
Patient-centered Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"I think every patient should be able to work with their care team to determine what goals they have for themselves and what's realistic for them."
"Finally as clinicians we got to remember is we're treating people not dysfunctions these people have goals these people have dreams."
"You want a doctor who cares and listens to you, who sees you as you, not just a statistic."
"The idea that you can customize treatment based on what patients want to do rather than what the industry is telling you to do is it seems to be lost."
"Treatment goals really are tailored to each patient."
"I am here to support my patients. We make decisions together."
"Ideal healthcare is exactly what the patient needs, no more, no less, on demand, exactly as requested with no waste."
"Evidence-based practice is the integration of the best available research with clinical expertise in the context of patient characteristics, culture, and preferences."
"...we want to make sure that we're addressing the whole person and that we are being person-centered and family-centered in the approach typically."
"Ultimately medicine is about the person who has to live with the results of their treatment."
"We should treat the patient and not the number."
"That's an immense amount of information tailored to your case, and I think that teaches us that there can be no, you know, one approach that just applies to everyone."
"Healthcare doesn't happen in a doctor's office or in the hospital. Healthcare happens between visits in our own homes."
"The point of an interpretation is what the patient can make of it, not the intention of the analyst."
"The best approach to this problem is working with the patients who want and need this education."
"We're here to serve the patient, to educate the patient. We are not here to tell patients what to do."
"I will listen attentively to my patients, acknowledge their unique illness experience, and empower them to take an active role in improving their own health."
"We're just not here to reduce your bacteria; we want you to improve your day-to-day quality of life."
"A big focus is really to look at not just killing off bacteria, but to make the whole patient better in these clinical trials."
"It's certainly not a one-size-fits-all for these patients."
"Don't ever treat the paperwork, we want to treat the patient or the client."
"I'd like a more collaborative relationship with the doctor, saying, 'Hey, there's a problem, it's you and me against your problem.'"
"...certain therapies work better for individual patient dimensions, which we call transdiagnostic across diagnosis."
"...patient accounts for most of the outcome."
"The recovery model has been gaining prominence and acceptance over the last decade or so; in this model, the patient is at the center."
"Being patient-centered and holistic in the way we approach patients is becoming more and more important."
"Was the questionnaire that you're using patient-centered? Were patients actually engaged in the development of that questionnaire?"
"Putting the patient in the center is what healthcare is really about and the use of clinical decision support systems can play a major role in realizing these goals."
"It all began right here with four doctors who had a revolutionary idea to work as a unit and put the patient at center of care."
"We use the patient as the source of information, so we don't rely on healthcare professional information but we ask patients directly about their experiences."
"Integrated care just means that you coordinate the services you provide around the person that needs them."
"It's a shift in perspective from being disease-focused to being patient-focused."
"What we think is best isn't what's best for patients; it's really what patients think is best."
"It's important to incorporate patient priorities into management decisions."
"It's not about our agenda, it's about the patient's agenda."
"We're placing the patients at the center in our clinic after comprehensive medical assessment by physicians and there's a pharmacist."
"The health care team is using a patient centered approach which focuses on supporting Ella's autonomy to make informed decisions."
"I believe that patient-centered care is vital, and I have observed the way the whole team from healthcare assistants to consultants meet the need of patients."
"We utilize a patient-centered approach to care and consider our patient to be part of our team."
"Clinicians should consider the recommendations and ultimately choose the best options for the patients they are caring for based upon the individual patient's clinical status."
"The patient is the most important person and the expert in the relationship."
"I go by symptoms and I go by the patient."
"Patient care is centered around the patient."
"The patient is the repository of all information which a healthcare provider is going to come up with a medical differential diagnosis and ultimately a final diagnosis."
"All these models... started with the patient experience first."
"Our approach is centered around creating a safe and empathetic space for patients to explore their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors."