
Weaving Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"That's some serious weaving for real, he really did that."
"With gabardine, the singular individual threads of the cotton are covered in a rubberized material, so the weaving is still there, so you still get the space between the threads, but those threads are waterproof."
"Silk Island preserves Cambodia's rich tradition of silk weaving."
"Now begin working with the new color as normal making sure to weave in the other strands as you go."
"Just try and ensure that the tension's even all the way throughout so those little woven parts look the same."
"It's amazing the strength is actually in the weavers."
"Spinning and weaving is the most powerful spiritual thing we can actually do."
"...you don't have to weave in your ends...I just leave a long enough tail."
"The technique and style used to leave the textiles that were found is one of the earliest known instances of weaving technology."
"This song weaves beautifully in and out of itself."
"Joseph Franklin invented a machine that could weave cloth."
"One of our top tips is to tie the back stick to the pedal because you don't want this back stick wobbling around when you're threading up."
"I'm going to weave a couple of inches of each and then I'm going to stand back and look at it and squint at it and decide which one I like best."
"Their weaving is said to shape the course of events and determine the ultimate outcomes in the lives of individuals and the cosmos at large."
"Evidence for the complexity of weaving during this coding phase."
"Houndstooth is a very interesting pattern; it is woven in plain weave and the pattern is created purely by color."
"I highly recommend that you get Anne Dixon's Handweaver's Pattern Directory."
"This is a super helpful technique if you have a smaller loom and you want to make bigger things."
"All the best, I hope you have a very blessed week until next time, happy weaving."
"Previously the weavers did not know how to write or read, so the only way they would speak is with patterns on the sadu pieces."
"Each warp thread can be either up or down, but with even such a limited choice, the number of patterns which can be made is almost infinite."
"Their weaving is able to open up a window in time."
"I don't have time to weave, and I mean that with all the love in the world for people that do the weaving technique."
"It's great to be able to go out there and find a well-formed weave line."
"This root meant to twist or to weave; weave actually comes from this root."
"The more even the weaving that's being done, the better the rug is going to look."
"This is a nice project for an experienced weaver or even for a person that's never woven before."
"All you need to complete clasped weft is a two shaft loom."
"So today we're going to be comparing some knitting yarns with some weaving yarns, just to give you a better idea of what to look for when you are shopping for yarns."
"There's hardly any waste on a rigid heddle loom, and I really like that."
"I think of my rigid heddle loom a little bit like a play loom."
"I have this beautiful autumn fall kind of color mohair that I bought from Megan at Lichen and Lace, and I want to use that as the weft in this particular scarf."
"One cool thing about overshot is it's just as beautiful on the back; it is different to the front but it's just as lovely."
"There are as many ways to warp the loom as there are weavers."
"Both were using weaving technique, so I am a big fan as you can probably tell."
"Create yourself a DIY loom, watch this video, make your friend a wall hanging for their birthday."
"I'm obsessed with weaving; it's my new favorite thing."
"Weaving is an aesthetic whole, a unity of composition, form, color, and substance."
"I weave because I like to weave. I have no specific agenda, or goal, when I weave yardage."
"So now that the sleeve is finished, I can go ahead and weave in the yarn tail, remove all the stitch markers and then I can move on to the other armhole and create the other sleeve."
"When she sits down at her loom, her designs come from within."
"Our philosophy of weaving is that it was the main source of income for our families generation after generation."
"This canvas is made up of all these threads that run this way and this way, and they're woven together."
"I think I've been very lucky to have a grandmother that nurtured my passion for weaving."
"Cardboard loom weaving is a really nice craft and doesn't really require too many materials."
"As we weave our yarn, we weave our stories, stitch by timeless stitch."
"It's really important that you learn how to repair a broken warp."
"What Sinawali is, is the weaving of the sticks, so we're weaving our hands and we're weaving the sticks, that's what Sinawali is, it means to weave."
"I am so happy that I have the time to sit down and actually weave these because it has been on my mind for many, many months."
"This is another overshot pattern, but it is going to look a little bit different."
"I definitely would label myself as a contemporary Diné weaver in the sense of I don't really weave very set designs, very abstract, asymmetric, a lot of energy."
"Now your stocking is done, you just need to weave in your ends, fold down your cuff, and you're good to go."
"The binary nature of weaving is historically interesting to computer people."
"If you want to learn how to make this weave, then keep watching."