
Color Blending Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"You'd be surprised what beautiful blended colors you can create with this."
"I want this video to be very specific on how I get colors to blend into one another."
"Now we can play like a child plays we can say Oh what do we want we have warm color on the top and we have cool color on the bottom so we need to marry the two together."
"Using purple to blend out blue works excellently...dramatically honest."
"This shirt does such a good job to blend in these different shades of purple to make this river effect."
"These colors... if they merge together when I rinse it out in the shower I'm just gonna have [ __ ] brown hair."
"The more pressure you apply with your pencils, the less opportunity you've got to mix and blend colors on top of that color."
"You can see that adding the green on top of the red really just gives a dull dark brown disgusting dull color."
"What this is doing here is when we set this to the lighter color blend mode, this is showing us every color or tonal value that is lighter than 50 Gray."
"The colors on the outfit are blended really well together. I love the cut of her top and the shape of her skirt."
"Blending colors is like orchestrating a symphony of hues."
"The blend from one color to the next is very smooth."
"I'm just bringing the color down into this sea, this is very dark."
"So if you like that, you want to blend, feel free to start just blending your little heart away, but if you're kind of wanting to keep it a little bit more airy and not have quite so much green, then just keep these colors a little bit more separate."
"I hope you were able to get some tips and ideas on how to better blend with your color pencils because this was a lot of fun to do."
"I blend it so you're like an artist going back, if you've ever done oil painting or something, you can go back and rework color and blend color."
"I'm always looking for that because the pastel tones and your Earth Tones are really handy for blending."
"I want the colors to flow in together."
"Check out that blend too, just so seamless between colors."
"I feel like the color actually blended together really well this time."
"If you have trouble with blending in colors, I do recommend oxide inks."
"Prismacolor was my favorite out of these four as far as the rainbow blend because it was so smooth."
"The real skill with patina is to make that effect seamless so one color blends into the other without any harsh lines."
"I love the colors and the way they blend together; it looks like cotton candy."
"I think this bookmark turned out super cute, I really love how the colors blend into each other."
"I love our Stampin' right markers for this technique; I love being able to get two or more different colors on my stamps."
"It's also a lovely way to get very organic color blends that seem to bleed in and out of each other effortlessly."
"It's always nice to work that transition between the two colors so it's a nice gradient."
"It's perfect for beginners because it shows you how to transfer images from paper to felt and how to easily blend colors."
"I'm here to perform, I'll be blending yellow and red and then I'm making orange."
"I really wanted there to be like a blending of the two colors and you could really see the darker green go into that lighter forest emerald green."
"Every time we draw something new to the screen, what's actually happening is we're blending the colors that are already there with the new ones that we want to draw."
"In combination, these together should put a nice blend of colors in the tank."
"This red blends right into this orange; it's so pretty."
"We've got this gorgeous blending of colors."
"I love how these colors blend together and create this really beautiful background."
"Using a blending mode is going to allow you to paint all these shadows using only one color, and that color is going to adapt with the color under it, creating really nice shadows super quickly."
"You can see that background that we're creating with lots of color; you've got a bit of glow to it because of that oxidation."
"You can also change the blending mode and that's the way that your start color blends with the end color."
"Green gold is a really versatile pencil because you can use it to lean into the yellows and also into the greens."
"Blending with more paint instead of water is less likely to reactivate and muddy your color."
"Try a colorless blender marker... it really saturates the colors and just fuses them all together to give a really nice smooth piece."
"The gradient tool creates a gradual blend between colors."
"It's gonna melt that color down and push it down into the tooth of the paper for me."
"We're going to make a cane using a couple of very small Skinner blends and then outlining them in a color."
"The whole idea is just kind of practice the blending of colors and the technique that I just showed you."
"I just love the blending of the colors, like the little blend that you have happening, so pretty and lovely to look at."
"I love the blend of these colors together, look how it just brightens everything up so beautifully."
"It's a versatile duo to create customized looks; complementary shades with a velvety balm texture and a soft powdery finish are easily blended and layered."
"Remember, one of the things that you really want to achieve with a colorful galaxy is flow."
"It's okay to split stitches; it actually helps the blending of the colors."
"Once upon a time, I was coloring this page for all of you and focusing on some really beautiful blends."
"This just means that the colors are all just kind of mixed together a little bit better."
"I think the color payoff is really nice and it was able to blend quite nicely."
"The blue and the white is actually mixing right on canvas, which is going to be easier to create those blends."
"Put the crimson below the blue, clean your brush, and then bring it up into the blue and mix it on your painting."
"We're blending between our bottom color and our top color based on a gradient that we create using the height coordinate of our volume."
"I blended some colors to give it a little bit more of like depth."
"We're going to just be blending colors, so whatever it comes out to be, that's what this room will be."
"It's also a really great exercise for learning how to blend colors and how to balance out the ratio of water to gouache paint."
"Just play with the colors and see what happens when you blend and you mix, give them the chance to make magic."
"Veiling is very sheer and it blends with a lot of these different colors."
"These colors blend so beautifully."
"I'm going to blend maybe more grays here, and it'll go to more blues."
"That's what I love about her patterns, like she's so good at blending colors together to make it look like a watercolor painting."
"I love blending a pink with peach; it makes me very happy."
"We're actually modulating each of the RGB LEDs, and since the lens is diffused, it sort of mixes all the colors for us."
"So far, the shades are blending very nicely together."
"The blending of color there looks really great."
"We absolutely love the way the colors really blend."