
Nocturnal Quotes

There are 180 quotes

"Real life Hollow Man: a fire torch seen moving around in the dark without revealing the one holding it."
"The most active of all phenomena, though, were the orbs, or bright blue balls that zipped across the fields at night."
"Sensuality, receptivity, and devotion are all heightened in the midnight hour."
"Lord Howe Island stick insects are critically endangered wingless nocturnal insects that only feed on one shrub species."
"Two years of knights have turned me into a nocturnal animal. My senses are heightened now. I can almost smell them."
"Giraffes were thought to be mute but they make low frequency sounds at night."
"He was the person that I took walks with at the middle of the night."
"I don't know I just love to stay up late at night I love going to gas stations late at night I love all of it I love going to the Walmart and the m i mean I know it sounds corny but it's like when you get used to living at night after a while."
"It's 3:00 a.m. That's when all the scary stuff happens."
"Black eyes tell you no one's been home for a minute, but also that they're nocturnal."
"The forest was alive with the sounds of nocturnal creatures, a symphony of Nature's Mysteries."
"Jerboas snooze during the day and then hop around when the moon's out."
"Even now, I'd rather be in the daytime."
"Bats are the masters of night navigation."
"They like to come out at nighttime."
"I sleep all day than go out at night. After eating with you, dabbi says, while chewing on the beef brisket."
"Midnight is not a nickname, it's a lifestyle."
"I wonder why do some animals come out at night"
"I'm a total night owl. I really come alive at night. I feel very creative when it gets dark outside."
"Leopards are nocturnal Hunters so any attack that would be carried out would be in the darkness of night for you would never see it coming."
"I woke up after midnight to knocking on my window."
"The red forest scorpion is a nightstalker who enjoys the thrill of the chase."
"I'm nocturnal, I'm a slug. I sleep till four and five every day if I don't have to get up for work."
"Late at night when the house was dead quiet, the girls' toys would start playing by themselves."
"We would stay up late and talk about everything under the Sun."
"There's something good about it. When you get up in the middle of the night, this is actually when I have a lot of my more profound insights, you know?"
"I love to write, but what I like most about writing is at night."
"Nocturnal houses are famous for having some of the coolest creepiest in a good way and the rarest animals in the world."
"One thing's for certain they are always watching you which means you cross over into animals of the night."
"The Memphis zoo's animals of the night has been around since 1995 and it's still one of the few nocturnal houses in America."
"Night diver? Epic. Have you ever done a night dive? I absolutely love them."
About Hello from Liz Matthews releases: "My favorite of the releases is A Buzz at Midnight."
"I was always a night owl, always suffering from insomnia as far back as I can remember."
"I never wrote at night, and then this is when I wrote almost all at night."
"I the Whistler know many things, for I walk by night. I know many strange tales, many secrets hidden in the hearts of men and women who have stepped into the shadows."
"What is an animal that is active only at night? Nocturnal, correct."
"I love the night! That's the only time I feel really alive!"
"Under the darkness of night, temperatures drop considerably, making it the perfect time to encounter a world of nocturnal animals."
"I love the night, and Nosferatu is absolutely terrific."
"My best writing and synthesis happens typically between 1:00 and 5:00 a.m."
"The tarsier's eyes are like the animal kingdom's equivalent of night vision goggles."
"It's currently around 9:56, 57 p.m. That's right, it's not 9:57 a.m., it's p.m., and I just woke up."
"It's so cool how some animals are awake at nighttime, huh?"
"Kalugos are nocturnal animals; they rest in tree holes during the day."
"Like the true vampire that I am now, I literally don't see the sun anymore."
"Tonight we are investigating a haunted nocturnal house at the Adelaide Zoo."
"See, I'm nocturnal. That means that everything you like to do in the daytime, I like to do at nighttime."
"It was the singular most terrifying and beautiful sound to hear in the woods late at night."
"I often hear the faint sound of two people talking during the night."
"The Windigo is a creature of the night."
"I'm a complete Night Owl. I am also a very creative person; my mind is constantly thinking, it is constantly full of ideas."
"Grasshopper mice are nocturnal, and if one wants to verbally defend its territory, it gets up on its hind legs and releases a high-pitched howl scream kind of like a wolf."
"There's something about the night that I definitely have an easier time focusing."
"Slugs and snails... are only active at night and they are hard to find."
"Primarily at night is when a lot of these highly venomous snakes come out."
"I would choose a bat so I could like pretend I was a vampire."
"Owls are so cool but so spooky; they're like the eyes of the forest."
"They're awesome nocturnal predators."
"By that time the sun had set, and I could already hear the nocturnal sounds of nature echoing outside my window."
"They are moon fireflies; they gather in groups and only come out at night."
"A nighttime safari is very different from a daytime safari; a number of animals appear that you might not see during the day."
"The swallow-tailed gull is the only truly nocturnal seabird on the planet."
"If you are a night owl, you enjoy being awake at night."
"They mostly come out at night... mostly."
"I am a night owl. I am never asleep before 2 A.M."
"Fennec foxes hunt at night to avoid the scorching daytime temperatures."
"Bats sleep there in the daytime and fly out into the garden at night."
"I thrive at night... life is mine for the taking."
"My personal favorite time of day to fish is at night. We love fishing at night; we catch a lot of fish at night."
"I get significantly stronger at night; the bright moon and the stars give me energy to become stronger than I am in the day."
"I'm such a night owl; I can't help it."
"I'm a night owl, y'all. Like, 12 a.m. I'm wide awake, and then 6 a.m. I'm wide awake."
"Its eyes glowed like a raccoon or a cat at night when a light is shining in their eyes."
"I'm definitely a night owl by choice. I stay up too late because I want to be able to wiggle around."
"Barn owls can see and hear very well."
"Moon bats? I think I'm here for it. Nope, I've checked, I am here for it."
"Many animals prefer the night for hunting and feeding, until morning light."
"It's a great live well, it also has a blue LED light at night so that you can see, and it's like a moonlight for the fish."
"The weirdest thing was that one night I heard a noise from within, and when I entered, all of the machines, the drills, the saws, everything were on and running."
"In the middle of the night, I used to hear people playing pool."
"It was 4 AM when I distinctly heard footsteps running down the hallway into the bathroom, and the bathroom light clicks on."
"I sleep by day and fly at night, but I have no feathers to aid my flight."
"I love staying up late, it's so much fun."
"I really think those smallmouth get up, move up shallow, and roam and feed a lot at night this time of the year."
"I was jolted awake in the middle of the night by a loud banging on my house."
"The distant hoots of owls and the rustle of nocturnal creatures created a symphony of nature's nocturne."
"So we know whatever it is, is most active at night and it's probably nocturnal."
"They're nocturnal and then they maybe swim a little bit when you're hand feeding them."
"They're like the night shift; we have birds out during the day eating insects, and at night the bats come out."
"This is what a brownie does: does Good Deeds for people, does their work for them while they're asleep."
"Butterflies that come out at night."
"I wake up when the sun goes down."
"Welcome to Matombo's nighttime safari. We will see some amazing nocturnal animals."
"Whispering voices, shouts, and cries for help in the dead of night... This is The Hill."
"They see much better than us at night; they can see in the dark, and it's much easier for them to catch things to eat if they are around in the darkness rather than in the day."
"Every night around 2 am, you would hear walking up and down the stairs so loud that we nicknamed whatever it was 'Mr. Boots'."
"I'm like an owl in that regard; I'm nocturnal, I can't sleep at night."
"Some people are like owls; during the day they just sleep in a quiet, but during the night they see."
"European hornets are a cathemeral species, which means that they fly and are active just as much at night time as they are during the daytime."
"Spooky story: I have a triple bunk bed, and one night at 12 a.m., my cat walked in front of the light of the first bunk."
