life, your ability to create and pursue life purpose, and your ability to explore the full spectrum of your potential is constricted by a life under rule."
"Someone's trying to limit you and keep you in a box."
"I was only acting in response to this leash."
"I don't have no choice, now do I?"
"Can you use both? No, the service won't let us."
"The point of all of this is we are not as free as we think or you're not free yet."
"This person had to walk away because they felt restricted or they felt they had to stay in a mold of a version of a self that didn't fulfill them."
"We're kind of strapped for time in this reaction."
"The Age of Innocence is a character study of the ways in which society restricts us from living the life we truly want."
"Freedom depends on nothingness. Without nothingness, there's no freedom, no choices, no being."
"He never had freedom. He never had any other choice."
"Whatever there is justice, there is the Shar of God. But the problem is if you apply it without constraint, you'll get a completely conventional notion of justice."
"In this world, you cannot always do as you please."
"Constrain The Evil Within, that's your primary moral obligation."
"Constraint is always a really beautiful thing to really get us to a much stronger sense of focus."
"Some amount of constraint is a boost to creativity."
"Externally, constraint and liberation bring the same results to he who is blessed and also to he who is cursed."
"There's a sense of limitation economically as well."
"No way. Aren't you powerful? I believe he has me bound with blessed robe which limits my ability to free myself, I'm afraid."
"I hate seeing people buy land and they not be able to do anything with it because they're so strapped on the land that they purchase."
"The only time I can't leave if he's physically restraining me right he's not allowing me to leave and I think about my daughter right and someone is not allowing her to do a choice it's already jujitsu not by choice by definition that's super important."
"We all need a fishbowl. We all need constraints."
"The contestant will at no time leave the bed."
"There's not enough time in the day."
"The biggest struggle is the constraints themselves, but the other more insidious and slippery part of that is that who we identify ourselves with is constantly wanting to sustain itself by being self-righteous."
"Freedom is always freedom within a cage."
"I have to be around one single wire."
"Boundaries, borders, constraints are good. Constraint can actually catalyze and foster creativity in a much more powerful and impactful way than just throwing off all constraints altogether."
"...adults like you and me, we're going to be constrained by the patterns our brain already learned and the way it already organizes itself not having Neuralink."
"What we label as Freedom is just our fear."
"...life is the opportunity through the energy of relativity to recognize where we have these primal constraints and then the opportunity beyond that is to break free from them. That's my work."
"I felt stuck in the situation that I had no other choice but to be stuck."
"An espresso represents freedom Tim I don't have freedom right now."
"Ensure each user has a single email by adding a constraint on the users table."
"Creativity thrives with limitations."
"The limitations forced the original designers to make really creative choices."
"I just feel like I have limited freedom in certain things."
"It's the things you chain yourself to that set you free."
"WorkManager is also constraint aware. So if I want to upload that photo that I talked about, I only want to do it when I have a network."
"It's a shame in a way that it almost feels as though that's been imposed on this engine."
"I'm getting better and better at just shopping but not buying or I guess I should say browsing but not buying it's partly because I'm on a budget but also partly because there's only so much room when you live in a 500t cottage"
"We should never forget that this comes with the initial condition that G of 0 must be this particular G 0 we determined or we constrained before."
"There's something to limiting your options."
"The strands, braided chords, they bind you and the flow of time."
"So you can't use the chainless foundation there because you won't have that chain space at the end."
"I felt like I didn't have a choice."
"It's possibility if the body were restrained, I think a possibility."
"Federal courts are constrained by law. We are a government of laws, not of men or of women."
"It's almost like haiku or some sort of I am the Queen Tamara that forces a new kind of creative."
"I don't want to feel like I'm being held against my will."
"I think that constraint inspires creativity; it forces people to be concise."
"A constraint at one level leads to freedom and power at another level."
"Constraint and creativity go hand in hand."
"It looks like you are free but in a way you are locked in."
"Constraint is one of the best ways I know of how to make time."
"Freedom is moving comfortably in harness." - Robert Frost
"What freedom may be is not a lack of constraint but a dancing with the design."
"Constraint is actually a driver of creativity."
"By constraining expressivity, you oftentimes improve security."
"I'm going to intend on fully constraining this part."
"The Weeping Angels cannot move if they're being observed."
"All birds are not to be caged; their wings are just too big."
"I'm not like the young ladies from noble families. Others think I'm carefree, but I don't feel free here."
"I don't have any freedom when I am lying. I am bound."
"If it feels natural, you can bet your bottom dollar you're in chains."
"Seven years of famine represent seasons of constraint, seasons of inconvenience, seasons of scarcity."
"This is an explanation by mathematical constraint."
"Man is born free, yet everywhere is in chains."
"You have to have limitation in order to be truly creative."
"You set up a life where you get the approval of others, but now you're trapped in it."
"I dreamed I was a white dove... except that I wasn't flying free; there was a ring around my neck."
"So while binds can definitely be very constricting, they also have the paradox of being very freeing in different areas."
"Containment is a gift for any writer."
"Black is completely tied down, black has basically no moves, it's zugzwang."
"Great art can come from constraint as well."
"It's the psychological feeling of being squeezed and not having any options."
"Birds free, words hang like neck on tree."
"Freedom is very, very important to you, and you can't stand it when someone holds you back."
"Every rebellious thought I had, every time I tried to pull away, I felt this closing grip around my throat, as pulling away only tightened the knot."
"I've got this feeling that time's just holding me down."
"Oil may be constraining the OECD economies."
"The constraint actually gives you an opportunity to be creative in a way that most people wouldn't think of it at face value."
"Love is not freedom, it is the exact opposite. Love is a restriction you impose on yourself."
"Constraint breeds trade-off and breeds focus."
"Imagine living in your house and every day your house gets smaller and smaller."
"Our budget is five thousand dollars, no matter what you have to go below that."
"The non-consecutive constraint means that no two neighboring cells can have consecutive digits in."
"Humans wouldn't be free; they would be caged like a bird."
"Everything you sketch at this point will be locked on that plane."
"All great human artistic achievement is based off of constraint."
"'Only I can set you free, Mackenzie, but freedom can never be forced.'"
"She feels really tied down as a mother."
"Both the infinite possibility and the constraint are necessary."
"You didn't have freedom, you didn't have joy, you didn't have that room to breathe."
"I actually feel like Nikki is the most powerful of all of them, just a guess, mainly because in 'Give and Taken' he's actually the one who's chained to the wall."
"So that is constraint propagation."
"There's like this love that wants to be expressed because even though his heart is in a cage, the energy around the heart is trying to shine through."
"The character with wings is one of the ones with the least freedom."
"Man is born free but everywhere in chains."
"All tied up represents a situation where you're feeling stuck."
"Time has an absolute compelling force that keeps it following in a decided manner which can be referred to as time prison."