
Mastering Quotes

There are 129 quotes

"Real skill lies in mastering the highly technical details behind creating a pro-level mix."
"This is great to get samples louder, make it sound good."
"It's going to help your mix come together before sharing it to your friends or not like whatever you do try to do some type of little bit of mastering."
"Mastering is not for everyone you know you hear this all around the internet youtube everybody says that you know if you're not comfortable mastering your own music send it to a mastering engineer you're going to be rewarded."
"Proper gain staging shapes your mix, minimizes pesky noise, reduces Distortion, and ensures you've got ample Headroom to play with for the mastering portion of your track."
"It's easier to make your track quieter than to push it louder, so start with matching the reference track's maximum volume."
"Limiting should always be your last stage in the mastering process."
"This method is not only going to be the easiest but it's going to get you the cleanest and loudest mix and master for your songs."
"Mastering the basics is mandatory."
"Now I know how to make records loud and avoid those distortions."
"Managing loudness in mastering and preventing unpleasant distortion is a game."
"There's only three things we're doing in the mastering process: shaping our tone, shaping our dynamics, and then bringing our loudness up to commercial standards."
"The reality is, there's only three things we're doing in the mastering process: shaping our tone, shaping our dynamics, and then bringing our loudness up to commercial standards."
"One thing that I love in mastering is really going with the flow."
"...the widest sounding and the best widest sounding mixes aren't that way because of stuff the mastering engineer is doing at the end."
"Being able to identify specific frequencies that need adjustment allows you to fine tune your productions and mixes and produce top quality sound that truly stands out."
"I wouldn't push anyone away from doing that, actually, because you can get so much out of just taking your mix and a/bing it with someone else's work, and really dissect what is the difference, what makes it sound good, what is the ultimate shape of that successful mastering?"
"Sometimes the mastering engineer behind the vinyl release of the record will retain the dynamics more."
"Master EQ'ing so you can always get the very best out of your audio for you, your business, and your clients."
"...when you're mastering, you should start from the bottom to the top because if you get that right and you get that tight, then all the top end suddenly starts singing a lot more."
"Mastering is crucial to getting a professional sounding song."
"The mastered version is louder but also relationships start to change."
"The mastered version sounds louder even though it's technically quieter on a loudness meter."
"The mastered version is actually perceived as being louder at the same level."
"Mastering is a critical step, of course, but it's only one of six steps in the music-making process."
"My goal always is that the track sounds the same before the master bus as it does after."
"Bernie, as a mastering engineer, has a phenomenal reputation."
"Mastering is the last step and it's the last chance that the producers, the artists, or the mastering engineer himself can do anything."
"...if you mix through something, it is part of the sound of your mix. You want to leave that on. You don't have a mastering engineer redo it or recreate it for you."
"...everything you need to know to do mastering actually at a high level is covered in that course but in a way that is so simple and so understandable even if mastering seems like a mysterious black box of a process to you."
"That's really cool because it's like someone sitting at a console adjusting your track while it's playing for the master. And there is nothing like that. And it sounds really great. It's easy to use."
"Within the stereo imager, there's this new feature called recover sides. And this is like a hidden gem for mastering."
"So you instantly get some of that information back, which is nice. And I think that's one of those kind of hidden features that's really useful."
"I mean, off the bat, it is so much louder than the other ones. And I don't think it's overly limited or compressed. It's still very punchy."
"That drastically reduces the control you have over both your dry vocal and your delayed vocal signal."
"The reason for this is when you go through the mastering stage and you increase the volume of the entire mix, that's going to bring these quieter elements up in the mix like delays and reverbs."
"You can use technology like this to help you derive some insights and think about what you might want to do in a mastering treatment."
"The idea that I have moving forward, doing some of the mixing and mastering with the DAW and doing the production side or the creative side with my NPC or my Hardware, that's where I've noticed both worlds match."
"Mastering is about making everything work well together."
"Mastering is about bringing out the best in every element of the mix."
"Mastering is about making the mix sound deeper, fuller, and richer."
"Mastering is a balancing act between EQ, compression, and dynamics."
"I tend to treat EQing and mastering like peeling layers from an onion."
"The mastering process is a kind of circular journey, going around and around until you get closer to the final result you're aiming for."
"Mastering is about enhancing the flow and dynamics of a song."
"Even tiny little changes can be incredibly important in the mastering process."
"Mastering should be about bringing the best out of the material, not trying to fix things."
"At its heart, mastering is simple: EQ, compression, and limiting."
"Mastering is like peeling the layers from an onion, going for the outside scraggliest bit and peeling off each layer to get a more perfect result."
"It was much better to supply a bit of a duller track for mastering and get that top-end brought up."
"...compression examples that I play you where you can really hear a significant before and after like night and day difference often those are going to be examples of probably too much compression for mastering..."
"To that end, I thought I would also give you some perspective about how I think about what tools I reach for when I am mastering."
"Mastering was called mastering because in the beginning all you did was cut a master you didn't do any adjustments to the sound you didn't change the sound of the tape your job was to cut and know how to cut a good master mechanically."
"I could mix and master longer without ear fatigue. Frankly, I don't know what's the magic behind this, maybe it's because of the three-way build."
"Adding a subwoofer is going to make a way bigger difference to your ability to mix and master music compared to a better set of speakers."
"Mastering can be way more complicated than that, but this is going to give you the basic tools you need to perform a simple mastering."
"Mastering goes way deeper than what I showed you today. This is only the basic stuff."
