
Tectonics Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"One fixed spreading ridge, according to Daryl."
"Ours is a restless planet where mountains swell on surging tides of molten rock."
"Continents tearing themselves apart leave behind fragments of their own bodies while magma will pour out onto the surface wherever it can literally building new landforms in the middle of nowhere."
"There's no episodic uplift there... if anything, they're sinking."
"So where you have subduction, like here in Japan, you have lots of volcanoes and lots of earthquakes."
"The collision itself caused india to be under thrust underneath asia by approximately 2,000 kilometers."
"It leads to big sheets of rock piling up one on top of another and of course that gives us a huge mountain range."
"We have lots of oceanic crust all converging in this area here and this leads to a very complex tectonic situation in Southeast Asia."
"This is classic Rift Valley tectonics."
"The mariana trench is part of the pacific ring of fire, a tectonically active region where plates are colliding with each other, causing subduction."
"Plates are big chunks of the earth's crust moving in different directions."
"The North American plate is moving kind of to the southwest, mostly to the west, but a little bit to the southwest at an average speed of 3 centimeters per year."
"We're at the meeting of two major plates on Earth."
"Those plates are grinding past one another, grinding up that underlying rock and pushing it up to the surface."
"We no longer have dynamothermal metamorphic rock being created in the Appalachians, and that's because we no longer have two continents colliding."
"The Australian Alps are rising further, reactivating ancient faults and causing occasional earthquakes."
"The crust of the earth is broken up into tectonic plates that move around and change the shape of the surface of the Earth, that's called plate tectonic theory."
"The Earth's surface is covered by tectonic plates which move around relative to one another."
"We will begin on our program on plates colliding, tectonic plates colliding to make different kinds of mountain ranges."
"We have one tectonic plate that includes the continent of Australia, all this ocean crust of the Indian Ocean, and India."
"Earth's outermost shell is broken into a dozen or more plates which ride atop Earth's mantle."
"The face of Earth is continually shifting, influenced by a process called plate tectonics."
"A tectonic or tectonostratigraphic terrain is a fault-bounded geologic entity characterized by a distinctive stratigraphic sequence and/or structural history differing markedly from its adjoining neighbors."
"Scientists think this perfect split is due to tectonic motion in the plates beneath the earth."
"The slab may have risen all the way up and juxtaposed itself to the underbelly of the North American plate of accreted terrains."
"We're going to lose all this magma, we're going to get a bunch more ghost volcanoes, but we'll get a San Andreas Fault just like California has gotten a San Andreas Fault."
"You can tease out some interesting tectonic stories from a bunch of sandstone sitting in a basin."
"The vast majority of pillow basalts are formed at divergent plate boundaries."
"The business of today is to talk about the places in the Earth's surface where plates begin to separate."
"The relative motion between Pacific and North American plate... looked like the plate motion was pretty constant and it was what it is now."
"This is a seismic tectonic shift in what is possible within this story."
"The outcrops are telling a story of lifting and pulling the crust apart during the initiation of the formation of the North Atlantic."
"The passive margin rocks in northeastern Washington are showing us Australia lifting away."
"All mountains eventually erode away but tectonic action is constantly creating new mountains to replace them."
"Continental drift and collisions caused the sediments... to uplift into mountains."
"We accrete or we dock so let's see it down here, northern California and Oregon, that gets us online with this general passage of the Yellowstone hot spot."
"Italy sits at the boundary of two massive tectonic plates."
"The Earth is a dynamic system and places where these tectonic plates are moving around, we can map seismicity."
"Volcanoes usually occur where two tectonic plates run into each other."
"The mantle convection was the driving force that moved tectonic plates."
"The most powerful earthquakes occur at convergent or conservative plate boundaries."
"Folds and their associated structures like foliations are very important in revealing the tectonic processes in Earth."
"Tectonic activity caused the other 10 percent of sea level rise in recent times."
"Diverging plates, this is the sort of that Rift Valley as those plates pull apart."
"If you do thousands and thousands of earthquakes along the San Andreas Fault over the last 20 million years, you can move hundreds of miles."
"The variations suggest plate tectonics at work."
"When the planet's core cools, the surface shrinks with it, causing rifts and valleys to occur."
"It is the story of the birth of the Himalayas and of what happens when continents collide."
"We're creating and destroying the ocean crust but the continents are just these giant bumper cars that continue to cruise around."
"We have 750 million year old basalts that are now green stones that tell us when Rodinia started to break apart."
"We're actually subducting or having a spreading ridge dive beneath North America."
"Crete, like many of the world's islands, has a rich geological tale born from the complex dance of tectonic plates."
"So I’ve been very interested in how volcanoes and magnetism are related to tectonics."