
Captain Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"He's the only other captain who could rival Davy Jones with balls and like, just courage, confidence."
"Luffy, the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and the future king of the Pirates, is at the top of the tier."
"Earth Central Command turned to the one man they knew had the experience and the grit to take the fight to the True Claws: Captain Shan Carrick."
"A captain never refuses to... Captain."
"You're my captain, Luffy, and I'm your first mate, Zoro."
"I'm black, yeah, and I worked my ass off to be the captain, and sometimes I get angry. So suck a dick, okay?"
"Rohit Sharma, the new captain after the Virat Kohli era."
"I have to give props to the captain and his team on this ship. This ice we are navigating through right now is no joke. I can't even imagine how hard this would be, navigating in between massive icebergs, and we're just plowing right through most of it."
"A great captain gets the game's greatest honor."
"Once told me that making decisions is what separates a captain from the rest of his crew."
"Having a great captain is like hiring a CEO for a company, it's probably the most important decision they will make."
"You'd make a terrible battleship captain because you're positioning the boat perfectly for bombing runs you're welcome."
"Captain performance. I'm happy for him."
"What a wonderful captain you were."
"I disagreed that, you know because I think people underestimate what a captain is to a football team."
"Captain is a title. If they replicate the serum in modern day, they give it to someone else. Boom, there you go."
"You are meant to be the captain of your own ship. You are meant to be the hero of your story."
"As Captain, my prime objective is everyone's safety aboard the vessel."
"From a leadership and a former leadership perspective, we're not gonna have a captain this year."
"The captain is a lot of fun she's very dignified very intelligent but she's also a fast talker and likes to show off."
"That's a glorious string, super shot over the top goes the captain."
"I'm going to miss getting into the captain's uniform and playing the captain because I adore him"
"Captain Torrance had enjoyed a remarkably lucky evening."
"A new dance captain joining the lineup."
"You're the captain and you're doing a great job."
"He's a great guy, awesome captain and he's full of knowledge."
"As one of the few visor captains of the 13 Gotei, Rose himself describes them as the 'dancers of death.'"
"From children's games to death games, Shinso is one of the most interesting and terrifying captains."
"...Captain Darby became known locally as well as the wild captain..."
"I want you to see yourself as a captain of your ship."
"What's going on guys, it's James Bubba Stewart, MX team captain."
"I'm not driving the ship; we're gonna leave that to Captain Capisti. I'm just up here to say hello to all of you and welcome you once again to our first back to fun cruise. Welcome aboard!"
"The team's talismanic captain returned from injury."
"I think you need a player to be a captain, 100%."
"A phenomenal Captain to lead this beautiful Crimson Fist Army."
"The famous Captain whose bravery and skill are legend."
"That's what being captain is all about."
"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking."
"Miraculously, Captain Lancaster somehow survived his horrifying ordeal."
"We're invited to go to the bridge of this ship with the captain."
"Cheers to you, Captain, and thanks to everybody out there for listening."
"You are the captain of your ship; you are the captain."
"I shall save my soul and my honor as a captain."
"Here's to the captain, what a surprise, here's to the captain, and he has to exercise."
"This is where Captain Smith was during his last evening on board the Titanic."
"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Ajira Air. This is your captain Frank J. Lapidus."
"Hello there, this is your captain speaking."
"It's a double on the night for the captain, Philippe Coutinho."
"Reach out and touch perfection, it gets no better than that for the captain of Liverpool."
"Callum McGregor is the main reason for that, man of the match and rightly so, a captain's performance."
"I love being a captain and I want to shine tonight."
"Of course this is captain's last voyage, so we will part with a smile because pirate king's crew will never cry."
"Hi folks, this is your captain speaking."
"This man, the former captain dropped a couple of years ago, he's back with a vengeance."
"The ship's Captain bid farewell to Damien."
"Down the pitch goes Tucker and he's got a great innings, Captain's Innings by Len Tucker."
"On a small boat, you get to be captain for the day and you can make your own decisions."
"He's been great again, Manchester United's skipper."