"If you want to master your song on your own, that is going to be a very good way to start."
"Mastering is the process that comes after the mix, the process that you do before you release your music to the world."
"If you want to get some loudness to your tracking, you're worried about compression, look at normalizing the audio."
"The better the monitoring for mastering, the easier the job gets."
"Mastering is simple. It's about getting the level right, but EQ balanced and managing the dynamics."
"Mastering is the process of taking your mix and adding some final tweaks such as EQ compression and limiting to make sure the volume is at a competitive level and your song sounds the best and it can now."
"EQ is probably the most powerful tool in mixing and mastering."
"...the goal of mastering is to ensure that your song is going to sound good when played back on any speaker or any media device."
"...mastering is about trying to make our song sound good being played back on any media device."
"Mastering is a career on its own, and some say it's a skill that you never stop learning."
"Mastering is making the music sound the best it can possibly be."
"Mastering is like Photoshop for audio."
"Referencing is one of the most important things that a mastering engineer will do in their day."
"The whole point of mastering is to get your track, tracks, album, whole release to sound like it belongs in the upper echelons of music in whatever genre it may be."
"Auditioning your mix and master on a variety of different sources enables you to make better mixing decisions."
"Your mix is going to be quiet; mastering is where we're actually going to make your song loud."
"In mastering, we're only looking at tiny amounts of adjustments; we're just trying to enhance the mix, not replace the mix."
"This is a good master song for the digital distribution platforms."
"For mastering, use low ratios, slow attack, and fast release."
"The skill set of the top mastering engineers in the world is knowing when to dive in and tweak stuff and when to leave stuff alone."
"We have to make mixes louder in the mastering stage, but the whole point is we don't want to smash the mix and make it sound flat and lifeless."
"It's not about making the loudest master; it's about making the right master that feels right and will translate well."
"Try not to use compression when mastering unless you really know what you're doing."
"It has a very unique approach to the compression and it makes it valuable in a digital situation as it would as much in an analog mastering situation."
"I think it's an incredibly valuable tool for mixing and maybe even mastering work."
"The harmonic distortion will just basically add a warming characteristic, it usually helps to make a master sound more listenable."
"As a solution for somebody who doesn't do mastering for a living, it's a great choice, easily hands down the best sort of all-in-one choice with this simple of a graphic interface."
"I'm going to show you how to master within Pro Tools to completely finish your track."
"There are three key elements of a mix which strongly affect my processing decisions in my mastering chain."
"This gives me a visual representation of that information and when I audition it and listen to it, I can make assessments."
"You can't polish a turd and a mastering engineer can only turn something good into something amazing if it's good in the first place."
"The point of mastering is generally to provide an outside perspective on your music."
"It gives you a more uniform sound in your final master."
"That leaves plenty of room on there for everything we're going to do in the mix down stage and then obviously when it goes on to mastering."
"The three M's of mastering are monitoring, metering, and mindset."
"It's an amazingly simple step but it's an amazingly powerful step that you can take as you start to improve your mastering skills."
"Mastering is all about philosophy."
"It's a great solution especially for people who are maybe a little bit newer to mastering."
"Can you really mix and master on these things? Well, maybe not these, but can you mix and master on these? Or is it simply impossible to get industry quality results without a set of these? Let's find out."
"The number one thing I've learned about mastering is less is always more, especially if you're not a mastering engineer."
"The Kotelnikov is one of the most flexible mastering compressors around."
"Mastering is basically a step of mixing where you make everything sound better and louder and even."
"Mastering engineers are also concerned about translation; we want to make sure that everybody who listens to the tracks that we're creating is going to have as good an experience as possible of the music."
"It's all about good sound selection, leveling, and then nine times out of ten, there's a Classic Clipper or a soft Clipper on the master."
"Mastering is really easy; there's a few key things, and if you do that on every song, the only thing it comes down to is your own ability to master."
"Mastering is not a magical thing; it's just applying some stuff, and then some cool stuff happens."
"Mastering has been an elusive topic to me for many years, shrouded in mystery and industry secrets."
"Mastering is a pretty involved process; it really takes a specific kind of character and ear to get it right."
"Keep practicing, and you'll get better at mastering."
"Mastering is not just about making something loud; it's about making a release coherent across the sonic spectrum."
"Deep dive complete, that is how I'm using these plugins to be able to nail my levels, loudness, and spectral balance in my own mastering workflow."
"We are going to be mastering loud today."
"So let's go ahead and begin my process of mastering."
"It's providing an optimized production master for the destination format."
"The sound that you've decided on in mastering makes it through to the final listener."
"It's a really great tool to help increase perceived volume, especially on a master bus."
"The zero mastering is probably the most common and that's the one that you want to know most about."
"One of the struggles we have as dance music producers is trying to arrange our tracks and mix our tracks in a way that they can be successfully mastered all the way up to at least negative seven LUFS integrated across the length of a drop."
"Elevate was the far more transparent of the two limiters even after pushing this pre-master all the way up to negative seven LUFS."
"Yes, mix through your mastering chain, it's the way the pros do it."
"In this video, I'll be explaining some considerations about mastering, both in the context of the clip to zero approach and also just in general."
"I'll talk about how to definitively show that these two things are myths and how to prove it to yourself when you're mastering."
"The process of mastering allows you to raise the overall volume of your audio recording without peaking or distorting the file."
"90% of what you'll be able to reasonably accomplish in mastering will be done through the manipulation of only two sonic qualities: the dynamics and the tone."