"The best time to target them and catch catfish is at night."
"It is reported that on certain moonlit nights, the tree appears with the highwayman."
"This spooky creature flies at night, and when it sleeps, it's not upright."
"It's so cool how some animals are awake at night time."
"Catfish have whiskers because they mostly feed at night."
"I just embraced the nocturnal lifestyle."
"I'm a big night owl... I've created a paradise in my own home."
"I personally love the night shift as I am naturally a night owl."
"Nocturnal animals can't see red light or at least not easily, so it doesn't affect them as much."
"They're primarily nocturnal animals, and what that means is that they're most active during the night."
"Most of my ideas actually come in the middle of the night... that's when the really bizarre ideas start creeping in."
"I enjoy the late night hours; that's my natural biorhythm, I think."
"I'm like an owl, wise and nocturnal."
"I love the night, it's so fun to be up at night."
"I'm a creature of the night, I am."
"I'm a night person like I'm sure many people are, and my mind just works better when it's dark outside."
"It's so nice hearing those calls at night, very, very nice nocturnal calls."
"The creatures' days to nocturnal days makes you forget about all types of things."
"It's quite typical for plains game to move onto higher ground at night."
"Otters are more active at night, during the day they like to sunbathe."
"The fact that they were having a picnic without any sort of lights or lanterns in the middle of the woods was pretty weird."
"At nighttime, that pupil completely enlarges to encompass the entire eye."
"Their night vision is probably equal to their daytime vision."
"They are confident at night because they are adapted well to seeing at night."
"Lions are nocturnal, which means they are active mainly during the nighttime."
"We're on the search today for nocturnal animals."
"What do you think of this very low light quality activity of lions hunting in the darkness?"
"Lions and leopards... are more active at night."
"I don't sleep till the Sun rises, kinda like a vampire with no sharp teeth."
"Guys, there's a whole group of deer back there. You can see all their eyes glowing from the light. They're all just chilling."
"The night time birds should start taking over."
"They are adapting to the nighttime; they have a special layer on their eyes which means they can see in the dark."
"Leopards are mostly nocturnal... they're actually what is called crepuscular."
"Elephants are active throughout the night, they walk throughout the night, they drink throughout the night."
"It's still sleepy time for lions; they will spend most of the evening being active."
"Some bugs can do superhuman things like see colors in the dark."
"She only wakes up at 9:00 p.m.; she is like the moon, do you understand?"
"Night is upon us; it is the time of the predators."
"Early in the night, she had an incredible encounter with the honey badger, which was super cool."
"I'm a night owl; I can't help it."
"Why do some animals come out at night? Some animals like to come out at night because there is less competition for food, there are fewer predators and people around, and because it's cooler at night."
"I forgot animals can do that, sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night to Baby nugy moving."
"It's often very good conditions for our predators to have been hunting during the course of the night."
"I really like driving at night. I've always been a night owl."
"The lions, they do conduct hunting at night and they can be very much successful because eyesight is excellent."
"It's going to be one of the coolest nocturnal sightings I've had though, so epic."
"Raccoons... they can see in complete darkness, only their hands."
"They are nocturnal and what nocturnal means is they are in their prime time at night."
"Lions are mostly nocturnal, so cooler times of the day you'll find them early mornings, late at night."
"If you really want to see a different animal, you watch lions at night."
"Nocturnal animals... they're active when everyone else is sleeping."
"At night time they will huddle quite close to one another and actually snuggle."
"Why do lions hunt at night? Their eyesight is just so much better at night, a lot better than the prey species that they do hunt."
"Bats don't fly around in the daytime; they sleep during the day and only fly at night."
"We discovered why some creatures stay up all night; bats with great ears and owls with huge eyes."
"Only at night do my ideas bloom like the moon flower."
"The bat waits for the sun to set and the moon to rise; in the darkness, it can see all that was invisible in the daylight hours."