
Baggage Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"They want you to drop your emotional baggage."
"Free checked bag for yourself and up to six different people traveling on your itinerary."
"If you can help carry their baggage, everybody gonna come with some baggage."
"I don't care what baggage you've got, I think with a lot of those things, maybe it makes me the person that I am."
"What's the benefit of having Trump with you and all of the baggage he brings? Any random Republican is going to start out with better approval ratings than Donald Trump with all of his baggage."
"Let it go and let it flow, and release anything that is emotional baggage."
"Everybody comes with baggage; it just depends on are you willing to pick up somebody else's baggage and take it on as your own."
"It helps us fly and conquer and accomplish what we're meant to accomplish when we're able to just let go of the baggage."
"I feel like I'm leaving a lot of baggage and trauma here."
"I'm okay with that," he replied. "I like you, and if you come with a little bit of baggage, I'm okay with that as well."
"I just hope that wherever I end up I can find some place where I can escape all this baggage."
"We are all encumbered by baggage, fears, doubts, limiting beliefs inherited from our past."
"You can't really move on with any levity if you're holding on to mortal baggage."
"Feeling just generally unworthy... no matter what you do, you'll always have to carry these suitcases."
"There's potential and desire for a healthy relationship, but trust issues and past baggage are in the way."
"a great barry allen story where there isn't a lot of baggage"
"But you cannot expect to bring your baggage into the cloud and expect the cloud to just magically make it go away. That's not how the cloud works."
"You can't go to the next destination if you haven't left the baggage."
"We walk around carrying our issues."
"They definitely do love you, but they are dealing with a whole baggage of personal issues."
"Trust and release, it's time for you to start letting go of baggage that no longer serves you."
"You also have your issues, your own baggage."
"Most of us, we are used to air travel where you were charged Sky High fees for checking in baggage. Cruise ships are completely different. There are no fees for luggage and no hard rules on how much you can bring."
"There's a lot of unfinished business tying you down."
"You can't take your baggage with you on this journey. You have to let go of the 'you're not okay' and 'I'm better than you' mindset."
"For this review Marathon I don't think there's a story that comes with as much baggage as the web planet..."
"It's amazing how much baggage we carry around, all of us, without even realizing it. Those limiting beliefs, childhood wounds, or self-sabotaging patterns can really weigh you down and keep you from moving forward."
"That's not an emotional investment, that's emotional baggage."
"So it's looking like baggage, it's looking like I need help, it's looking like 'Well, why don't we just forget about all of that and keep on going, pick know where we left off?' But all them bricks behind you, that's not appealing."
"Baggage leaves you a scar, I believe it gives you a beauty mark."
"What more loving thing could you do for your future spouse than to begin tonight to intentionally deal with the baggage from your past?"
"Once we love somebody and there's no baggage, once you can just love them and they can love you with no baggage, that's God."
"...everybody comes into every relationship even if you think that you've got your [ __ ] together you always come in with some sort of baggage."
"All Nippon Airways permits all passengers to bring a personal item and one standard carry-on bag into the cabin."
"I always had this insecurity in me that no man would want to be with me because I have so much baggage. But he stuck with me in my worst."
"Checking a bag in can actually add a lot of stress to your trip in a lot of different ways."
"stretch yourself beyond what you've been taught you know from your parents even be willing to grow and recognize that we all come with something some kind of baggage that we gotta unpack absolutely and it's your choice every day to choose happy"
"Recognize that there are plenty of people out there in the world that are trustworthy and faithful. Go find one of them. Move forward in that relationship with a clean slate. Don't bring baggage."
"Before you can kill your giant, you gotta leave your baggage with the baggage keeper."
"We all have everyone has baggage."
"We all have baggage, but it's how we handle it that matters."
"Being a parent is hard, being successful is hard, I got enough emotional baggage with the alcoholic history of my family, like all of this is hard."
"You bullied him into basically handling my baggage."
"They all come with their own baggage."
"Unpack your bags. Don't even think about them. Unpack your bags."
"Enjoy your travels; the stuff that you have in your bag shouldn't be one of your biggest concerns."
"You are not what you're carrying."
"The best gift you can give your spouse today is beginning to work through some of the baggage."
"Deal with your own emotional hurts. Deal with your baggage."
"You're going to be able to reach the pinnacles that you want in this world in this life because you ain't going to have no baggage."
"Domain is like the skeletons in the closet; you can't ever get rid of them. They're always there, like it carries its baggage with it all the time."
"You either gotta call a therapist or get a TSA agent 'cause you are not ready for the amount of baggage she brought with her."
"Members of the media or video production companies can check their bags for free."
"Sometimes it's not baggage, it's just discernment."
"There's a reason they call it baggage. It gets incredibly tiring carrying it around."
"I live like this, like being responsible for all my own bags is a lot."
"When you don't forgive, it's like putting baggage in your suitcase."
"We all have relationship baggage, but you have to do things to not mask it but to still have your actions be a level of openness."
"If you don't forgive, you bring in all this baggage and emotional turmoil into your next relationship."
"You have to start liking yourself again; you have to start understanding that you can't take this baggage with you."
"We have evolved, but there are still a lot of baggage that we carry."
"Don't bring your past into your new relationship."
"There's no such thing as a relationship where both people are coming in like perfectly ripe avocados with no baggage."
"You've got to let go of the baggage right here, right now."
"Mark your bags for easy identification at baggage collection."
"I'm all in, Michelle. I know a relationship with me comes with a lot of baggage."
"The point of this journey was to leave my baggage behind, not carry it with me."
"You can't bring old baggage into a new suitcase."
"Sometimes in life, we carry around unnecessary baggage, unhelpful thoughts, guilt, the should haves and the could haves, or even jealousy."
"One camel is carrying some baggage; each clue contains an extra word that must be removed before solving."
"Baggage weighs us down only when we refuse to set it down."
"Everyone comes with baggage; it has to do with how they've coped and dealt with that stuff and how they've grown."
"At the end of the day, you present yourself and you come as you are with your traumas and your whatever's, this person comes with their own baggage."
"Every adult has baggage, and sometimes everyone needs healing."
"We've all been hurt, right? However, we don't bring that baggage into the next relationship."
"Everybody has bag issues... either they coming in with bags, literally luggage baggage, or they're so worried about the bag that you can't even get through the project."
"Leave your baggage on the tarmac back there, all your issues and your psychological issues."
"You get lounge access, you also have a free checked bag, which is a great plus."
"Don't take that book bag of trauma into another relationship."
"Imagine your great-grandfather packed a bag, and then your grandfather put more stuff in that bag, and then your father put more stuff in that bag."
"We naturally do not have any baggage; we actually pick it up along our journey in life."
"I've done the work. I'm not gonna be bringing any baggage to my next relationship."
"One day all them bags gonna get in your way."
"The letting go of baggage should make us feel lighter."
"If you truly want a new journey in your life, you have to leave all of your baggage on the curb."
"They're not bringing that baggage with them, they're letting it go."
"Wouldn't it be easier if you just took all of that baggage that no longer serves you and just set it right there and continue your journey?"
"You're starting over in a new direction without bringing the baggage with you."
"We all carry a lot of baggage with us and that's scared to the carmine we need to travel lightly on our path."