
Platonic Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"Affection is one of the most wonderful things for our species, and that is not sexual."
"The portrayal of friendship between Roux and Jules was very sweet and fulfilling even when there was no romantic aspect."
"Moving on to a more adorable – and platonic – ship, the Domestic Avengers is a family ship..."
"He wrote a lot of different philosophical texts in the Platonic tradition."
"I want a pure, platonic relationship where we could do work and get the work done."
"Love is all around you this month, in all forms, from platonic to romantic."
"A man who has confidence and who loves himself is never going to agree to hang out with a woman under any circumstances that have to do with something platonic."
"People feel very attracted to you, even platonically."
"It's not a sexual attraction that I have to you, but there's this real strong connection that I have with you."
"They're probably one of the best love stories to come out of mouths in the sense of just platonic friendship, and there really is genuine love there between the two of them."
"We need to love others in a non-romantic, non-sexual way, the best way being in family, the church."
"Platonic relationships are so beneficial because they kind of help you to preserve that in your own relationship too."
"I love Oro, I think he's so cool. I just loved how nothing else happened between Isla and Oro and at the end of the book they didn't even kiss but it was still like bound by a platonic appreciation and trust for one another which I completely love."
"Nowadays it can make sense where you'll have a girl and a guy and they just, they just friends man, like that's cool too."
"You fall in love with your best friends like that's the truth it's like when you're friends with a girl it's like you fall in love with them not in a sexual way because you don't like have that sexual connection but you love them so much as a person."
"It is possible for two queer girlies to be best friends without being in love."
"Platonic relationships never get the hype they deserve in society."
"Our bond is so much deeper than a romantic relationship."
"The experiment proved that you can really just get to know someone without being in love or sexually attracted to them."
"Not every friend you have needs to be a boyfriend."
"Sometimes you need to just platonically be friends."
"Single men and women can just be friends."
"You can love someone without fancying them."
"Can't we just go on being good friends?"
"It's very possible for men to be strictly friends with women."
"Platonic relationships, having emotional connection without sexual intimacy were the ideal."
"You can love someone but not want them in that way. You stay strangers, strangers who are friends."
"Can men and women really be platonic friends without any romantic tension that causes problems or drama? It really depends upon the integrity level and values of the people involved."
"Venus love is platonic love; Neptunian love is unconditional love."
"I still love this girl, not like lust, I love her like family."
"Our relationship is purely platonic."
"Our relationship is purely platonic, if Plato had an elderly shut-in."
"Platonic friendships have to be valued like romantic friendships for them to thrive."
"It's about friendship and love, but it doesn't have to be romantic love; it's about platonic love too."
"You can love someone without being sexually attracted to them."
"It's important that men have female friends too, completely platonic friends."
"I really feel like Curtis and Jacob are platonic soulmates."
"You can have a very close friendship with a member of the opposite sex without actually having anything carnal happen."
"Any excuse to just shower people with love... it doesn't have to be romantic."
"Kiss your friends in a platonic way, just because you love them."
"You can have connection without having romance."
"Men and women can be platonic friends, absolutely."
"Spoiler alert: men and women can be platonic friends."
"I love you so much, not like a wife or a girlfriend or mistress or anything like that."
"It's completely platonic and feels extremely realistic."
"This is a dodecahedron, one of the perfect solids or Platonic solids of the Greeks."
"I love seeing just girl and boy friendships that are literally just platonic."
"A guy and a girl can just be friends. Indeed, why not?"
"Once we become friends, I just can't see nothing more than that now."
"It's really nice to have platonic friends who take care of you."
"Guys and girls can be friends, of course."
"Men and women can be friends without it being sexual."
"Platonic soulmates are real, and they are something that need to be valued way more than they are."
"We both have a platonic relationship with each other, so there was just that mutual understanding, so there were no issues."
"I feel like even if there is that feeling, if the other person isn't feeling it, you can still be friends."
"I have a ton of friends that are just guys, and they're platonic."
"It's platonic; it's a nice gesture."
"I love when you are with someone, might be of the opposite gender or the same one, and there's nothing; it's just platonic, it's just true pure friendship."
"Friends and nothing more, but you always have so much fun together."
"It was strictly platonic... It's a powerful emotional connection, but it's not a sexual connection, and it's healing."
"Not every relationship is a romantic one."
"You don't have to be attracted to or have sexual tension with every person... you can have platonic friends and y'all can advance the plot."
"It's such a beautiful platonic friendship."
"Platonic love is real, and I wish that we do get to see a little bit more of that expressed on television with older kids."
"I think you can get along with someone and hang out all the time without having sexual feelings."
"Platonic relationships can be just as full of love as romantic relationships, if not more so."
"You can't have platonic friendships. You can do that. There is such a thing as that."
"I think it's possible for a guy and a girl to be just friends."
"Companionship doesn't have to be romantic to be companionship."
"Just because you're friends with someone of the opposite gender does not mean that you're into them that way."
"When the interaction is platonic in the means, not in the thoughts, and it's continuous, it becomes very powerful."
"We're best friends, and I don't think like that."
"Guys can be friends with each other, right? And girls can be friends with each other. And guys and girls can be friends."
"Can men and women be friends and it'd be platonic?"
"Put in a really well-written platonic relationship and I will probably enjoy it a lot."
"Just because you have a great connection with somebody doesn't mean it has to be romantic."
"They truly are platonic soulmates."
"This message of love doesn't necessarily have to be a romantic offer."
"It doesn't have to be a boyfriend/girlfriend thing; it could be a friend thing."
"We experience connections, deep soulful connections with other people that are not romantic."