
Drunkenness Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts."
"I'm drunk I'm seeing double which is weird because I don't drink."
"People tell the truth when they're drunk for sure."
"If I was smashed drunk, I wouldn't do that. I've seen you smash drunk and yes, you would do that."
"I once got so drunk I whipped out my laptop, thought what the hell, and ordered myself a Latin phrase book."
"Seeing VODs bouncing around, all obviously pretty drunk. Funny, you know what I mean?"
"Thank God for me being an annoying drunk and not listening to the voice in my head."
"The screams had been real, not foxes, a friend dying badly as I spun drunkenly into sleep."
"I was drunk out of my mind, I was like, 'God, this is the easiest way to get in my room, my door room's locked, I don't have my keys, only an eye balcony.'"
"Sending those like drunk late-night text messages that you wake up the next morning is like SOS somebody take the tequila bottle away from me next time please."
"You know when you're drunk, you're like 'what's the matter?' 'Hey, you said you could hang!'"
"The lordling made the word an obscenity. He staggered to his feet, one hand on the table to keep himself from falling. 'I'm going to be sick,' he announced."
"He looks like every dude trying to get into their house at 4 o'clock in the morning drunk as [__]."
"Talk about call me Daddy, call me Daddy, I'mma oh my God she was drunk maybe that's why she didn't shake your hand, sh so you was junk so you took everybody else hand that pumped your ass and you didn't want to shake my hand."
"I mean the folks tell the story about when he flew underneath the Skyway Bridge and he was drunk."
"The only reason you got so lucky last time was because I was drunk."
"You have not lived until you have seen Dean Martin in a drunken stupor whistling for his dog. 'Here boy!'"
"We were just shooting the [ __ ] whatever and you know what's funny is that thing that happens when you're really drunk and somebody's spilling all the tea but you totally forget it all."
"Being drunk became for Crane a kind of grim literalization of the freedom that came with being modern."
"It's kind of like that decision that you make at 2AM when you're drunk."
"It's like you're drunk and you drank two bottles of tequila, everything is just spinning, everything is spinning." - Sergio
"As drunken mistakes go, getting a massive swastika tattoo on your arm is a pretty big one."
"Me drunk as hell: My beast charger."
"He plays that kind of drunken guy very well."
"Kumi confessed that she almost kissed a very handsome man while drunk the night before."
"Probably us drunk too and humiliating ourselves."
"What's the dumbest thing you've ever done while you were drunk?"
"I'm literally just drunk myself... okay, don't try that at home kids, if he dies, he dies, I'll do a memorial stream tonight and make a bunch of money."
"up i don't remember it happening but i filmed it i was i was very drunk that night so i don't remember a lot of stuff happening in that karaoke thing"
"She became increasingly intoxicated throughout the night with glassy eyes, slurred speech, stumbling and loss of balance."
"You're sitting here drunk, trying to get laid with your girlfriend watching you."
"She was drunk earlier. Wait, I wanted to kick around."
"The truth is, it is not a sin to drink wine. The truth is, it is a sin to be drunk. And the truth is, you will pay consequences for being drunk."
"It is this cursing does not come because he Noah became drunk."
"Do not be drunk with wine in which is dissipation or debauchery. Some translations say. In other words, you get drunk, it'll mess your life up. Do not be drunk with wine in which is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit."
"I got very drunk and bashed my face up."
"It's like not even a bed when you're drunk. Like, if you're dumping a bed, having not gone to sleep in said bed. I just teleported to a bed and also time traveled into the future."
"We got all f*cked up and we found a deer, and I was trying to ride the deer. I was all f*cked up, and then I blacked out."
"I'm drunk here's money I love you guys."
"You are painfully beautiful, and I am already decidedly drunk on the returned sight of you."
"I'm always a happy drunk so I'm just jumping around."
"Only do sober what you do drunk. It will teach you to keep your mouth shut."
"That's what we do with a drunken sailor."
"If you've seen him drunk, like, y'all have been on, you've seen him intoxicated, here's what he's saying: 'I'm not scared of you, God. I know your word says don't get drunk, but I'm gonna do what I want, okay?'"
"...Kena was sitting on the side of the room apparently too drunk to even stand up."
"He was drunk and wanted to look at each other, it wasn't really that's the best time."
"At a certain point they're just like holy [__], yeah there's a level of fatigue that probably becomes a level of drunkenness, yeah it's so it's a point of uh it's like a great equalizer."
"The shocking reality dawned on them: they had gotten married while they were drunk."
"Have you ever tried to reason with a drunk person? The same thing applies here. What she is serving up doesn't make sense, but people are drunk with it."
"I am drunk with the wine of Osiris, but Horus, the eternal watcher, is about my path for safety."
"I've seen drunk people be really slow, but I've never seen somebody just not move their eyes like he just went center, right, down, left, center."
"We're not the ones drunk off our ass, stumbling around like a [ __ ]."
"Plunged an entire country into a ruinous Civil War for 20 years just because somebody decided to get drunk."
"You're more than drunk, but it's cute, weirdly enough."
"You're such a baby, you're more than drunk, but it's cute, weirdly enough."
"You're not getting everything your way just because you're drunk."
"Not to mention throughout the movie Tommy always looks and sounds a little bit drunk."